Mr. Ennis
Bacon Academy 5 CORE VALUES: Respect, Responsibility, Achievement, Safety and Compassion
Course Overview:
Welcome to Integrated Science. In this course we will focus on several fundamental skills for science including organization, writing, mathematical reasoning, laboratory investigation and experimental analysis. In addition we will cover topics including, but not limited to, the following: sustainability, energy, ecology, chemistry, electricity, magnetism, and recycling. There will be a focus on scientific reasoning as well as understanding how these themes interact with technology and society.
We will be using a comprehensive approach to apply everyday problems in our curriculum. This year you will have the opportunity to create a town and then determine how your town will deal with many different “problems” based on our scientific topics of discussion. This will give you the opportunity to apply science in meaningful ways. Be creative and inquisitive! It is going to be a great year.
Questions / AnswersSeating arrangement
Assigned seats? /
- seat is assigned, but change quarterly
- take assigned seat daily
Prepared for class with class materials
What are essential class materials
Procedure for sharpening pencils /
- required daily: notebook/binder
- pen, pencil, calculator
- sharpening allowed when teacher is NOT talking
- Come to class prepared everyday
- textbook stays at home
- It is your responsibility to take care of and protect your text book. You will be required to return it at the end of the year or pay for it if it is lost, stolen, ruined, etc.
Behavior for entering the classroom
Where should I place personal
Can I use personal devices in class? /
- do not visit – copy bell work an beginning working on your own
- ***Do not bring ANY of the following to class. See BA handbook for details:
- cell phone
- electronic games
These do not belong in science class where you need to pay attention, learn the vocabulary and participate in the class activities. It is a sign of disrespect. Any of the above items will be confiscated and taken to the office if seen. If the problem continues, detentions and/or referrals will be issued. BA is also not responsible for loss, theft or damage of any of these personal devices
* Notebook /
- required in class DAILY
- take home to review nightly as part of your MANDATORY science homework
- write neatly and take careful notes
# Homework
- You are expected to do at least 1/2 hour of science per night
- YOU must access/print SQ3R packet from wiki page
- It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to complete it properly.
- Due COMPLETED at the appropriate time:
- No Late Work Accepted
- If “RELATE” section left blank = automatic 0 on entire SQ3R packet
- Since you have ample time to complete your HW, DO NOT expect to be excused from turning in the SQ3R if you are absent. However, extenuating circumstances may be considered.
- The BA library has extended hours, therefore you have computer access. Computer access is also available at Cragin Library.
- Other homework assignments may be given with specific instructions
What to do when you are absent
Getting work & notes you missed
Policy for making up work /
- attendance taken daily – BE ON TIME!
- According to the BA handbook: 1 tardy = warning, 2nd tardy = teacher detention; 3+ tardies = office referral
- You are responsible to get notes/make up work when absent
- The student must arrange make up with the teacher
- You have five days of school to make up with before it becomes a zero. (See BA Handbook)
Knowing the schedule for class
Agenda on board /
- syllabus @
Classroom behavior
How should I behave in class? /
- Be respectful at all times of people and materials
- Stay seated (no shooting baskets with paper, etc.)
- Be aware of surroundings (especially during labs)
- No horseplay, swearing, inappropriate jokes, etc.
- Raise hand for help or to ask a question
- Be polite – listen to others (no side conversations)
- Bring an appropriate pleasure reading book/magazine to class daily to read when you have completed your work but not as a substitute for avoiding your class work
What is the grading policy? /
- Grades will be calculated using a percentage system:
- Homework – 20%
- Tests/Quizzes – 40%
- Labs/Projects – 30%
- Class Work – 10%
- Quizzes will be given every week (unless otherwise noted) / 1-99 points
- Tests will occur approx. every 2 weeks / 70 – 150 points
- Projects / 50 – 500 points / 1 grade off for every day late
- No late HOMEWORK or BELL WORK will be accepted!
- SQ3R HW / other HW / points will vary
- Labs / 50 – 100 points / 1 grade off for every day late
- Bell work will be collected / 10 points per completed bell work sheet
- Class participation and preparedness will factor into your overall grade
Misc. Information /
- Extra help is always available – Please come see me with questions, concerns, etc…
- No leaving class to print documents – they are expected on time at the beginning of class
- Name and date on all paper/notes
- Cheating will NOT be tolerated! (see BA handbook for plagiarism policy)
- Safety equipment must be worn as directed – subject to removal from class and 0 on class work (See Safety Rules)
- No eating/drinking except plain water
- Bathroom – Quarter pass will be given to each student – you MUST have your pass with you
- Nurse – teacher pass is needed
- Guidance/social worker/office – go during study hall, lunch, before/after school, not during class
- You will not be allowed to go to your locker
- Fire drills and lockdown procedures will be explained
Contact Information:
Mr. Ennis’s email address:
BaconAcademy phone #: 537-2378
Have a great year!
Mr. Ennis
We have read and understand the
for the 2011 – 2012 school year. In addition please check all of the following that apply to you.
___ The student has successfully downloaded the required assignment and I give permission for the use of the Bacon Science website.
___ The student has access at home to a computer with a printer, which can be used to download and print class activities, lab reports, documents, etc. The student also has access to the internet and from home.
___ The student does NOT have computer access at home, and therefore cannot download or print any information from home. However, I understand that the student can use the computers at the school and town libraries to access any necessary information, and agree to utilization of these resources.
Student’s printed name Student’s signature
Parent’s/Guardian’s printed name Parent’s/Guardian’s signature
I may need to contact you during the school day. Please provide the following information. If there are changes, please notify teacher as soon as possible to facilitate ongoing communication.
Parent’s/Guardian’s daytime phone number (+ extension if applicable)
Parent’s/Guardian’s email address
This signed agreement and a printed copy of the Bulletin is due in class and is worth 20 points. See Teacher for due date. No points will be awarded for late agreements, but the signed agreement is still expected to be turned in ASAP.