Dog Walk Chair Working Overview
This is a brief outline of helpful materials to use and a general overview of steps to take that will help you stay on track leading up to the Arthritis Walk event.
1) Why Walk in a Box?
The Walk in a Box is a tool to assist volunteers in their efforts in planning Arthritis Walk events in their local communities. It also provides best practices and guidelines for having a successful event.
2) Arthritis and Arthritis Walk Facts
a) Arthritis Foundation Facts
i) 50 million people have arthritis
ii) 1 in 5 adults and nearly 300,000 children are affected
iii) Arthritis is the most common cause of disability
iv) Arthritis annually costs the US economy $128 billion
b) Where Does the Money Go?
i) Public Health
ii) Public Policy
iii) Research
c) Arthritis Walk Fact Sheet – National Statistics
i) More than 90,000 participants each year
ii) More than 275 Arthritis Walk events across the country
iii) In 2012, more than $11 million was raised
3) Dog Walk Chair Job Description
a) Before You Begin
i) If your event site is already secured, be sure it is suitable to have a Dog Walk
b) Recruitment Responsibilities
i) Recruit at least three local vets, animal shelters, pet stores and pet-friendly businesses to actively participate in the event
c) Meeting Responsibilities
i) Attend monthly committee meeting (led by Event Chair) – These meetings allow for you to give an update on the progress your subcommittee has accomplished and what your strategies are for the month approaching
4) Once You are Ready to Recruit
a) Recruit Teams and Sponsors
i) Schedule face to face meetings with
(1) Vets offices
(2) Pet Stores
(3) Doggie Daycares & Spas
(4) Pet-Friendly Businesses (Hotels, restaurants, etc.)
ii) Assist staff person with the finalizing of agreements with potential sponsors for the Dog Area
b) Establish and cultivate relationships so that they will actively engage their business and customers to attend the Arthritis Walk (i.e. place brochures in the stores or in exam rooms)
c) Recruit at least one vet to be onsite day of event for any potential situations (dog injuries, overheating, etc.)
5) All Members are Recruited…Next Steps
a) Hold First Committee Meeting (sample agenda in Logistics Chair folder)
i) Develop logistics plan that best fits the community, dogs and the event. Can you have the Dog Walk along the same route as the human walk route? Be cognizant of your community and setting. Work closely with your Logistics Chair to ensure a fun and safe route for all participants
ii) Choose a local Dog “Hero” to be the face on promotional/marketing items
iii) Review event budget for allowable logistic expenses and ensure committee is within budget
iv) Set Goals
v) Set Meeting Dates
b) Other Committee Meetings
i) Each member should give a progress report and their strategies and targets for the next month
c) Other Ideas…..
i) Stay in contact with your Dog Walk vendors (i.e. local vets, animal shelters, pet stores and pet-friendly businesses) throughout the planning process
ii) Hold events at a local dog-friendly establishment that will help raise money prior to the Arthritis Walk. (“Yappy Hour”, “Fundraising Pawty”, “Bark Avenue”, etc.)
6) Event Day
a) Distribute and collect all Dog Walk waivers at registration for participants who haven’t signed up online and bring dogs to the Arthritis Walk
b) Incorporate the Let’s Move Together campaign at the event. A great tie-in with humans and dogs is Let’s Move Together
c) Post the Dog Walk rules at your event
d) Have plenty of water at the event and along the route for the dogs
e) Make sure you have a clean up plan, i.e. provide baggies or have a clean up crew
f) Make the event fun for all, including dogs
7) Follow Up
a) Follow up with members between meetings to hold them accountable. Do not wait until the committee meetings to talk to your members