(respite care, law, mainstreaming, integration, inclusion, transition, IEP's)

Adapting Curriculum And Instruction In Inclusive Classrooms: A Teacher's Desk Reference / Deschenes, Cathy
Ebeling, David
Sprague, Jeffrey / 1994 / The purpose of this manual is to provide a conceptual model and a range of sample adaptations so that teachers can create adaptations that are appropriate for their individual students and classrooms.
69 Pages
Age Of Majority
Folder / Iowa Dept. Of Education / 2002 / This folder of information about the age of majority and students having rights transfer from the parent to the student was put together by the Iowa Dept. of Education. The information for parents and students spells out the rights and procedures that now reside with the adult student.
Challenge Of Parenting & The Professional Puzzle, The
(Video) / LIFE Skills, Inc./Systems Unlimited, Inc. / 1992 / Parents who have children with special needs share their experience. The Challenge of Parenting explores some methods to help your children grow and learn. The Professional Puzzle offers tips on working with professionals to benefit your child.
Connecting Students:
A Guide To Thoughtful Friendship Facilitation For Educators & Families / Schaffner, C. Beth;
Buswell, Barbara E. / 1992 / This guide has been developed to promote reflection, dialogue, and action. It is a guide for people working to build classrooms and schools which ensure caring, acceptance, and belonging for all students. 48 Pages
Educating Peter
(Video) / This is an Academy Award winning documentary on the inclusion of Peter into a third grade class. Peter happens to be a boy with Down Syndrome. A very realistic and honest recording of a year’s progress of a child who is fully included.
Approx. 30 Min.
Everybody Has A Dream-Video / 1998 / This video helps young adults with disabilities and their families plan for the transition from school and home to work and independence.
60 Min.
Families, Professionals, And Exceptionality-A Special Partnership / Turnbull, Ann P.;
Turnbull, H.Rutherford, III
4th Edition / 2001 / This book is about families, people who are exceptional professionals and how they can work together more effectively. A large range of topics covered in this resource book.
426 Pages
Finding And Keeping A Job: A Course Of Study / GWAEA / 1996 / The purpose of this course of study is to define career goals, strengthen job-seeking skills and vocational communication skills, and to prepare students for transition into the adult worked. This program will provide teachers with functional and usable materials for achieving that purpose.
510 pages
First Impressions-The Key To Successful Interviews-Video / Park Avenue Productions / 1994 / This entertaining video teaches the skills necessary to make every interview successful.
20 Min.
Friendships And Community Connections Between People With And Without Developmental Disabilities / Amado, Angela Novak / 1993 / This book is filled with compelling personal stories and practical insights. This perceptive book gleans principles from successful experiences to help others build relationships of their own through natural social connections.
386 Pages
Full Life Ahead: A Workbook and Guide to Adult Life for Students and Families of Students with Dis-Abilities-Workbook / Barclay, Judy
Cobb, Jan / 2001 Revision / This workbook put together by parents of students, was developed to offer families tools and information for the transition from school to adult life. The comprehensive workbook can help families and students plan starting when the student is in middle school/ junior high.
171 pages.
Fun For Everyone- A Guide To Adapted Leisure Activities For Children With Disabilities / Levin, Jackie, M.A.;Enselein, Kathy, B.S. / 1990 / This reference book provides practical information for families and classroom teachers on how to adapt leisure activities of special needs individuals.
69 Pages
Grades, Diplomas, And Transcripts For Students With Disabilities / Iowa Dept. of Education / March 1999 / This booklet answers common questions about the requirements for graduation, grades, and transcripts for students with disabilities.
18 pages
Greatest Gift That You Can Give Your Child, The-Ways To Build Independence / Avenues Unlimited, Inc. / 1999 / This video is designed for parents who recognize the importance of independence for their special needs children. Parents, children and adults with disabilities discuss why and how parents can have a positive effect on the ability to become independent.
47 Min.
Hello, My Friends / British Columbia Association for Community Living / 1991 / Three different children with different disabilities are highlighted as they are successfully included in the regular class. The video shows the type of school most able to include children of all abilities.
17 Min.
Human Sexuality
For The Disabled-”Putting The Pieces Together” / People Building Institute / 1994 / This procedure manual is designed as a resource to help staff and educators faced with sexuality issues while working with people who are disabled. This guide to train staff and educators about handling the sexuality issues that come up in various settings.
