Computer Architecture
1. Rules for following gates for A and B variables
o OR
o Not
2. De Morgan’s laws
3. Parts of three box model
4. Define hardware
5. Define main memory
6. Define bus
7. Three types of buses used in CPU
8. Describe each bus
9. 5 signals carried by control bus
10. Define peripherals
11. Two reasons of having I/O controllers
12. Three parts of I/O controller
13. Define I/O port
14. What does I/O port consist of?
15. Some of the components of a computer system are
Internal components Peripherals
Clock 1 Keyboard 8
Data Bus 2 Monitor 9
Address Bus 3 Secondary Storage 10
Main Memory 4
VDU Controller 5
Keyboard Controller 6
Disk Controller 7
The figure below is partially filled in. Complete the figure by writing a number from the list above, in each empty circle.
16. Some of the internal components of a computer system are processor, read only memory, random access memory, address bus, data bus, clock.
The diagram below shows how these are connected.
Give the correct name for each of the following as labelled in the diagram above:
1 ......
2 ......
3 ......
4 ......
5 ......
6 ......
17. Define addressable memory
18. Stored program concept (3 marks)
19. Difference between Von Neumann and Harvard computer
20. Microcontroller (4 marks)
21. 6 components of processor
22. Role of control unit
23. Role of ALUs
24. Define register
25. General purpose vs dedicated registers
26. List and describe different dedicated registers
27. Define
o Word length
o Bus width
o Clock speed
28. How many signal wires make up an address bus that can address 216 memory locations?
29. What is the largest denary number that can be transferred across a data bus with 16 wires?
30. If a computer has a 32-bit address bus, of 32 lines, it can access 4 gigabytes if main memory for all forms of internal use.
How many additional lines does the address bus need for it to be capable of addressing up to 8 gigabytes of main memory?
31. Impact of changing
o Word length
o Data bus width
o Address bus width
o Clock speed
o Number of processors (Multicore)
32. Reason for limit on clock speed
33. Define
o Machine-code instruction
o Instruction set
o Op-code
o Operand
34. Identify opcode and operand from following example
o LOAD 35
35. Describe the purpose of following assembly language program
o LOAD #10
o STORE 25
o LOAD #24
o ADD 25
o STORE 25
36. Relationship of assembly code with hexadecimal
37. 3 benefits of hexadecimal over machine/binary code equivalent
38. Two types of addressing mode that the instruction sets use.
39. Explain in detail fetch-execute cycle.
40. Name two registers used in execute phase