GirlGuidelinesGirl Scout BronzeAward

Girl Scout BronzeAward Final Report

Girl Scouts San Diego

The Girl Scout Bronze Award can be earned by all registered Girl Scout Juniors in grades 4-5.

The award must be completed by September 30 of the year the girl enters grade 6.

Each girl should complete her own report.

Remember to make a copy for your advisor and for yourself as your original will not be returned.

Submit this Bronze Award Report to Girl Scouts San Diego, 1231 Upas Street, San Diego,

CA 92103-5199.



Name: / Phone1:() Phone2:()
MailingAddress: / City: Zip:
E-mail: / Troop/GroupNumber:
Age:Grade: / NameofSchool:
Leader'sName: / Phone:()
GirlScoutBronzeAwardProjectAdvisor(optional): / Phone: ()
ProjectAdvisor’se-mail: / ProjectAdvisor’sareaofexpertise:

StepI: GirlScoutJuniorJourney

Remember to complete all Journey requirements, including the associated badges and take action project before starting your Bronze Award project.

TitleofcompletedJuniorJourneybook / Datecompleted / Troop/groupvolunteer’ssignature

StepII:BuildyourGirl Scout Junior Bronze Award Team

Pleaselistyourteammatesbelow.(TeammatesareanyJunioragegirlswhohelpedtoplanandimplementthis project.)

GirlGuidelinesGirl Scout BronzeAward

Step III: CommunityExploration


  1. Did your team complete the observation chart?□ Yes□ No
  2. Did you reach out to community organizations while you were researching your project?□ Yes□ No

Step IV: Choose Your Bronze Award Project

Please include a copy of your Project Idea Chart,which can be found on page 13 of the Bronze Award Girl


Project Title / Project startdate / Project completion date


A.What problem/issue does your project address?
B. Why does your project matter?
C.Who does your project help?
D. How does or could your project make a sustainable difference?

How did you gather information about your project? (Talk to different people, read the newspaper and magazine articles, researching online or in the library, etc)

GirlGuidelinesGirl Scout BronzeAward

Howdidyoucoveryourexpenses foryourproject?Using thechart below,include allincomeand expenses.Ifyouusedtroopfunds,includealettersignedbythetroopagreeingtothisusage.Ifyoudid amoney-earningproject tocoverexpenses,includeacopyof thetroopmoney-earningformwhichhas been approved by the appropriate persons.
Item / Purchased or
Donated? / If donated, by whom? / Value of
Goods/Services / Date of purchase/receipt

Step V: Make a Plan

Please include a copyofyourProject Planning Chart, which can be found on page 14 of the Bronze Award Girl Guidelines.

A. Whatwasthe goal of theproject?

B. Howdid each team member help tomake the project successful?

C. What didyou learn onyour Girl Scout Journeythat helped make the project run smoothly?

Step VI: PutyourPlan inMotion

Number of Planning Hours Number of Project Hours

(Girl Scouts USA suggests that a Bronze Award Projectshould take 20 hours to complete not including the time needed to complete a Girl Scout Junior Journey.)

Briefly describe your project.

GirlGuidelinesGirl Scout BronzeAward

Step VII: Spread the Word

A. What didyou discover aboutyourself from this experience?
B. What problems came up? Howdidyou solve them?
C. What leadership skills didyou use?
D. Howdo you think you and your team have made the world a better place?

NOTE: All Girl Scout Bronze Award Project final reports must be reviewed and approved by the troop/groupleader before being submitting to council.

Girl’s SignatureDate Completed

Leader SignatureDate

Project Advisor Signature(optional)Date

Submit this Bronze AwardFinal Report to:

Girl Scouts, San Diego

1231Upas Street

San Diego, CA 92103-5199

Attn: Program Specialist, Stephanie Dawes