G.B.A Executive Committee
Minutes of meeting held Saturday 26th October 2013.
Those present: Divisional Secretaries - Peter Langley and Margaret Tully
Treasurer – Maddie Hale
Division Fixture Secretary – Myra Savage
Divisional representatives – Joy Sheward and Glyn Marriott
The meeting opened at 9.35a.m.
- Apologies: Lindsay Collin, Bryan Fox, Roger Harrison and John Oelmann.
- Amendments: None
- Minutes dated 07.09.13 were signed as a true record.
- Matters arising from minutes dated 07.09.13.
a.Luncheon held 13.10.13 - debrief. Joy reported that she had spoken to hotel during the luncheon expressing her disappointment about the food, several members had made complaints. She felt the hotel had let her down. Some money is still outstanding and she will negotiate with hotel over the contract. It was generally felt that the atmosphere was most congenial and several members had commented that they preferred the more informal format. The committee felt that a new venue should be sought for next year. (This will not be an easy task.) Joy recommended 2014 tickets should be sent out by e mail. She requested that the 2014 prize giving lists are sent to her as soon after finals day as possible. 2014 September competitions can be sent through as soon as they are completed.
b.Acceptance of 50, 100 and 200 match flashes for Women’s Division require a rule change.
c.A.O.B 3 Welfare is now covered in the B.E Safeguarding document dated December 2012.
d.Gloucester section meeting – A request was made for financial assist for new umpires. Their equipment and uniform was estimated £500.00. Equipment could be kept by an experienced umpire to loan out. This issue requires more consideration. Another club enquired about coaching within the county. They were advised to contact senior level three coach for further information.
e.Stroud section meeting enquired about having ballot papers sent to clubs to be returned to GBA signed by club secretary and chairperson. This issue requires more consideration. P.L and M.T to visit Bristol section 28.10.13 and Cheltenham section 30.10.13. So far there has been positive feedback from Gloucester and Stroud sections.
- Correspondence.
i.All communications from bowls England had been circulated to all members of this this committee.
ii.Ballot paper to be returned by e mail to Tony Allcock supporting J.V.P nomination of Mr. Sharkey. In line with usual practice the committee voted in respect of Bowls England J.V.P, resulting in a unanimous decision to vote for Mr. Sharkey.
iii.P.L received an e mail enquiring about life membership. At present the current rules do not have criteria guidance for GBA. This will need to be addressed in rules review.
iv.Notification from Roy Taylor informing GBA that he was standing down as club secretary.
- Finance.
Signed copies of statement of accounts for GBA, and Womens Division distributed. Unsigned Men’s Division accounts were also distributed.
The Treasurer reported the Women’s Division accounts and GBA accounts had been returned signed by the appointed independent examiner as being accurate and in good order.She had met with John Oelmann twice to finalise Men’s Division accounts, these are now with the independent examiner. It was noted that the Men’s Division is no longer donating £75.00 each season to Umpires Association in line with the new2014 system.
It was reported that currently women per capita is £15.50 and men £6.20. The recommendation made that it may be necessary to increase the annual levy to GBA joint executive.
A vote of thanks was recorded for Maddie and John.
- Special General Meeting.
S.G.M notice to convene meeting on 02.11.13 sent 06.10.13 with covering letter.
Proposal “A joint Council Meeting to be held in November to replace both the Men’s and Women’s Yearly Meetings.”
A lengthy discussion took place concerning the proposal. It was felt that the following amendment to the above proposal should be made at the beginning of the meeting. It should read:
“A joint Council Meeting to be held in November to replace both the Men’s and Women’s Yearly Meetings, alteration to Constitution, Rules and Regulations shall be made accordingly.”
A ballot paper will be put in each club envelope with the sheets of rule changes associated with implementationof future Council meetings.
Date of next meeting Monday 18th November at 5.00p.m. Venue – Falcon B.C.
(Confirmed by P.L.)
There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.45p.m.