Safety Committee Minutes
July 12, 2018
1 PM to 2:00 PM
TPS 110
Member / Representing / PresentEmployee Elected Members
Ashley Walker / Education / X
Nathan Ketzner / Nursing / -
Hannah Wilson / Library / X
Carolyn Maxson / Teaching & Learning Center / X
Jennifer Wilson / Academic Advising / -
Nikki Tabafunda / Milgard School of Business / -
Kathleen Beaumont / Professional Development Center / -
Chris Barrett / Institute of Technology / X
Silvia Neely / Academic Affairs, Global Honors, Urban Studies & Office of the Chancellor / X
Galen Guffy / Finance & Administration / X
Gabriela Raisl / Advancement / On Family Leave
David Hirschberg / Center for Urban Waters / -
Mariah Goyenechea / Enrollment Services / X
Sara Contreras / Equity and Inclusion / X
GimSeow / Faculty Senate / X
Management Appointed Members
Stanley Joshua / Director of Facilities Services / X
Susan Wagshul-Golden / Director of Campus Safety & Security / X
Michelle Miller / Environmental Science/IAS Instructional Supervisor
James Sinding / Auxiliary Services Manager / X
Committee Executive Sponsor
Dave Leonard / Director of Environmental Health & Safety / X
- Meeting called to order: 1:01 PM.
The Committee approved the June 2018 UW Tacoma Safety Committee Meeting minutes as posted on UW Tacoma’s Environmental Health & Safety website.
- June 2018 OARS Reports:
#2018-06-042Incident occurred on June 16, 2018 at WCG 105. An employee was using a box cutter to open a package and accidentally cut themselves while conversing with another employee. A Level 1 injury requiring first aid but not stitches or hospitalization. Employee received a new and safer box cutter and counseling to avoid distractions while using it.
#2018-06-049 Incident occurred on June 20,2018 in the Cherry Parkes first floor restroom. A guest attending a conference in William Phillip Hall used the lavatory next door and accidentally hit her arm on the doorframe causing a 2”x1” break in the skin on her arm and requiring a bandage. Level 1 injury requiring first aid. Guest received to use more care when exiting rooms.
The Committee discussed these OARS Reports and was satisfied with the outcomes and determined no further action is recommended.
- UWide Report – Hannah Wilson:
- There was a discussion of protocols for personal sharps disposal. Committee requested to review UW EH&S policy on disposal of hazardous waste and the Pierce County guidelines as they differ somewhat. In essence, the recommendation for this campus is to avoid picking up any abandoned sharps (syringes) you observe. Instead, contact Campus Safety and they will safely dispose of discarded sharps.
- There was a discussion of an open L&I case having to do with the laundering of UW Medical Center uniforms – whether personnel can launder their own uniforms at home or if they should be left at the Medical Center for laundering.
- Accident/incidents with unsecured loads on Seattle Campus resulted in replacement of latches and tie-down straps with latches that release and tighten.
- During this summer’s Special Olympics at the UW Seattle Campus someone lost a finger in a dorm doorway.
- UW Tacoma Health and Safety Committee Charter and Standing Rules - Hannah Wilson
Hannah read through a draft of the Health and Safety Committee Charter for UW Tacoma, a.k.a. Group 8 (as we are known by the U Wide Safety Committee), highlight issues: membership, proxy, meetings, member/chairs – responsibilities. The Committee discussed making the Charter permanent. Hannah also reviewed a draft of Group 8’s Health & Safety Committee Standing Rule and discussed making these rules term based and up for review at beginning of each new term. Other aspects of the Standing Rules discussed were that Committee members all serve at large and that there a 16 employee elected member positions that must be filled at all times and 4 that are appointed by the EH&S Director.
The Charter and Standing Rules were approved by the Committee with revisions to be made to the member section of the Charter detailing how members leaving in the middle of the term would be replaced. Once revisions are made, the Charter and Standing Rules will both be added to the EH&S website.
- UW Accident Prevention Plan – Hannah Wilson
Hannah reviewed with the committee the online UW Accident Prevention Plan and discussed the option to tailor this document to the UW Tacoma Campus. The Committee discussed the idea of forming subcommittee would form to adapt the U Wide Accident Prevention Plan to our campus. Committee leadership will put out a survey to register interest in participation in subcommittee within the month.Hannah would like to be able to give Group 8’s feedback on the U Wide Accident Prevention Plan to the U Wide Committee by the end of the Summer.
- EH & S Report – Dave Leonard
Dave gave a synopsis of all of the Campus and downtown Tacoma construction project updates:
-The Convention Center Hotel Project – this primarily effects the Carlton Building which houses the UW Tacoma Finance & Administration Office, Office of Advancement, and UW Tacoma Professional Development Center. The demolition and excavation part of this project which began in the Fall of 2017 was most impactful to building tenants causing excessive noise and vibration. Ben Mauk, UW Tacoma Senior Real Estate Manager is the contact for information about this project.
-There is a current roofing project at the Mattress Factory right now that are proving to be somewhat disruptive to colleagues on the third floor of the MAT due to noise and fumes from the roofing process and products. There is another roofing project slated to begin later in July at Cherry Parkes.
-Dave and Galen will work to distribute a list of future projects that have the potential to impact campus so that colleagues that might be affected will be warned and can make alternative workspace arrangements if necessary during construction/maintenance.
-Drilling and core sampling for the UW Tacoma Soil Remediation Project is underway but is not invasive to the degree the other projects in this report are and is not expected to significantly impact campus at this time.
The Committee voted to adjourn this meeting early.
Meeting adjourned at 1:45pm
Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Galen Guffy
Next meeting: August 9, 2018 at 1 pm Location: CP206C