Reference number:
Site address:
Unit DC3,Prologis Ryton, Imperial Road, Ryton on Dunsmore
Description :
Proposed non-illuminated signage, including totem pole
Case Officer Name & Number:
Richard Holt 01788 533687
Description of Site:
The application site is now known as Unit DC3 on Site B of the Former Peugeot Works, which lies within the designated West Midlands Green Belt and forms part of the former Peugeot Works complex. Furthermore, it is allocated as a Strategically Significant Employment & Major Development Site in the Green Belt in the Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011.
Overall the site is generally flat and the main construction works associated with Unit DC3 have been completed and is currently vacant. To the east and south-east of the building is an area of landscaping and bunding with a public footpath and Site C, which has also received planning permission for employment uses, beyond. To the north-east is the village of Ryton on Dunsmore whilst to the north is Unit DC2, Network Rail. To the north west is Unit DC4, LG, whilst to the south and south-west is further landscaping and bunding with the Oxford Road and various commercial and residential properties beyond.
Unit DC3 rises to approximately 15 metres in height above ground level and comprises primarily of a variety of vertical metal panels of grey and white cladding together with associated glazing.
Description of Proposals:
This application is for three non-illuminated signs as the transfer signage on the entrance door applied to its inside face does not require advertisement consent.
The totem sign will be 4.95 metres high, 1.58 metres wide and 0.32 metres in depth. The wording ‘Jaguar Land Rover’ and ‘Special Vehicle Operations,’ together with a ‘SV’ logo will be on the solid black totem sign finished in chrome acrylic lettering. The totem sign will be positioned to the north-east of the building by the car park entrance to the site off Imperial Road.
The second sign will be located on the timber cladding façade next to the main entrance into the office part of Unit DC3 on the north-eastern elevation. It will be positioned approximately 3.2 metres above ground level and will measure approximately 2 metres high by 3.6 metres wide and project by between 0.16 to 0.2 metres. The Jaguar and Land Rover logos will be on a solid black sign finished with chrome acrylic lettering.
The third advertisement will be a directional sign located at the main Heavy Goods Vehicle entrance also to the north-east of Unit DC3. The sign itself will be just over 1 metre wide, 0.62 metres high and be between 0.12 metres and 0.2 metres in depth. It will be cited on two silver posts resulting in the overall height of the size being 1.55 metres above ground level. It will also be solid black with the Jaguar and Land Rover logos and the wording ‘deliveries’ and ‘reception’ with directional arrows finished in chrome acrylic lettering on it.
Relevant Planning History:
Site B:
Outline planning permission for redevelopment of 25.93 HA for storage Approved 18/04/2008
and distribution (Class B8) and General Industry (Class B2) (With up to
30% B2) up to a total maximum of 120770m2 including new access on
to Oxford Road (A423).
Renewal of outline planning permission (R07/2010/OPS) for the Approved 12/12/2011
redevelopment of 25.93Ha for storage and distribution (Class B8) and
General Industry (Class B2) (with up to 30% B2) up to a total maximum
of 120770m2, including new access on to Oxford Road (A423).
Approval of reserved matters for Units 3 & 4/Plot 3 relating to layout, Approved 20/05/2013
appearance, landscaping and scale (Application D) against renewed outline
planning permission R07/2010/OPS (R10/1972) for the redevelopment of
25.93HA for storage and distribution (Class B8) and general industry (Class
B2) (with up to 30% B2) up to a total maximum of 120,770m², including new
access on to Oxford Road (A423).
Certificate of lawfulness for a proposed use to occupy Unit DC3 for operations Approved 13/10/2014
under use Class B2.
Technical Consultations:
Warwickshire County Council – HighwaysNo objection
Third Party Comments:
Ryton on Dunsmore Parish CouncilObjectSite in countryside and Green Belt and there
(Original Plans)was an assumption that none of the developments would be allowed illuminated signs.
Ryton on Dunsmore Parish CouncilNo comments, subject to neighbour consultation.
(Revised Plans)
Cllr H Timms (Original Plans)ObjectGreen Belt location adjacent to housing;
If it projects over the highway this is unnecessary; &
No entrance to building at Oxford Road, roundabout entrance may be more appropriate for signage.
Cllr H Timms (Revised Plans)Content with revised plans.
Relevant Planning Policies & Guidance:
CS16 Sustainable DesignComplies
Control of Advertisements Regulations, 2007
National Planning Policy Framework, 2012
National Planning Practice Guidance, 2014
Assessment of Proposals:
The Advertisement Regulations, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the National Planning Practice Guidance state that the only issues to be considered in the determination of advertisement applications are amenity or public safety.
The non-illuminated black and chrome lettered and logo signage will give a sleek and stylish appearance and their size will appear in proportion to the large industrial building and would not dominate the north-eastern elevation of Unit DC3. Furthermore, as all the signs will be located on the north eastern elevation facing into Site B their location is considered to be relatively discrete.
The NPPF considers that poorly placed advertisements can have a negative impact on the appearance of the built and natural environment. The site lies within a strategically significant employment area which is currently being redeveloped where it would be expected that a certain level of signage would be present. Concerns were raised initially by the Local Planning Authority, Parish Council and Cllr H Timms at the use of illumination with the signs, however following the submission of revised plans the signs will now all be non-illuminated. On this basis, the design, scale and colour of the signage is now not considered to adversely affect the character and appearance of the area nor harm the visual amenity of the locality. In addition, as the closest advert, the totem sign, will be approximately 90 metres away from the nearest residential property the position of the signage on the site/building will not adversely affect the amenity of neighbouring properties.
The signage is not considered to be visible from any vehicular public highway and WCC Highways has stated that Imperial Road has not been the subject to any approach from the developer to the Highway Authority with respect to future highway adoption and therefore it will be a private drive. In addition, the signs will not possess moving features or flashing lights and thus would not jeopardise highway safety. Overall, Warwickshire County Council Highways Section has raised no objection to the signage.
Whilst the Parish Council would wish for neighbour consultation to be done in respect of the revised signage, under the Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007, the Local Planning Authority is not required to inform third parties of the application. The Parish Council represent local people and local communities and their response does not just represent the response of one individual. On this basis and notwithstanding the above regulations, plus owing to the distance the signage is from the nearest residential property, the lack of neighbour consultation is not judged to have prejudiced any person.
Overall the proposed signsare considered to accord with Policy CS16 and the NPPF.
Approval, subject to conditions.
Report prepared by: Richard Holt – 30/10/2014
Report Sheet