March 17, 2008
Present: V. Sambamurthy, R. Simonds, M. Moch, G. Omura, M. Swink, K. Petroni, G. Harrell, C. Speier, K. Shaw, L. Maillette, N. Taylor.
M. Swink called the meeting to order at 2:48pm.
K. Petroni moved to approve the 3/17/08 minutes with amendments, seconded by V. Sambamurthy, and confirmed unanimously by the committee.
Amendments to “additional comments” section include:
· Need to allocate appropriate marketing funding and identify target market; aim for high level executives
· When using global/international labels on courses; appropriate faculty must be consulted for course development
· Faculty will be assigned to projects as part of their teaching assignment (i.e. managing a certain number of projects would be equivalent to teaching a course for credit) and the administration is confident that this staffing can be done
Action Items
New Business
Old Business
Information Sharing and Updates
a) FT MBA Task Force
Presented and discussed 2-part proposal for program enhancement including 7 primary recommendations based on student and stakeholder feedback. Goal is to make program attractive to students and students attractive to recruiters. Now the task force would like to request formal feedback on this proposal.
Part I Proposals:
1) Change the number of credits for primary and secondary concentrations
2) Experiential Learning – 1 credit course
3) International Exposure – Add required 3-credit study abroad course
4) Creation of a secondary concentration in Consulting
5) Increase MBA 816 (Business Presentations) from 1 to 2 credits
6) Drop current pre-requisites for admission
7) Redesign MBA 806 (Ethics and Legal Environment)
Part II Proposals: Other Proposals for Program Enhancement that do not require MPC or faculty approval
1) Broad Facility/Building Improvements
2) Recommendations to improve curricular and teaching effectiveness
3) Enhancements and extensions to current leadership development activities
4) Alumni relations management
5) Alter schedule to ease scheduling problems and eliminate Friday classes
6) Reduce student ‘busyness’ (first year issue)
7) Provide certification opportunities (CFA, HR, etc.) and use in program marketing efforts
8) Case Competitions
9) Add foundational business discipline knowledge early in program
10) Get control of the building’s classrooms to ease scheduling problems!
MPC comments:
In principle, the proposal is a good idea, however there are concerns about the cost and implementation.
· (#3) If offering five international options, make sure all five are filled. Is it necessary to do that many? Cost is a concern.
· (#2) Would essentially formalizing treks decrease student initiative and excitement to do them?
· (#7) Could MBA 806 be removed altogether and somehow incorporated into the international component?
· (#1) “Secondary concentration”; pros and cons of this structure and title (i.e. major vs. minor). Also, when Management and Marketing add primary concentrations, will this further stretch an already small group of students?
Overall, there was concern about the costliness of these proposals.
The Task Force will present course change recommendations at the next MPC meeting on March 24.
G. Omura moved to adjourn, seconded by M. Moch. Meeting was adjourned at 4:03pm.
Respectfully submitted, Christina M. Swick, Recording Secretary.