Niagara Wheatfield
Senior High School
Concert and Symphonic
Band Handbook
Mrs. Christine Riederer, Director
September 8, 2015
Dear NWHS Music Parents and Students,
This handbook has been put together to provide you with important information regarding the Niagara Wheatfield High School Instrumental Music Program. Please feel free to call me at 215-3148 or email me at if any questions or concerns arise.
Classroom Expectations
Students should be in the band room at the sounding of the bell.
All cell phones/electronic devises should be turned off and put away for the entire period.
Have your instrument, instrument supplies (reeds, valve oil, mutes), your own music, and a pencil at your seat for every rehearsal.
Involve yourself in every rehearsal by displaying a positive attitude and full concentration/participation.
Do Not Talk during rehearsals. If you have a question or concern, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Be courteous and respectful of all members of the class. No form of bullying or hazing will be tolerated. Please refer to the Dignity Act section of the student handbook for further information.
Place instruments in cases and then in your locker after every rehearsal or lesson (music folder goes in locker not case). Lock your locker. Percussionists must put away all sticks, mallets, instruments and music in percussion cabinet or locker after every rehearsal or lesson.
Prepare your music at home/outside of class. Rehearsals are for learning everyone else’s part; not yours.
Consequences for Breaking Rules
- Verbal warning (1st offense)
- Discussion with Mrs. Riederer after class (2nd offense)
- Phone call home to parents (3rd offense)
- Discipline Referral (detention)
- Meeting with teacher, student, parents, counselor and principal
- Further disciplinary action such as no field trips, removal from class
Attendance at all performances (concerts, NYSSMA evaluation, graduation) is MANDATORY. Nothing can replace the experience of performance. As a performance-based class, our concerts are the culmination of weeks of work. I have listed the required concert dates below. Students with jobs must ask for these nights off well in advance. Students who are marked unexcused will receive a zero for the concert portion of their grade. Some absences will be marked excused due to the nature of the conflict. As soon as you know of a conflict, let Mrs. Riederer know. Please follow up with a written note from a parent/guardian explaining the conflict. Careful consideration will be given to the acceptability of the conflict as to whether or not it is excusable or inexcusable. Communication is the best way to work out any conflict that may arise with a scheduled performance.
Fall Band ConcertTuesday, November 107:30 pm
Holiday ConcertThursday, December 177:30 pm
Winter ConcertTBA 7:30 pm
Spring ConcertThursday, May 267:30 pm
GraduationThursday, June 235:00 pm (report time)
Music Labs
Students in Concert and Symphonic Band are required to attend one music lab per week as scheduled. Your preparation of weekly lab assignments will make up 40% of the overall grade in band.
A. Daily rehearsals, concerts and performance assessments will comprise 60% of the report card grade. 1 point will be deducted daily for the following infractions:
-1 no pencil
-1 no music
-1 no instrument (this does not apply to instruments in repair shop)
-1 not participating
-1 behavior problem
-1 tardy
-1 instrument/equipment not put away after rehearsal/concert
B. Weekly music labs comprise 40% of the report card grade.
- Each lab will receive a grade of 0-100 based on the quality of preparation for the weekly assignments. Missed labs must be made up within 2 weeks of the missed lab. A zero will be received for each lab that is not made up within this time frame. I will drop (one) the lowest lab grade each marking period.
Extra Credit Award Points
Extra credit points will be given at the end of each marking period for the following:
- Weekly private instruction on band instrument. 5 points
- Auditioning at an All-County or NYSSMA solo festival. 2 points
- Participating in an Area All-State, All-State or All-County Festival. 2 points
- Participation in an outside music ensemble – i.e. GBYO, Sanborn Fire Co. Band, Bergholz German Band, etc. 2 points
Band Lockers
Every student will be assigned a locker and lock for instrument storage the first week of school. Lock combinations should not be shared with other students for security purposes. Lockers should be locked at all times. Band lockers are not to be used in place of academic lockers; please keep all other belongings (lunches, purses, books, backpacks, etc.) in your academic locker.
Private Instruction
Private study is an outstanding way to improve musicianship on an individual basis. All students, whether they are at the top of the class or struggling in band, will benefit from private study.
Consistent practice is the best way to progress on your instrument. Students are strongly encouraged to practice 30 minutes per day; however any amount of practice time is better than no practice time. Students are welcome to come down to the band room to practice during study hall, lunch, before and/or after school.
Lesson Books
It may be necessary for students to purchase a method book or solo for their music lab or solo audition. Further information will be given to the student to bring home if needed.
Concert Band Uniform
The required uniform for Concert Band members is as follows:
The men in the Concert Band will wear:
Long-sleeved, white dress shirt
Black dress pants – NO JEANS
Black socks
Black dress shoes – NO SNEAKERS
The women in the Concert Band will wear:
Long-sleeved, white blouse or sweater
Black dress pants or skirt (knee length or longer)
Black dress shoes
Symphonic Band Uniform
The men in the Symphonic Band will wear:
White tuxedo shirt
Black bow tie
Black tuxedo pants
Black tuxedo jacket
Black dress shoes - NO SNEAKERS
Black socks
The women in the Symphonic Band will wear:
Black concert dress
Black dress shoes
Music Festival Participation
Throughout the year, students may participate in several solo/music festivals outside of school. These music festivals are not mandatory; they are optional. Information will be provided on the cost, location and requirements for each festival. Please check the NWHS Calendar of Events for the festival dates.
