FBLA/Interact Officer Duties
President –
Preside over meetings
Communicate with Members, Officers & Advisers
Set meeting Agendas
Communicate with regional & state officers
Maintain officer notebook
Vice President—at Large –
Assume all duties of the President if necessary
Assist as Needed
Guest Speakers for Member Meeting
The official chapter photographer
Maintain Photo Collection (work with Webmaster to organize, store, share, and upload to website)
Maintain officer notebook
Vice President —Community Service –
Build Partnerships with Parents
Seek assistance from members
Organize community service activities
March of Dimes & Project ASK
Maintain officer notebook
Vice President —Membership-
Member Liaison
Develop Ice Breakers
Develop member surveys
Member Recognition (Birthdays, etc…) Maintain officer notebook
Recorder of Points—
Write Chapter Annual Reports
Maintain Point System
Maintain officer notebook
Executive Assistant-
Prepare and Present Minutes of Meetings
Filing and keeping records organized
Work with Treasure
Chairman of fund-raiser Committee
Maintain officer notebook
Maintain Membership Records
Process Membership forms & dues
Chairman of fund-raiser Committee
Register FBLA Members with Nat’l FBLA
Maintain officer notebook
Reporter -
School PA Announcements
Press Release
Write School Newsletter
Submit articles/pictures about chapter to Virginia FBLA and to national publications
Communicate with regional, state, and national reporters
Maintain officer notebook
Organize Scrapbook (Newspaper/websites/newsletter)
Maintain FBLA Bulletin Boards
Advise the President of the orderly conduct of business in accordance with FBLA bylaws and the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Maintain officer notebook
Webmaster –
Maintain chapter website
Maintain member database
Maintain member email
Maintain member text messaging
Maintain officer notebook
Chairmen of Fund-Raiser Committee -
Work with treasurer
Responsible for Fund-Raiser ideas
Build Business Partnerships
Responsible for donations
Maintain officer notebook
Event Planner –
Responsible for food
Responsible for planning and organizing club trips
Maintain officer notebook
FBLA/Interact Officer Responsibilities
- Attend Summer/Fall Leadership Training.
- Attend August Program of Work Meeting (TBA).
- Attend Conferences.
- Be prompt to meetings.
- Attend all officer and club meetings.
- Maintain good communications with officers & advisers.
- Learn to delegate; let others have opportunities for leadership.
- Promote membership.
- Participate in club fundraisers.
- Maintain good grades.
- No referrals or detentions.
- Be aware that you represent your club at all times; you are a role model!
- Participate in competitive events.