Clyffe Pypard Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting – Monday 7th March 2016– at the Village Hall 7.45pm
Attendance: : Cllrs Peter Gantlett( PG), , Ed Rudler(ER),) Marian Kent (MK) Chris Thompson (CT ) Gwen Clarke (GC) Bill Hawkins( BH) Jenni Lake (JL)
In attendance Allison Bucknell ( AB)
Public ; David Wiltshire, Russel Wallace, Ayan and Simone Dawood
This meeting was called to discuss the planning Application at the Goddard Arms. A planning application at Bushton farm, and the application to list the Goddard Arms as a community asset was also discussed.
Item 1 ) Planning Application for Change of use at the Goddard Arms Pub.
The Parish Council were unanimous in their opposition to the change of use.
The huge response from local residents of this parish and neighbouring parishes shows that there is local support for this pub, and that it’s failings are due to the poor management of its current owners.With the right management this pub could again become an important centre for community activity and meeting.
Under Policy 49 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy the property should have been marketed for a period of 6 months before a change of use could be considered, this has not happened.
P.G to write to Wiltshire Council with the views of the Parish Council.
Item 2) Application to list the Goddard Arms as a community asset.
On the 21st January 2016 PG had emailed councillors regarding the possibility of the parish council submitting an application. 5 councillors responded that they wished the Parish Council to submit an application.
At this meeting on the 7th March, PG proposed that the Parish council confirm their wish to make the application, there were 6 votes in favour 1 abstention.
Item 3) Planning Application for mobile homes for farm workers at Bushton Farm.
This is a retrospective application, as the mobile homes have been in place for some time. There was no opposition to the application and the parish council supports the provision of the appropriate number of residential units for that type and size of farm.
There were concerns expressed about some inaccuracies in the application, and there is some local concern about noise and light coming from the farm. Various solutions were discussed and there will be another opportunity for discussion at the next meeting on the 21st March .