Online Services - User Guide

1About theBizShare membership year and how to join

BizShare membership runsannually from 1 April to 31 March and membership is open to both schools and individuals. Membershiprequiresthe completion and submission ofthe appropriate year’s application form andpayment of the annual fee for the year.

When applying to join BizShare each year, schools must complete an application form providing the names and email contact details of any Business Education staff requiring User Accounts for the Online Services area of the website.

NOTE 1: Members who join in consecutive years should also submit an application form and continue to use the Online Services User Names and Passwords from the previous year.

Applications forms to join Bizshare are available by selecting the ‘Subscribe’ tab in our Home Page. Whilst most application forms are submitted electronically, a printable version is also available.

Annual membership entitles members to access the Online Services area of the BizShare website. Members are entitled to access allBizShare publications that relate to the membership year in question ie that their membership fees have helped to develop. Membership of one year does not entitle members to access publications from other years.

All membership fees and sales should be made payable to ‘SchoolShare’.

2BizShare Online Services – Responsibilities of all Online Service users.

A User Account for the Online Services area of the BizShare website provides access to a range of different electronic services.

The use of the Online Services area of the website is governed by the Terms and Conditions stipulated. To view these Terms and Conditions please follow the hyperlink on the BizShare Home page. By using BizShare Online Services Account holders are confirming that they read, understood and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.

3Accessing Online Services

On receipt of an application form,User Accounts are created and an automated email is sent to new users containing information about theirUser Name and ‘starter’Password. Please note that whilst a UserName can only be changed by contacting , the starter Password can be changed at any time by:

  • Logging in using the User Name and starter Password provided;
  • Select ‘Your Details’ under ‘User Menu’ in the Online Services area (left hand margin) and here you can input your new password;
  • Click ‘Save’.

NOTE 2: Access to the Online Services area of the website is restricted to registered users only.

NOTE 3: ‘Forgot your password’ and ‘Forgot your username’ support options are also available.

NOTE 4: Access to the Online Services area of the website relates to a 12 month annual membership year commencing 1 April and ending 31 March. Consequently, members must ensure that they download copies of BizShare official publications from the ShareSpace area of the website by 31 March annually.

4Online Services in detail

4.1 ShareSpace

The ShareSpace area of the BizShare website provides access to all BizShare publications relating to a membership year.

AllBizShare publications developed during a membership year are saved to the ShareSpace area of the website where they can be downloaded by members until 31 March each year.

(i) Getting Startedand Downloading files from ShareSpace

  • Select the 'Category' required (eg Business/Business Management) under ‘ShareSpace’ from the Online Services side menu.
  • Files available will be displayed.
  • Select the file required.
  • Select 'Download' in the data window displayed.

NOTE 5: Some of the files may have been compressed due to their size.

NOTE 6: When a new BizShare publication becomes available, a NEWS UPDATE will be posted on the web and an email will be issued to members.

NOTE7: The survival of BizShare is dependant upon members helping us to protect the copyright of our material. Please help us to ensure that only those who contribute towards the cost of developing our material benefit from them.


The BizFreeb area of the BizShare website contains copyright free material individual members have developed and are willing to share with others. When submitting material for uploading to BizFreeb, members are reminded of the Terms and Conditions that apply. BizShare does not check material gifted prior to uploading it and therefore cannot be held liable for its content.

(i) To download resources from BizFreeb

  • Select the 'Category' required (eg Business/Business Management) under ‘BizFreeb’ from the Online Services side menu.
  • Files available will be displayed.
  • Select the file required.
  • Select 'Download' in the data window displayed.

(i) To upload resources to BizFreeb:

  • Select the category the file will be uploaded to.
  • Select the ‘Add’ button at top of page.
  • Select the ‘Files’ tab.
  • Complete the information required ie Title of Resource/File.
  • Select ‘Browse’ to add/upload your file.
  • Once your file has been uploaded, select the ‘GSAVE’ button at top of page.

NOTE 8: Please help us to 'grow' the amount of support available within the BizFreeb area of our website. Gifted material should represent initial drafts and ideas rather than highly polished masterpieces. If you would prefer to gift material anonymously please email any copyright free material which represents your own work which should also state the nature of the material eg Course and Title.


The BizPod area of the BizShare website is an exchange facility for both Bizshare and copyright free podcasts. It is hoped that by working with members interested in developing material of this type, BizShare will begin to populate this area of the site during the year ahead.