60 Pages
Including Students With Autism In Typical School Settings / Pratt, Cathy
Moreno, Susan / July 1994 / This book has reproducible planning guides, tips, adaptation charts, and support plans to help Children with autism move into a regular classroom. Although it was written with the autistic child in mind, the materials can be applied to most any student moving into an inclusive setting.
Inclusion Recipes: Ideas That Work / Wakins, Mary
Heartland AEA / 1994 / This booklet contains suggestions on to modify some classroom activities. They have been suggested and tried by general education teachers in the Des Moines area. The ideas are for Early Childhood to Jr. High classes.
Infusing Transition Into Individualized Education Programs / Iowa Dept. of Ed. / 1996 / The purpose of this document is to assist local school districts and area education agencies to plan and document the transition service needs of our youth with disabilities in a way that needs federal compliance.
36 Pages
Iowa Transition Initiative Video Series And Facilitator's Guide
11 Videos / Iowa Dept. of Education / 1994 / The guide is to be used by facilitators as they work with Transition Advisory Boards or those assisting communities with transition, transition planning and implementation. The goal of the Iowa Transition Initiative is finding cost effective solutions to the 10 areas of need represented by the tapes.
Tapes-Ten areas of need for transition to adult life: Academic and Lifelong Learning, Health and physical Care, Mobility, Social Interaction, Occupational Specific Skills, Self-determination, Daily Living, Leisure, Money Management, and Workplace Readiness.
Just Being Kids: Supports and Services For Infants and Toddlers-Video and Manual / Edelman, Larry / 2001 / This video for professionals and parents explains how services and supports are given to children birth to three in “natural environments”. The video clarifies that “natural environments” means learning opportunities in everyday experiences, events, and settings.
Video 50 Min.
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): Resource Notebook / Iowa City Community Schools / Sept. 1995 / This notebook is a compilation of LRE and inclusion information used in educating students with disabilities. It is designed for you to access needed information quickly. The sections are: Table of Contents, Background-Philosophy, Definitions-Legal, Classroom Planning, Teaming and Parent Involvement, Adapting Curriculum and Instruction, Friendships, Assistive Technology, Resources-Research
302 Pages
Legal Rights of the Catastrophically Ill and Injured: A Family Guide
Second Edition / Romano, Joseph L. / 1998 / Adequate “planning for the future” requires a clear understanding of the rights of the catastrophically ill and injured. The author, a practicing attorney, hopes this book will provide the information and practical strategies to advocate for your rights.
280 pages
Lessons For Inclusion / Vandercook,
et al. / 1993 / The goal of this resource is to assist educators to develop a classroom community in which all children feel good about themselves and work together to support the active learning and valued membership of all class members. 66 Pages
Lessons For Inclusion-Set Of Children’s Books / The following children’s books are included in this set to be used in the lessons:
1. Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman and Caroline
2. Jamaica Tag-Along by Juanita Havill
3. Elephant and Crocodile by Max Velthuijs
4. Arnie and the New Kid by Nancy Carlson
5. Chester’s Way by Kevin Henkes
6. Friends by Helme Heine
7. Feeling Left Out by Kate Petty and Charlotte
8. I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson
9. Swimmy by Leo Lionni
Life Beyond The Classroom- Transition Strategies For Young People With Disabilities / Wehman, Paul / 1992 / This is a complete guide to planning, designing, and implementing successful transition programs for students with disabilities enabling professionals to master the techniques and strategies for:
1. Designing effective, individualized transition plans
2. Initiating a local transition program
3. Creating community-based work programs
4. Teaching vocational skills
5. Making accurate assessments
6. Implementing the job development process, from determining current hiring trends to evaluating work performance
459 Pages
Living Your Own Life: A Handbook For Teenagers By Young People And Adults With Chronic Illness Or Disabilities / Roberts, Nicole / 1993 / This book provides useful information to young people with chronic illness and other disabilities make the transition to adulthood. The book, written by teens, explores how taking care of one’s physical health can have an impact on emotions, employment, education, and relationships with family, friends and loved ones. 92 Pages
Mainstreaming Preschoolers: Children With Emotional Disturbance / Lasher,
Mattick, Iske;
Perkins, Frances;
Vonhippel, Caren;
Hailey, Linda / 1978 / This book was written for teachers, parents, and others who live with or work directly with emotionally disturbed preschoolers. 141 Pages
Mainstreaming Preschoolers: Children With Health Impairments / Healy, Alfred M.D.;
McAreavey, Paul, Ph.D. / 1978 / This book was written for teachers, parents, and others, such as diagnosticians and therapists, who work directly with health impaired preschoolers.
