Iranian History and its Impact on Future Relations with the USA, due Tuesday 3/21

Solo Project. You may choose to approach this project thematically, or comprehensively. Pick one category of information described below and complete additional research (for example, women’s rights), or explore Iranian history in a more comprehensive manner.

Your assignment is to create a visual depiction of the important events/issues shaping Iranian identity today, as well as depict how the United States should interact with Iran in the future. Split a piece of paper in half and portray your examination of Iran’s history on one side of the document and on the other side, depict the nature of the relationship you believe should exist between Iran and the United States. You may use images (found or created), symbols, words, and color to illustrate your ideas. In addition, you will create a key/legend explaining how the images in your project reflect an analysis of Iran’s history and future relationship with United States. You will be graded on the content, creativity, and visual appeal.

Exceeds / Meets / Approaching / Below
Historical Content
60 points / The presentation of facts and details includes critical analysis in a key/legend that reflects a sophisticated examination of Iran’s history.
Information includes relevant facts, details, events, people, etc., which indicate a deep understanding of the issues addressed in project.
Information is presented in a manner reflecting a sophisticated analysis of Iranian history and its relationship between historical events and current concerns of Iran and the Western world.
Explores the significance of the following categories of information:
  • Foreign Influences
  • National Pride
  • Islamic Influences
  • Democracy
  • Economic Activities and Ideas
  • Life of the average Iranian (rural, city, poor, educated, religious, women)
  • Monarchy
  • Weak, ineffective, or/and corrupt governments
  • Political Conflicts
Contains a Key/Legend explaining what each image represents. Explanation thoroughly addresses significance of event/person/issue/etc. / Contains sufficient facts and details to explain the student’s understanding of Iranian history.
Student’s analysis of facts and details create a logical argument about the nature of the Iranian/American relationship in the future.
Contains a Key/Legend explaining what each image represents. / Some necessary facts and details are present; may contain irrelevant or incorrect information;
May be very basic or simplistic and lacks any real interpretation of why information is significant.
Connection between Iranian history and current relationship between U.S.A. and Iran is insufficient, but not necessarily incorrect.
Contains a Key/Legend explaining what some images represent. / Few facts or details are present; may contain several pieces of incorrect or irrelevant information.
No Key/Legend
20 points / Original, unique, or innovative symbols are used. Images, whose inspiration is not derived from within your brain, should have something added to them, so they become new and different.
Analogy or insight used which reflects a deep level of thought
Images used or created, provide clear and thoughtful representation of intended material. / All images are found images.
Appropriate symbols used;
Analogy or insight present, but slightly simplistic
Images used or created provide clear representation of material / Slightly inaccurate or inappropriate symbols used;
Analogy or insight is off base.
Images are present that attempt to represent material, but don’t reflect any critical thinking. / Incorrect symbols used.
Images used aren’t accurate.
Insight is missing.
Visual Appeal
20 points / Color well used.
If no color, lack of color enhances tone of project.
Neat and clear with no visible pencil lines.
Publishable and professional appearance / Color used.
A little rough in areas.
Publishable. / Color missing.
Slightly messy.
Appears to be of less quality than would be expected for a final draft. / Messy.
Appears to be a last-minute project.