/ Recruitment Announcement(updated: June, 2014)
by: Marco Fiala,NicoletaGherghina
Bachelor of Science in
Agriculture and Food Technology Sciences
Started, coordinated and supervised by the Facultyof Agriculture of Milan - UniMI /


Academic Year: 2014-2015

1 - Available Positions

The University of Makeni is accepting applications to join its teaching staff for the above academic year. The following position/s is/are available:

YR / SEM / Professional
FORMATIVE TARGETS / This course provides exhaustive information on the structure, physiology, biochemistry, genetics and effects of microorganisms in natural environments, in particular their role in the biogeochemical cycles and in the associations with other microorganisms, plants and animals.
ACQUIRED COMPETENCE / It covers some important microbial applications in Agriculture, Food and the Environment, so that the student can acquire the fundamental tools to build a better career.
CURRICULUM’S SUMMARY / Cell morphology, cytology and microbiological techniques. Evolutionary relationships among prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archea) and with Eukarya. Bacterial morphology. Morphology, physiology, ecology and taxonomy of Fungi. Prokaryotic cell structure: wall, surface structures, cytoplasmatic membrane, ribosome, inclusions, genome (chromosome, plasmides and transposons). Endospore: structure and formation. Microbial nutrition. Microbial growth: definition, measurements, continuous culture; environmental conditions and microbial growth. Physical and chemical antimicrobial control.
Microbial metabolism. Energetic metabolism. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration of organic compounds. Chemiolitotrophy. Main fermentations. Bacterial photosynthesis. Nitrogen fixation.
Microbial ecology: Biogeochemical cycles. Associations among microorganisms, with plants (mycorrhizae, actinorhizae and rhizobes), and with animals (rumen, intestinal tract).
Environmental microbiology: composting process, bioenergy production (methane and hydrogen), wastewater treatment, bioremediation of contaminated sites, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR).
Laboratory course outline. Basic aseptic techniques. Streak-plate techniques spread and pour plating, plate counts, and isolation to obtain pure cultures. Optical observations of wet mount preparations. Antibiograms.

2 - Procedure for submitting the application

The candidates interested in this teaching activity/these teaching activities should apply by submitting.

  1. the specific Application Form(see below);
  2. a Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum- exclusively written according to a fixed formthat should not exceed two pages (see below) - attesting the teaching experience in the field of the matter/s mentioned in thisRecruitment Announcement.

The applications and any questions about joining the University of Makenishould be directed by e-mail toMd. Veronica r. Kamara, the Director of Human Resources of the University of Makeni() as well as to Mrs. NicoletaGherghina, representative of the University of Milan ().

2 - Application deadline

The application deadline is: July 31, 2014.

3 - Requirements

The position requires both:

  • university training in a relevant discipline;
  • solid experience evidenced by publications.

4 - Obligations

The lecturer appointed by the University of Makeni has the following obligations:

  • Hold at the Faculty of Agriculture, at Makeni, during the semester foreseen, the lectures/practical activities indicated in the Degree Syllabus for the course entrusted to him/her; the possibility that the teachings are carried out in part or totally through computerized systems is not excluded;
  • Establish appropriate forms of contact with the students during the lecture period as well as for the entire duration of the lectureship;
  • Hold examination sessions.

5 - Duration of the lectureship

The duration of the lectureship is one academic year, starting from the official assignmentof the UniMAK Academic Body, with the possibility of renewal. To each course four credits are assigned that are equivalent to 48 hours of teaching activity distributed across an overall period of approximately 15 days.

6 - Selection procedure

UniMAK promotes equal opportunities for all candidates and actively seeks diversity among its employees. Women researchers as well as promising researchers regardless of any nationality are strongly encouraged to apply.

The Scientific Committee, on the basis of the CVs gathered by the Director of Human Resources of the University of Makeni, selects the lecturer informing the administrative offices of UniMAK about the outcome in order for them to provide for the formalization of the assignment.

Date of publication on the websiteThe Chancellor

Makeni,20/06/2014 Rev. Prof. Joseph A. Turay

to: The Chancellor

University of Makeni

Makeni (Sierra Leone)

APPLICATION FORM(all fields are mandatory)

First name:
Last name:
born in: / Country: / On: DD/MM/YYYY
and living in: / Country:


ACCADEMIC YEAR / 2014-2015
YR / SEM / Professional


I hereby certify to have good/excellent knowledge of the English language.

I hereby certify that all statements in this Application Form and in the Curriculum Vitae et Studiorumattached to it, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I agree and understand that any false statement may give cause for dismissal should I be employed.

I agree and understand that all notices related to this Recruitment Announcement shall be delivered to my personal e-mail.

Date:Signature ______

Last name
First name
Date of birth / dd/mm/yyyyy / Place of birth / Photo
Tel. / E-mail
Education and titles
Teaching experiences
Main research
Grants and awards
Seminars and conferences
Member of the following scientific societies
Main publications

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