Acolyte: to be announced
Ushers: Russ Barry, Pat Kurth, Jared Ketner
Organist: Sandy Hutson
Chancel Choir Director: Jason Stevens
Liturgist: Denise Lawver
Nursery: We have a Cry Room available. Ask an usher for directions.
Communion: Bob Maass, Lisa Hastings, Anne Swanson, Mert Oden
This Week in the Church
Sunday, January 7
9:15 A.M. Sunday School
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship
We welcome to the pulpit this morning Dr. Ford Craig of Seward. Ford and Doris Craig grew up in the Leigh/Clarkson area and have been married 47 years. Doris worked as a Legal Assistant for 40 years and holds a bachelor's degree in business. Ford is semi-retired now, but was both a teacher and administrator at the public school, community college, and university levels. He holds bachelor's, master's ed. specialist, and doctoral degrees, and in 2011, completed lay pastor certification in order to serve in P.C. USA Presbyterian, UCC Congregational, Disciples of Christ, ELCA, and American Baptist churches in Nebraska. From 2012 to 2015 Ford served as a commissioned lay pastor in Stapleton, Nebraska (25 miles north of North Platte.) Doris was his assistant and piano player during that time. They currently reside in Seward, Nebraska, and enjoy helping and supporting their grandchildren. They are members of First Presbyterian Church of York, Nebraska. For the past two years, Ford has done pulpit supply preaching in North Platte, Stapleton, Broken Bow, Hebron, Gresham, York, Leigh, Platte Center, Palmyra, and Clarkson. He also teaches an on-line and sometimes on site master’s level research and evaluation class for Concordia University in Seward.
Special thanks to Rev. Dale Lambert of Seward for helping with communion today.
A Retirement Party will be held for Sandy Hutson and Christy Robbins following Morning Worship in Torrens Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited! Sandy is retiring after 23 years as our church organist. Christy has recently retired as our Clerk of Session after many years. We thank both of them for their outstanding and dedicated service to the church!
Monday, January 8
6:30 P.M. Session committees
7:00 P.M. Session
Tuesday, January 9
9:00 A.M. Moms Club
Wednesday, January 10
7:00 P.M. Bell Choir
8:00 P.M. Chancel Choir
Saturday, January 13
10:00 A.M. Stitching Smiles
If you are a visitor this morning, WELCOME! We are glad that you are here, and hope that we have created a time and place for you to encounter the risen Christ with us. If you would like to learn more about us, you can check out our website at the following address: If you would like to become a member of the church, please call the church office at 443-4220.
The Annual Meeting will be Sunday, January 28, after morning worship. This is the meeting in which church officers are elected, organizations’ reports received, the 2018 budget is received, and other decisions are made. We will have a Potluck Soup and Dessert Luncheon following the meeting. Please plan to join us!
ANNUAL REPORTS from secretaries and treasurers of church organizations should be in the church office no later than TUESDAY, January 9, for printing. If you can get your report in earlier, it would be greatly appreciated!
Please plan to stay following the retirement party on Sunday, Jan. 7, to take down the church Christmas decorations if you are able.
A sign-up sheet for winter snow removal of the church sidewalks is on the bulletin board. Can you help?
Feel free to add prayer concerns to our entry wall. Use the dry erase marker found on the table and write directly on the picture frames.
If you are in need of Visitation at Home or at the Hospital, please call the church office or Dianne Randell at her home number 443-4259. Please feel free to leave a message. Also, please keep the office posted as to any Prayer Chain requests.
Saunders County Food Pantry: A collection box is in the coat rack across from the restrooms. The Pantry especially has the following needs: canned fruit, canned tomatoes, peanut butter, jelly, canned chicken, and boxed potatoes.
Sign-up Sheets for Coffee Time and Greeting are on the bulletin board in the narthex.
Any articles for the newsletter are due by January 24 for the February newsletter.
Prayers of God’s People: Joyce and Bonnie Sanders, Kim Brigham, Joni Pearson, Ryan Schooling (Richard & Linda’s son), Brady Pearson (great grandson of Joan Norenberg), Howard Pearson, Donna Lair (daughter of the late Rev. Don Ball & Joy Ball), Galyn Rouse, Warren Barry, Peg Erickson (mother of Sue DuBois), Shirley Mercer (mother of Shannon Hauswald), our Mission Trip team which includes those injured Emma Hastings, Jack Maass, Sapphire Quintana, Maddie Talbert. Please keep the church office informed of any changes or updates.
Attendance on Christmas Eve day and evening was 141.
Ways to Help for Mission Trip Emergency Fund
The families and the church will encounter unplanned expenses for this unfortunate accident and if you would like to help offset some of those expenses, we welcome any and all contributions! You can simply note on your check "Mission Trip Emergency Fund". If you would like to contribute online, simply go, log in and contribute to the "Special Offering" fund and make a notation in the "Notes" section that the donation is for the "Mission Trip Emergency Fund". (See bulletin insert also regarding directions for the online giving). Please share this information with anyone that may ask you about our youth and this mission trip.
We are excited to offer online giving for all our members, friends, and family. This is a very easy system with registration taking only a few minutes.
1. Go to
2. In the upper right hand corner of this web page you will see “My Mission Exchange.” New users click on “Join.”
3. Complete the registration and select your user name and password.
4. Next, click on the “Givers” page and you then click on “Make a gift online.”
5. On the next page, simply fill in First Presbyterian in organization name, Wahoo, NE 68066, hit submit and our church will come up.
6. Click on our church and all our funds are listed.
7. Click on the fund that you would like to donate to and follow the directions.
8. If you use debit or credit card, the fees are higher than an EFT, which is a direct transfer from the bank to the foundation account we have set up. The fee (which is deducted from what the church gets, not a charge to the giver) is 1% for an EFT transaction and approximately 3% for a debit/credit card.
9. Donations/contributions can be set up as a recurring donation/contribution.
10. You will receive an immediate e-mail from the foundation detailing your donation.
11. After you have set up your registration, returning users will click on “Sign In.”