Computing Science National 5 Checklist

Below is a list of key words and terms that you need to be confident in understanding and using for your National 5 test. Most of these links are to the BBC Bitesize website which give you a good run down of the key aspects. You should make sure you are confident with the key aspects of each before you tick them off. You can always gain more information about each of these through internet searches and asking your class teacher. Remember this is not an extensive list but you will find very useful for your prelim revision.

Topic / Example / Check
Binary / Converting Binary to decimal and vice versa e.g 1111 = 15
Data Types / Able to identify different data types such string, integer, Boolean and describe how and where they might be used.
Coding / If statements – conditional statements if then ….
Coding / Complex Conditional statements – if …. And …..
Coding / Conditional Loops
Coding / Input Validation algorithms
Coding / Readable code
Coding / Testing
Coding / Errors
Web / Browsers & Search Engines
Web / Websites
Hardware / Control Unit – 2nd Resource
Hardware / CPU - 2nd Resource
Hardware / ALU - 2nd Resource
Hardware / Registers - 2nd Resource
Hardware / Memory - 2nd Resource
Hardware / RAM - 2nd Resource
Hardware / ROM
Data Storage / File types & Compression
Computer Security / Computer Security precautions
Networks / Switches/Hubs
Networks / Wired/Wireless
Data Storage / Backing Storage
Computer Security / Laws
Computer Security / Keylogging
Computer Security / Malware
Computer Securtiy / Gaining access
Coding / Compilers
Coding / Assemblers
Coding / Translator
Coding / Machine Code
Coding / High Level Language
Coding / Low level Language
Web / Page Design/Purpose
Web / HTML
Web / File formats
Web / Interfaces – Good and Bad examples
Web / Hyperlink
Database / Data types
Database / Primary Key
Database / Sorting
Database / Searching
Database / Flat File
Database / Hierarchical
Database / Validation
Coding / Predefined function – program code that has been saved for later use, such as RND to generate a random number.
Coding / Pseudocode
Data Storage / Calculating data storage
Data Storage / Units of Storage – bits, bytes, kilobytes……
Data Storage / Converting between units – 8 bits = 1 byte……..
Data Storage / Arrays
Networks / WAN/LAN
Networks / Client Server
Networks / Peer to Peer
Hardware / Databus
Hardware / Addressbus
Hardware / Word Size
Hardware / Fetch Execute Cycle
Coding / Software Dev Environments – you should be able to identify different environments and their advantages and disadvantages
Coding / Understand Javascript and how it works
Coding / Scripting Languages
Web / Browsers names
Web / Browsers Features

Another useful revision site