Outcome Based Education (OBE)


B.Pharm Semester I

Fundamentals of Pharmaceutics (2PH111)


  1. In depth knowledge of pharmacy
  2. Analytical/ bio statistical capability for problem solving
  3. Designing and executing pharmaceutical problems
  4. Use of modern instruments and soft wares
  5. Professional ethics and practices
  6. Communication, Team work and leader ship
  7. Capability of managing healthcare issues
  8. Critical thinking


No. / Program Educational Objectives
PEO1 / Knowledge of the scope of pharmacist and understand the responsibilities and functions of pharmacist.
PEO2 / Development of understanding of various subjects related to pharmaceutical sciences.
PEO3 / Hands on experience of various techniques, instrumentation and softwares.
PEO4 / Ability to analyze, interpret, write and express the data scientifically.
PEO5 / Have highest standards of professional ethics and moral values.
PEO6 / Have good research attitude and meet global demands.


No. / Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able
PLO1 / To understand basic concepts of Pharmaceutical Sciences
PLO2 / To acquire technical expertise and in-depth knowledge of pharmacy profession
PLO3 / To analyze regulatory, legal and ethical issues related to pharmaceutical industries
PLO4 / To acquire hand-on training on pharmaceutical instruments, equipment, software
PLO5 / To work has paramedical team member for health care management
PLO6 / To explore opportunities for higher studies and research
PLO7 / To know the scope of pharmacist and understand the responsibilities and functions of pharmacist as a community and industrial pharmacist
PLO8 / To develop higher standards of professional ethics and moral values

Checklist for Programme Learning Outcomes

Programme Outcome Characteristics / Yes / No
Our programme outcomes(PO) are aligned with our PEO andgoals / Yes
Our POare relevant toour discipline / Yes
Our POclearly indicatethe level andtype of competence that is required of graduates of our program / Yes
Our POare written clearly, precisely(just the right level of detail) and unambiguoususing action verbs / Yes
Our POare measurable / Yes
Our PO canbe measured by more than one assessment method / Yes
We havethe resourcestoconduct the necessarymeasurements of out PO / Yes
Our PO are for our program not a specificcourse / Yes
Our PO canbe understood by our undergraduatestudents; they are simple, focused statements not a bundle ofdifferent things / Yes
Our PO describeintended programme outcomes, not actual outcomes. / Yes
Our PO describelearning resultsand not the learning process / Yes
We havethe resourcesand capabilitiesin our program tosuccessfullypursue our programme outcomes / Yes

Thoughts onRevisionsofProgramme Outcomes:

Mapping of Course Learning Outcomes of B. Pharm. Sem I with Programme Learning Outcomes

Fundamental of Pharmaceutics (2PH111)


Student will be able to:

  • Perform the basic calculations involved in pharmaceutical operations.
  • Understand the parameters like Reynolds' number, viscosity, surface tension, HLB value, etc.
  • Evaluate various rheometers for viscosity measurement, surface tension measurement, types and concentration of surfactants for formulation of stable suspensions & emulsions.

PLO1 / PLO2 / PLO3 / PLO4 / PLO5 / PLO6 / PLO7 / PLO8
CLO1 /  /  /  / 
CLO2 /  /  /  / 
CLO3 /  /  /  / 

Method of Assessment

CurriculumMapofProgramme Learning Outcomes (expandor shrink as needed)

Name / PLO1 / PLO2 / PLO3 / PLO4 / PLO5 / PLO6 / PLO7 / PLO8
FOP / Class Tests / Lab Exam / Assignments / Lab Exam / End Semester Exam

List of Possible Assessment Methods:

Direct Methods

End Semester Examination

Class Tests: Online (MCQ), Short Answer

Lab Exam

Class Presentations

Assignments / Tutorials

Projects / Group Activities

Simulation / Animations / Model / Chart Making

Case Study

Indirect Methods

Surveys (Employer, Faculty, etc.)

Interviews by Industry Experts

Feedback by the Stakeholders

Competitive Exams



B.Pharm Sem I

Rubric for Evaluation of students for

Practical of Fundamentals of Pharmaceutics (2PH111)


  1. Fundamental Concepts of basic pharmaceutical processes

Indicators: Concept of unit operations, unit process, unit systems, stoichiometry, dimensional analysis, conversion factors etc.

  1. Technical expertise in transition of theoretical knowledge into practical format

Indicators: Knowledge related to working principle of manometers, ejector pump, viscometers, material balance, energy balance, surface tension and interfacial tension phenomena etc.

  1. Instrument/equipment handling in performing experimental tasks

Indicator: Expertise in handling instruments like manometers, orifice meter, venturimeter, ejector pumps, viscometers, stalagmometer, travelling microscope, etc

  1. Ability to correlated pharmaceutical concept with engineering principles

Indicator: Understanding of correlation of unit operations, unit process, stoichiometry, material balance, energy balance, mathematical equations, dimensional formula etc. with pharmaceutical processes.

  1. Report writing and regularity in experiments:

Indicator: Regular in working in all experiments, regular report writing, writing, drawing and presentation skills

Indicator / Level -1
(Excellent) / Level -2
(Good) / Level -3
(Average) / Level -4
Fundamental Concepts of basic pharmaceutical processes / Distinct knowledge of basic concepts and general principles / Clear understanding of basic concepts / Partial understanding of basic concepts / Poor understanding of basic concepts and needs to improve
Technical expertise in transition of theoretical knowledge into practical format / Able to exploit diversified technical information practically / Good ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practicals / Partial ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practicals and good practical hands / Poor ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practicals and no technical knowledge about the practicals
Instrument/equipment Handling in performing experimental tasks / Clear about the principle, construction and operation of the instrument and also knows other applications of the instrument / Good clarity about principle, construction and operation of the instrument / Able to operate the instrument mechanically but not clear about the principle of working / Unable to operate the instrument properly
Ability to correlate pharmaceutical concept with engineering principle / Excellent in correlating pharmaceutical concept with engineering principle and can develope the creative idea / Good in correlating pharmaceutical concept with engineering principle / Correlate few concepts with engineering principle / No clarity about the correlation
Report Writing and regularity in practicals / Attended all practiclas;
very neat report with excellent writing, presenting and drawing skills / absent in 1 or 2 practicals; Aceeptable writing, drawing and presenting skills / absent in 3 or 4 practicals; average writing and understanding skills, drawing and presentation not up to the mark / very poor attendance in practicals; poor writing and weak in drawing and presenting skills