Memo [centered]

To: Principal, parents, and teachers

From: [Your name]

Date: [the date you completed the assessment]

Re: Writing Assessment for [pseudonym of student]

The Assessment

o  What was the name and purpose of the writing assignment or task you assessed?

o  What was the setting and conditions in which you administered the assignment or task? How did you administer it?

o  What led up to the assignment or task? What kind of support did the student receive to complete it?

Kidwatching Summary

o  What progress has the writer made over time?

o  What did you learn about the writer through kidwatching?

§  Summarize what YOU think is the most important information for your audience


o  What is the content of the piece?

o  What kind of writing (genre) was it? What genre features and characteristics does it include?

o  What illustrations or drawing are included?

§  Be specific and detailed, but don’t judge or evaluate the writing


o  Choose an evaluation tool or rubric to evaluate the student’s writing. You can use Six Traits, MSTEP, Calkins’, or a tool from your clinical site. Explain why you chose that tool.

o  Score the student’s writing using the tool or rubric. Explain/justify your scores by providing evidence from the student’s writing.

o  Analyze the student’s writing in relation to the CCSS for the grade level

§  Use paragraphs with topic and concluding sentences in this section.


o  What are the student’s strengths as a writer? Explain what the writer did well and explain/justify your assessment with evidence from your evaluation/scoring.

o  Triangulate your assessment of the student’s work with kidwatching results.

Areas for Improvement

o  What areas would you target for improvement? Explain what the writer should work on next and explain/justify your evaluation with evidence from your evaluation/scoring

o  Triangulate your assessment of the student’s work with kidwatching results.


o  What would help this writer develop? What should the classroom teacher do to support the student’s writing development? Co-teachers? Parents?

o  What do you recommend for future assessments? How effective was the evaluation tool? Did it assess the CCSS for the grade level and genre?

o  Refer to (cite or link to) relevant course material to support your interpretations