
1. Write this work out putting in the missing capital letters.

wesley was bored in the summer holiday. he planted some seeds. the seeds grew into plants. he ate the fruit. wesley made things from the plants.


2. Put question marks at the end of the questions and full stops at the end of the other sentences.

Wesley called his new world Weslandia

Can I have some sun tan lotion

He was sad at the end of the summer

How much do the hats cost

Would you like to play

He had never seen plants like that before

3. Write down at least 3 questions that you would like to ask Wesley. Remember your capital letters and question marks.



1. Write this work out putting in the missing punctuation. Join some of the sentences with connectives.

wesley was bored in the summer holiday. he planted some seeds. the seeds grew into plants. he ate the fruit. wesley made things from different parts of the plants. he made lots of friends. he was sad to go back to school.


2. Write these sentences out again. Put in capital letters, question marks at the end of the questions, and full stops or exclamation marks at the end of the other sentences.

wesley called his new world weslandia


can I have some sun tan lotion


he was sad at the end of the summer


how much do the hats cost


the other children were amazed


he had never seen plants like that before


3. Change the boring words which are underlined into exciting words! Write the new word by the side.

“Hello,” said Wesley. _______________________________

The fruit tasted nice. _______________________________

The plants were big. _______________________________

The flowers looked nice. _______________________________



1. Write this work out putting in the missing punctuation. Join some of the sentences with connectives.

wesley was bored in the summer holiday. i know what to do! he said. he planted some seeds. the seeds grew into plants. he ate the fruit. wesley made things from the bark stem leaves roots and tubers. he made lots of friends. he was sad to go back to school.


2. Write these sentences out again. Change them so that the sentence starts with the part which says where it happened.

Wesley was miserable at school.


He ploughed the earth so seeds would grow in his garden.


3. Write these sentences out again. Change them so that the sentence starts with the part which says when it happened.

Wesley was miserable on the last week of term.


The wind blew seeds onto the bare earth that night.


4. Write these sentences out again. Change them so that the sentence starts with the part which says how it happened.

Wesley sighed unhappily.


The wind softly blew seeds onto the bare earth that night.


Wesley reluctantly let the other children join in his games.




1. Change the boring words which are underlined into exciting words! Write the new word by the side.

“Hello,” said Wesley. _______________________________

The fruit tasted nice. _______________________________

The plants were big. _______________________________

The flowers looked lovely. _______________________________

2. Write these sentences out again. Change them so that the sentence starts with the part which says where it happened.

Wesley was miserable at school.


He ploughed the earth so seeds would grow in his garden.


He sold his products to the other children outside his house.


3. Write these sentences out again. Change them so that the sentence starts with the part which says when it happened.

Wesley was miserable on the last week of term.


The wind blew seeds onto the bare earth that night.


Wesley liked to play the flute in the evening.


4. Write these sentences out again. Change them so that the sentence starts with the part which says how it happened.

Wesley sighed unhappily.


The wind softly blew seeds onto the bare earth that night.


Wesley reluctantly let the other children join in his games.




1. Write these sentences out again. Change them so that the sentence starts with the part which says where it happened.

Wesley was miserable at school.


He ploughed the earth so seeds would grow in his garden.


He sold his products to the other children outside his house.


2. Write these sentences out again. Change them so that the sentence starts with the part which says when it happened.

Wesley was miserable on the last week of term.


The wind blew seeds onto the bare earth that night.


Wesley liked to play the flute in the evening.


3. Write these sentences out again. Change them so that the sentence starts with the part which says how it happened.

Wesley sighed unhappily.


The wind softly blew seeds onto the bare earth that night.


Wesley reluctantly let the other children join in his games.


3. Re-write this boring paragraph to make it more exciting. Remember your VCOP!

Wesley disliked his town. He did not like pizza or football. “I think those things are boring,” he said. He woke up at the start of the summer holiday and decided to make his own civilization. He ploughed the garden until he was tired. The wind blew seeds onto the ground that night. Plants started to grow.




