United Way of Palm Beach County

Instructions for Completing the

Program Logic Model

Logic Model Instructions:

The logic model is a one-page summary of your program. It describes, in a concise way, the work of the program and the results it achieves. The logic model will be clearest if you choose simple statements with language that is understood by all (avoid “lingo”).

·  Agency name

·  Program name

·  Target Population: One phrase describing your client population

·  Program Purpose: One phrase describing the primary purpose of the program

·  Impact Goals: Identify how you are achieving the goals of the impact area you are applying to.

·  Inputs: Identify resources dedicated to or consumed by the program (i.e., sheltering, training, counseling, etc.).

·  Activities: Show what the program does to fulfill its mission (i.e., number of classes held, hours taught, meals served, etc.).

·  Outputs: The direct product of program operation (i.e., number of classes taught, number of counseling sessions conducted, etc.)

·  Outcomes: Identify specific benefits or changes in the client, relating to behavior, skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, conditions, or status. Outcomes should be client-focused, measurable, and specific. It should be clear from the statement who is achieving the outcome. Outcomes build on each other through time. Each program works in a different time frame. So, depending on the program, “longer-term” may mean six weeks or six years. Regardless of the time frame, initial outcomes build to the intermediate outcomes, which result in longer-term outcomes. Every program will not have each level of outcomes.

Overall: The logic model should accurately represent the activities of the program. The outcomes should build on each other in a logical way, and should measure client progress or improvement




Agency: Program Name:

Target Population: Program Purpose:

Inputs / Activities / Outputs / Initial Outcomes / Intermediate
Outcomes / Long-Term