Tourism Advisory Commission
Parks and Recreation Conference Room
May 20, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 4:02 pm by Chairman, Watty Brooks Hall
Members present: Watty Brooks Hall, Nancy Bassett, Polly Shipley, Shannon Byers, Shannon Izquierdo, Stacey Arnold, Tammy Piker, Tina Parmar, John Oros, Jimmy Lott (Alderman), Chip Peterson (Director of Parks) and Sheila Moody-Staff.
Members absent: Tamara Swain, Fran Persechini, Laura Todd
Guest speaker: Trena Street - Town of Collierville Public Information office
Agendas and Minutes were handed out for the meeting.
The minutes from the March meeting were approved with changes, with a motion from Nancy Bassett and 2nd by Shannon Byers.
Guest speaker Trena Street with the Town talked about the goals for the Public Information office and one of those goals is to use all sources of information to promote Collierville and to educate its citizens and visitors about Collierville. Trena requested that the committee send her different thoughts/ideas for articles and she gave several examples. The department has an email distribution list of 3000 addresses.
Shannon Byers reported that the Real Estate market is great! She also gave the Main Street report in Laura’s absence. Main Street Preservation Awards will be held on May 21 at the Morton Museum. Concert series is posted on the website. She mentioned Collierville Pennies for Preservation, Real Estate Luncheon with John Aitkens and that the Preservation Party will be held on September 13th.
Stacey reported on updates with the Carriage Crossing Mall calendar and reminded everyone about Friday night movies. Also that Mercedes Benz had there grand opening and sold five (5) cars the first week.
Polly concurred with Shannon Byers on the state of Real Estate in Collierville – multiple offers on homes as well as high prices.
Shannon Izquierdo reported that there had been no updates on the Blog.
Nancy Bassett spoke about tour groups visiting the Biblical Museum. She also mentioned that the Morton Museum will present the 70th Anniversary of D-Day exhibit on June 6 and a Flower show exhibit would be held on June 11 in honor of Beverly McCormack. The Contemporary Club had a luncheon and gave away $6,500 to local organizations; this money was raised during the Club’s Home Tours. She also announced an essay contest for 5th graders with the theme of Historic buildings.
Tina Parmar reported that business at Days Inn was good and she contributed the good business to construction workers.
John Oros reported that January was slow for Memphis on the tourism front but that February was blown out with NCAA Basketball tourney, Mike Rose Soccer action and Game Day Sports. Hotel occupancy was up for the first quarter by 15% over last year. He announced Memphis CVB’s Annual Tourism meeting would be held on June 25 at the Peabody – theme “Faces of Tourism”.
Sheila reported on the Tourism Calendar of Milestones for June & July. She presented a final copy of the Sports Tourism Brochure. She announced a new event for the Town coming in September “The Frozen Experience” – movie with two (2) screens including words, concessions with snow blowing while you place your order and a photo op/autograph session with Elsa and Anna. CAC – Symphony in the Rose Garden was a huge success with over 250 participants for the concert & 75 people for the pool side after party. She also mentioned Bye Bye Birdie – June 20 – 29. She is also working on promotional items with Watty to present at the July meeting.
Chip Petersen discussed the Hinton Park project – bids going out this week and hopefully start work on the project in August with a ribbon cutting in June or July of 2015 (weather permitting).
Tammy announced that the Cinco De Mayo open house on May 5 was a great success. She reported that business was up for The Hampton Inn by 33% over last year with business travelers, Construction workers and team (sports) business.
Alderman Jimmy Lott reported that the new Municipal Schools were taking up a lot of the Boards time. Also, that Highway 72 was scheduled for completion in November.
Watty reported that May had been their second busiest month. Also, that Town Square Antiques is looking for someone to sublet as they were going out of business.
New Business: Relay for Life, June 7 & 8.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:14pm.
Next TAC meeting to be held July 22, 2014 at 4pm.