President: Dave Simmons Treasurer: Joe Wilson

1st Vice-President: Mitch Carte Sgt at Arms:Randall Fernandez

2nd Vice-President: Cecilio Basares Sgt at Arms John Jones
Secretary: Ivan Freeland At Large Director: Bill McDonald Chaplain Roger Campbell AVVA State President: Connie Jones

West Virginia State Council
Regular Meeting on March 17, 2013
Fayetteville, WV.

Meeting called to order by President Simmons at 10:00 a.m.

Opening Prayer:Jerry Long, Chaplain Ch 1072

Pledge of Allegiance led by Sgt. at Arms John Jones

Moment of Silence for our POW/MIA's led by Sgt. at Arms John Jones

A Prayer list was started bythe President, and names were added by all chapters’delegates.

Introduction of Guests:National Vice-President Fred Elliott, Region 5 Director Sandy Wilson, Buckeye State President Tom Burke, Mokie Porter, Public Relations Director, Past Region Three Director Bruce Whitaker, AVVA National President Nancy Switzer

Roll Call of Officer: Treasurer Joe Wilson excused, At- large Director Bill McDonald, absent, Chaplain Roger Campbell, Absent

Roll Call of Chapters: 37[X], 306[X], 308[A], 628[X], 812[A], 860[X], 874[X], 906[A], 949[X], 977[X], 985[X], 1055[A], 1072 [X] and 1074[A]

Previous Minutes: Approved as written and posted by E-MAIL


Treasurer's Report: President Simmonsgave the Treasurer’s report Officer Report:

President Simmons gave the delegates his report regarding his activities.

1st Vice President Carte gave the delegates his report regarding his activities.

2nd Vice President (BeBe) Bezares gave the delegates his report regarding his activities.

Secretary Freeland No Report

Committee Reports


Pow/Mia: Report Public Affairs: Minority Affairs:Given

Women Veterans: Government Affairs: Constitution: Agent Orange: Given Veterans Affairs: Report Given Veterans Benefits: Given

Veterans Incarcerated: Given Employment Opportunities: Finance: Report Given Community Service: Veterans Health Care:

Reports of Special Committees

A)VAVS ReportChapter 306 Gary Burch reported to the delegate on how many hours on volunteer’s have in the State and the State has 1750 hours.

B)Service OfficerReport : Chief Service Officer gave the report on all hours he has worked on claims for Veterans. .

AVVA Report:

AVVA State President Connie Jones: Talked to the delegates about she had done in the last four months.

Old Business

A)President Simmons talked to the delegates about all the work the State Council has done with the UMWA.

B)President Simmons talked to the delegates about the 2012 National Leadership Conference.

New Business

A)President Simmons was going to presentation of Charter to the new Chapter 1074.

B)2nd Vice President Cecilio (BeBe) Bezares gave the delegates on the WVSC Mobile Wall and the Wall book. April 30 will be the cut off on the ads for the book so we can work on getting it publish.

C)President Simmons talked to the delegates about how to write a change in the Resolution for the National Convention is on March 25, 2013

D)President Simmons talked to the delegates about the Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day March 30, 2013. On the guest speakers UMWA President Cecil Roberts, WV State Senator Jeff Kessler and on the band.

E)President Simmons talked to the about our up and coming National Convention in Jacksonville Florida on August 13-17 2013.

F)President talked to the delegates that it is time for our 990-N, 990-EZ and Financial Report due on June 15,2013.

Chapter Report Chapters Report were handed in to be put on WVSC web page

Good to the Council

We will break and start the Faces of Agent Orange Town hall Meeting

Region Three Conference April 11-14, 2012 Annapolis Md.

Double Tree * 210 Holiday Court

VVA National Convention Aug. 8-13, 2013 Jacksonville, Fl.

VVA National Leadership Conference Aug 6, 2014 Wichita, Kansas

VVA National Convention July 21-25 2015 Hilton, Springfield Illinois

NEXT MEETING June 9,2013 Flatwoods, WV. AT 11: OO AM

Meeting adjourned at 12:50pm.
Minutes taken by: WVSC Secretary Ivan Freeland

WVSC President:
WVSCSecretary: Ivan Freeland ______

Cc: File
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