Date/Time: Nov. 10, 2008; 2:30 – 4:30
Location: 1142 Kirkhoff Center
Present: Alan Bell, James Bell, Susan Carson, Roy Cole, Phyllis Curtiss, Phyllis Gendler, Roger Gilles, C *Griff* Griffin, Brian Kingshott, Gary Klingler, Sheldon Kopperl, Hugh McGuire, Penney Nichols-Whitehead, Kim Ranger, Paul Sicilian, Lauren Van Dyken
Absent: Kari Kensinger, Dana Munk
Approval of Minutes – Kim moved to approve and Susan seconded the motion. The motion was carried, with amendment to attendance and typo in director report.
Approval of Agenda– Kim moved to approve and Gary seconded the motion.
Updates & Reports
A. Director report - A quick survey was sent to faculty who were scheduled to teach in the last two years to determine interest in having Theme groups meet informally to increase integration. Griff also circulated an article from the latest College of Education memo.
B. Chair - Penney discussed recent email concerns. The Assessment Group will continue their work on a FAQ sheet for the overarching purpose of assessment, the possibility of a report to faculty, and the possibility of a Forum.
C. UCC report - Volunteers are still needed to attend UCC meetings (Nov. 12, 19, Dec. 3). Meetings are 2-4 pm
D. Workgroup reports
1. Assessment Group-Roger reported that they’ve developed a rubric to evaluate the Course Assessment Reports, which has now been posted on-line and distributed to faculty collecting data this term. Roy is taking the lead on writing the FAQ.
2. Policy Group-Paul reported that they are continuing to revise the CAP/GE Course Form.
3. LEAP Group – Gary reported that they have drafted a proposal that the group can edit. They’ll finish editing it and then present alternative structures to achieve to goals.
3:40 Curriculum Items
A conversation took place about what to do with folks using the old language. Shel moved, and Roy seconded, that we’ll allow the old language for courses that were submitted last year (the old title and goals) but we’ll make a note on the approval that they have 60 days to complete the Course Assessment Plan using the new goals.
A. log # 6504-AAA301- Roger moved, and Roy seconded, to ask for an amendment. Motion carried. Amendments needed:
1. SOR needs to add the appropriate GE category in question #6
2. SOR needs to be corrected to change it from AAA 301 to 201
3. Does not belong in the historical perspectives category
4. Does seem to belong in the U.S. Diversity
B. log # 6501-AAA/PLS 319 – Lauren moved, and Hugh seconded, to ask for an amendment. Motion carried. Amendments needed:
1. More detail is needed on the skills and content goals (some of the material from the syllabus could be added to the GE Form) see #6503.
2. Fix the spelling errors
The meeting was adjourned to 4:30.
Next meeting – Nov. 17, 1142 KC – GES meeting from 2:30-3:30 and workgroups 3:30-4:30
Next meeting – Nov. 24, 1142 KC – GES meeting Look under GE Subcommittee for agenda and minutes and location