131 Pages
Mainstreaming Preschoolers: Children With Hearing Impairments / Laporta, Rita Ann;
McGee, Donald;
Vorce, Eleanor;
Vonhippel, Caren
Donovan, John / 1978 / This book was written for teachers, parents, aides, and others who work directly with hearing impaired preschoolers.
125 Pages
Mainstreaming Preschoolers: Children With Learning Disabilities / Hayden, Alice;
Smith, Robert;
Vonhippel, Caren
Baer, Sandra / 1978 / This book was written for teachers, parents, and others such as diagnosticians and therapists, who work directly with learning disabled preschoolers.
127 Pages
Mainstreaming Preschoolers: Children With Mental Retardation / Lynch, Eleanor;
Simms, Betty;
Vonhippel, Caren Saaz;
Shuchat, Jo / 1978 / This book was written for teachers, parents, and others, such as diagnosticians and therapists, who work directly with mentally retarded preschoolers. The book answers the questions: what is mainstreaming, what is mental retardation, how to design an individualized program for a retarded child, how can parents help their child, where to go for helpful information. The book is useful for working with non-handicapped preschoolers. 133 Pages
Mainstreaming Preschoolers: Children With Orthopedic Handicaps / Kieran, Shari;
Connor, Frances;
Vonhippel, Caren
Jones, Sherry / 1978 / This book was written for teachers, parents, and others, such as diagnosticians and therapists who work directly with orthopedically handicapped preschoolers. 133 Pages
Mainstreaming Preschoolers: Children With Speech & Language Impairments / Liebergott, Jacqueline;
Favors, Aaron;
Vonhippel, Caren Saaz;
Harriet Liftman / 1978 / This book is written for teachers, parents, and others such as diagnosticians, and therapists who work directly with language and/or speech impaired preschoolers. 161 Pages
Mainstreaming Preschoolers: Children With Visual
Handicaps / Alonso, Lou, M.A.;
Moor, Pauline M., M.A.;
Raynor, Sherry, M.A.;
Saaz von Hippel, Caren, Ph.D.;
Baer, Sandra M.A. / 1978 / This book was written for teachers, parents, and others, such as diagnosticians and therapists, who work directly with visually handicapped preschoolers.
127 Pages
Miller’s MAP
(Video) / Forest, Marsha;
Pearpoint, Jack / 1992 / This is a 39 minute about a sixth grader named Miller and her friends who have created a MAPS plan on this video.
NICHCY-News Digest: "You Are Not Alone" And "Unplanned Journey" / NICHCY / 1993 / This "News Digest" volume was developed to respond to the needs of those who have just learned their child has special needs and those who have lived with reality for some time but have reached a transition point where they need new information or renewed support.
Nick Joins In / Lasker, Joe / 1980 / This is the story of Nick, a young boy in a wheelchair who shares his fears of being mainstreamed into a classroom with non-handicapped children. Nick asked his parents many questions about the school which was his way of getting ready for the new experience. The children in the classroom also ask many questions about Nick. Written to be used in lower elementary classrooms.
On Starting High School-Booklet / Channing Bete / 2001 / This booklet will help students make the transition from middle school/ junior high to high school. The booklet is full of tips, advice, checklist, and other information that will make the new setting more comfortable and less scary for new freshmen.
23 Pages
Opening Doors: Strategies For Including All
Students In Regular Education / Schaffner, C. Beth;
Buswell, Barbara E. / 1991 / This book is about including all students in regular school classes and activities. It’s a “how-to” book that addresses the question: “How will I make this work?” It describes strategies that educators, therapists, principals, families, and students have used to include students/classmates who were educated separately in the past.
55 Pages
PATH-A Workbook For Planning Positive Possible Futures / Pearpoint, Jack;
O’Brien, John;
Forest, Marsha / 1993 / Path is a guidebook to systematic problem solving developed by the authors. Utilizing graphic presentation to unleash capacity, Path leads a group through an eight step problem solving approach involving dreaming and thinking backwards.
Personal & Professional Perspectives On The Importance Of Self Determination For Individuals With Disabilities
(Video) / Carabello, Bernard / 1993 / The videotape was made of a presentation at the Iowa Transition Initiative Self Determination Training, January 14, 1993.