Page Street Elementary

SIT Agenda

Oct 17, 2016

Page Street Elementary School

(adopted Dec, 2011)

Core Values: P – Partnerships with community stakeholders are


S – Success is possible for every child in the


E – Every member of the school family deserves


S – School is a place to be responsible and


Mission: Page Street Elementary is a family of learners who strives to meet the individual needs of children in a rigorous and respectful environment and, in turn, allows everyone to experience the joys of learning, self-discovery, success, and acceptance.

Vision: Page Street is a family of learners who will work collaboratively with partners in a rigorous and respectful learning environment to meet and exceed the expectations of the district and the state.


1)  Celebrations-5th grade loved Starbase! 3rd grade Interventions are going really well!

2)  Indistar with Dr. James and Ms. Steed-Dr. James shared with the SIT Team how to use Indistar. The team will create tasks based on the Deployment Plan.

a.  Create tasks

b.  Check standards

3)  Review of SIT plan – where are we now; what have we accomplished-SIT Team reviewed SIP plan so far and discussed what is working so far and things that need to be changed. Mrs. Castelli will bring SIP plan to faculty meeting for all teachers to review and give feedback.

4)  Interventions – Support/data being used

5)  MTSS –

a.  Tier I Reading Complete – Brie helped us complete this. Some students need to be moved on to Tier 2.

b.  Tier I Math during Oct 18 PLCs-Teachers will need to bring math tasks and iReady data

c.  Refer students needing Behavior Support to Ms. Blackmon, need to meet

6)  Schedule Standards Mastery Assessment

7)  Progress Monitoring-Thank you Bev for sending out reminders!

8)  Fast Math update-There is little participation compared to other schools. This could be done as Morning Work 2 or 3 days a week.

9)  PBIS notes – celebrations/brag tags-Will have the store at the end of this 9 weeks. Make sure you are continuously using these to reinforce positive behavior. These are on the G Drive in case you need more.

10) Additional Comments/Questions