Period 1: English 4 Standard Grading Period 2.2
Mrs. Krueger November 2 – 6
This is a tentative assignment sheet—meaning that changes will sometimes be necessary. If changes are necessary, we will make them together during class. That is one of many reasons you should always retain each quarter’s assignment sheets behind the ASSIGNMENT tab in your binder. All classwork and homework are subject to grading. If you are absent, you are responsible for picking up any missed work and making up any missed work within five class days; otherwise the assignment will not be accepted. There will be a 10 point penalty per day. REMINDER: Tutoring on Thursday afternoons or by appointment.
Assimilation / EQ-W2B: Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.
1. Warm-up #51
2. Vocabulary: Unit 3
· Completing the Sentences
3. Grammar: Subject-Verb Agreement
4. Writing Workshop:
· Write down the nine, best quotations you have about the theme of unnaturalness.
o Identify the speaker.
o Correctly use MLA parenthetical documentation.
5. Wrap-up: Whom do you think is the most to blame for Macbeth’s descent into evil? / If you do not have a flash drive, you need to set up an account with Google Cloud. In this way, you will always be able to save your work without any worry of losing it. Be sure you have this done BEFORE we go to the computer lab on Thursday.
Assimilation / EQ-W2C: Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole
1. Warm-up #52
2. Vocabulary: Unit 3 Review
· Accent marks, parts of speech, spelling
3. Writing Workshop:
· Hooks for Introduction Paragraph
· Graphic Organizer for Introduction Paragraph.
· Begin Graphic Organizer for Body Paragraph #1
4. Wrap-up: How would a reader know what your first body paragraph will be about? / Start studying for Friday’s vocabulary quiz on unit 3.
Assimilation / EQ-W2D: Use appropriate and varied transitions and syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts.
1. Warm-up #53
2. Practice Vocabulary Quiz #3
3. Writing Workshop:
· Finish Graphic Organizer for Body Paragraph #1
· Begin Graphic Organizer for Body Paragraph #2
4. Wrap-up: What strategy did you use to begin body paragraph #2 that you did not use for body paragraph #1. / Tomorrow, we will meet in the Computer Lab. You should have the first three paragraphs of your essay completely written, so you can use all of your lab time typing your essay. Homework Grade. No late grades given.
Application / COMPUTER LAB: Type first, three paragraphs of Macbeth essay
· Save your work to a risk free place: flash drive or Google Cloud
· Print out whatever work you have finished to day and give to teacher. / Study for Vocabulary Quiz #3
Assimilation / EQ-W2E: Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
EQ-W2F: Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic).
1. Warm-ups #54 & 55
2. Vocabulary Quiz #3
3. Writing Workshop:
· Return typed paragraphs from yesterday.
· Feedback and mini-lesson
· You still have to complete the graphic organizer for body paragraph #3
· How to structure the conclusion paragraph
· Continue working on graphic organizers for essay.
4. Wrap-up: Writing Conferences / If you did not finish the graphic organizer for body paragraph #3 today, you must have it finished by Monday, 11/09. Homework Grade. No late work accepted.