What is All-County, Area All-State, and All-State?
All-County pertains to music activities taking place in Niagara County for Niagara County students and educators. NCMEA stands for Niagara County Music Educators’ Association.
The following are annual all-county activities:
- All-County Vocal Auditions (December)
- All-County Instrumental Solo Auditions (December)
- All-County Festival I – III are held on three different weekends at three different Niagara County schools. Students are selected for the following ensembles based on the vocal and instrumental auditions in December:
- Elementary Band, Chorus, and Orchestra (Grades 4-6)
- Junior High Band, Chorus, Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble (Grades 7-9)
- Senior High Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, and Vocal Jazz Ensemble (Grades 10-12)
It is possible at the junior and senior high levels to be selected for all three weekends – i.e. Band, Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble.
There is one Area All-State activity all year and it is held in early November for Junior High students (grades 7-9) and in late November for Senior High students. Students from Zone 1 (Niagara, Erie, Cattaraugus, and Chautauqua) are selected by application for the Area All-State Ensembles listed below. A written teacher recommendation and a copy of the student’s previous Spring NYSSMA Solo Evaluation must be attached.
JH Area All-State Band, Chorus, Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble
SH Area All-State Band, Chorus, Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble
All-State Conference is held annually the week after Thanksgiving. Sophomores and juniors audition the previous spring on a level VI solo with piano accompaniment to be eligible. Approximately 850 students from all over the state are notified in late August if they have been selected for one of the ensembles. Last year more than 6,000 students auditioned for all-state conference. Because of the high level of competition, a student who is interested in auditioning for all-state conference should take weekly private lessons, in addition to, school lessons and rehearsals.
Music Festival Participation Rules
Students who are selected for an Area All-State, All-State or All-County Music Festival must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Student must be a participating member of his/her school music organization at the time of the audition and at the time of the applicant’s membership in the honor’s ensemble.
- Prepare all music ahead of time at home
- Attend all preparatory rehearsals
- Dress and Behave appropriately at the festivals
- Attend all festival rehearsals full-time or not at all. Leaving early and/or arriving late is not acceptable
- Students are not allowed to drive to any music festival
- Follow all NWHS school policies – i.e. no tobacco, alcohol, etc.
- Students who fail to follow these guidelines will:
a) not be allowed to participate
b)parents will be called and the student sent home if infraction occurs at festival site
Music Department Field Trips
Students wishing to participate must be in good standing with the music department and his/her academic teachers. Students with chronic behavioral issues or who are failing band will not be able to participate. In addition, students failing two or more academic classes will not be able to participate according to academic eligibility rules. Students must adhere to all NWHS school policies and NWHS Music Department policies. Information will be provided well in advance of any scheduled trip. Students have the option of participating in various fundraisers throughout the year to raise money towards any future trip.
Music Parents Club
All parents of NWHS music students are encouraged to join the NW Music Parents Club. The Music Parents Club raises money for trips, scholarships, guest artists, commissioning projects, etc. To become a member, simply fill out the membership form and return to school. Meetings are held every other month on Monday evenings at 7:30 pm in the high school chorus room. Please check the Music Department Calendar of Events for the dates.
All fundraisers are optional. However, it is advised that students try to raise money towards a music trip. Information will be sent home with your child at the beginning of each fundraiser. Additional information can be gained at the monthly Parent Club meetings.
Each year the Music Parents Club awards scholarships to senior music students. In order to be eligible for these scholarships, the student’s parents must be members of the parent club. The application deadline is May 1, 2016. No exceptions! Applications can be picked up in the Career Center.
Contact Information
Dear Parents, please provide the following information in case I need to contact you and sign at the bottom of the form indicating that you have read the information provided. Thank you.
Child’s Name: ______
Please indicate who should be contacted first (Mom or Dad) by circling the appropriate number on the space provided.
1 or 2Mother’s Name: ______
Mother’s Email: ______
Please indicate in order (1,2,3) the best phone number to use to reach you. (1 indicating the best)
____Mother’s Home Phone #: ______
____Mother’s Cell Phone #: ______
____Mother’s Work Phone #: ______
1 or 2Father’s Name: ______
Father’s Email: ______
Please indicate in order (1,2,3) the best phone number to use to reach you. (1 indicating the best)
____Father’s Home Phone #: ______
____Father’s Cell Phone #: ______
____Father’s Work Phone #: ______
I have read the band handbook and understand the course requirements. I also understand that all of the concert performances listed in the handbook are mandatory.
Mother’s SignatureDate
Father’s SignatureDate
Student’s SignatureDate
Please return this form no later than Friday, September 11