Article I. Name
A.The name of the organization shall be the Lake Park Elementary ParentTeacher
Organization (P.T.O.)
Article II. Purpose
a.To promote the welfare of children and youth in the home, school and
b.To promote positive relationships and effective communications between
parents, teachers, and administration through shared activities.
c.To provide activities which enrich the education of the students.
d.To promote school spirit by encouraging cooperative efforts.
e.To express concern that adequate laws and policies for the care and
protections of children and youth are enacted.
f.To provide resources to enhance the educational and social environment at
Lake Park.
g.To foster and further the highest educational opportunities for the children of
Lake Park School.
h.To maintain a financially viable organization.
Article III. Polices
A.The programs and projects of this organization shall be directed toward
promoting an atmosphere conducive to learning.
B.This organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
C.This organization shall not seek to direct the administrative activities of the
school or to control its policies.
D.This organization may cooperate with other organization and agencies active
in child welfare, such as conference groups or coordinating councils, provided
they make no commitments that bind their member groups.
E.Transparency in operations of committees and sub-committees in regards to
accounting and event planning. Chairpersons of sub-committees must present
to the Board all planned expenditures for an event.
Article IV Membership and dues
a.Any parent, teacher or interested person willing to uphold the P.T.O. policies
and subscribe to its bylaws, may become a member.
b.There shall be no annual dues.
Article V. Officers and their elections
A. The officers of the Executive Board shall be a President, a Vice President, a
Secretary, a Treasurer, a Communications & Membership Coordinator, a Special
Events Coordinator, and up to two (2) optional General Officer positions, a School
Principal, a teacher Representative, and a Past President acting as consultant to the
Board. Other than the President, VicePresident, Secretary, Treasurer,
Communications & Membership Coordinator,Special Events Coordinator, School
Principal, and Teacher Representative it willbe the option of the incoming board each
year as to the decision to fill the PastPresident Consultant and optional Officer
Positions. Other than Principal,Past-President, and Teacher Representative, officers
including President, VicePresident, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications &
Membership Coordinator, andSpecial Events Coordinator, shall be elected by ballot
or a show of hands at ageneral meeting. An announcement is to be sent out to all
parents listing openPTO Executive Board seats and PTO positions two weeks before
general meetingfor voting. The persons elected to the PTO Executive Board
positions will serveon the Board for a minimum of two (2) years. Once those two
years haveexpired; the current position holder may request to hold that position again
thefollowing year by submitting a verbal request to the Executive Board. Persons
elected to any PTO Executive Board position may only serve for a maximum of
three (3) consecutive years in the same position. Once the three (3) year term has
expired, that position will need to be announced as open and an election by ballot
or a show of hands must take place at a general meeting. The current position
holder may elect to run for reelection of their current position after serving a three
(3) year term, but may only serve on the PTO Executive Board in that same
position for an additional one (1) year period and must be reelected into that same
positionannually thereafter, if they desire to maintain their current position.
A.A nominating committee or current member of the PTO Executive
Board shall announce the open seat at the general meeting one month
prior to the election.
B.The nominating committee or member of the Executive PTO Board
shall distribute school-wide communication seeking interested
candidates to come forward to be nominated for election. Requests for
candidates should be distributed at least two weeks prior to the time
the nominating committee will present nominations to the general
C.A vacancy occurring in the office of President shall be filled by the
Vice President. Vacancies occurring in all other offices shall be filled
by a vote of the general membership at its next general meeting.
D.Interested candidates must have at least 20 PTO volunteer hours and
have attended at least 50% General Meetings.
E.If a PTO Executive Board position or PTO position opens up within
one (1) month of being filled, the person with the next highest votes
shall be offered the position.
Article VI. Duties of officers
A.The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization, and of the
Executive Board, shall be a member, ex-officio of all committees and shall
perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office.
B.The Vice-President shall act as assistant to the President and shall perform all
duties of the President in the absence of that officer.
C.The Secretary shall keep a correct record of all meetings of the organization
and of the Executive Board meetings, shall notify all members of upcoming
meetings, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated.
D.The treasurer shall receive all monies of the organization, shall keep an
accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and shall pay out funds only as
authorized. The Treasurer shall present a written statement of account at
every Executive Board and general meeting, or when requested by the
Executive Board, and shall make a full report at the annual meeting. Two
signatures should be on file at the bank, those two signatures are required on all
PTO checks. The financial records of the P.T.O. are to be audited on a yearly
basis by the current accountant or Audit Committee.
E. The Communication & Membership Coordinator shall assist with and coordinate
communications forcommittees as designated by the board, shall oversee and
coordinate membershipinformation and perform such other duties as delegated.
F. The Special Events Coordinator shall oversee and coordinate all special events
committees as designated by the board and perform such other duties as delegated.
G.The Teacher Representative shall be the general voice of option of all teachers
throughout the school. Including but notlimited to, special teacher purchase
requests. This position will be an elected position by ballotprior to the first PTO
ExecutiveBoard meeting of the new school year. Only thoseteachers currently
contracted to Lake Park Elementary school areeligible to run for this position and to
vote on this position. This position will be voted on annually.
H.The Principal will assist the President and Board Members to provide a well managed
Schoolinallfacetsof education.
Article VII. General Meeting
A.General meetings of the organization, with time and date published, shall be
held monthly, except for December, during the school year. Election of
officers shall be at a pre-announced meeting once that seat opens up, with the
induction of new officers taking place at the following PTO meeting.
B.The privilege of holding office, making motions, debating and voting shall be
limited to members of the organization.
C.Discussions from the floor on any one motion will be limited, not to exceed
two minutes per member upon due recognition from the Chairperson. Total
discussion time shall not exceed 15 minutes for any one motion, at which time
the President shall close the discussion and put the motion to a vote.
of the year.
D. A simple majority of members present shall constitute a quorum.
E. The annual budget shall be passed by a 2/3 vote at the first general meeting of
the year.
Article VIII. Executive Board
A.The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the Organization. The
Principal of the school, the Teacher Representative, and the Immediate
Past President of the PTO shall be ex-officio
members. The members of the Executive Board serve until their successors
are elected or appointed. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings,
without valid cause, shall constitute a resignation of any Executive Board
B.The duties of the Executive Board shall be:
1.To determine the agenda of the general meeting.
2.To recommend programs and procedures to the membership
3.To discretionarily approve expenditures within the limits’ of the
budget, any expenditure greater than $500.00 must be approved
by the three officers.
4.To transact necessary business in the intervals between the regular
meetings and such other business as may be required.
5.To present a report at the general meetings.
6.To appoint a Historian when deemed necessary by the board, at the
discretion of the board,at the last general meeting of the school year to serve
on the Board for a one (1) year term only, for the following school year.
C.Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held regularly during the schoolyear.
D.The Executive Board shall agree to carry over a dollar amount of $5000 at the
end of each school year. Therefore beginning the new school year with a
minimum of $5000.
Article IX. Committees
A.Committees shall be created by the Executive Board and the General
Membership, as may be required to promote the objectives and interest of the
organization. Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
B.The Chairperson of all committees shall be responsible to the ExecutiveBoard.
C.Each committee will have its own sub-line item on the Budget sheet. Any
expenditures over the budgeted amount must be approved by three Executive Board
Article XII Amendments
A Bylaws shall be reviewed and revised as necessary by the Executive Board
annually. These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the membership present at a
general meeting; provided the proposed revisions are published at least two weeks
beforethat meeting.
Article XIII Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern whenever applicable.