31st October 2015
Held at The New Church, Muller St. Sth, Buccleuch on 22-10-2015 at 18h30.
- Welcome, Apologies and Thanks
Chairman, Andrew McMurray (AM) welcomed and thanked everyone for their attendance. Thanks to Pastor Mark and The New Church for hosting the meeting.
New attendees were asked to introduce themselves-Damien Hartslief (DH) and Hendrik (H) (Saber Tactical) and Leshata (Heronshaw Complex, Buccleuch).
AM-very disappointing turnout. ***Very sad that neither of the Residents Associations in Buccleuch - BRACe and BSC - bother to send any representation to the CPF meeting.***
- Apologies
Shamith Maharaj, Ashraf Muhammad, Errol Rubin, Selwyn Fisher, Peter Berner, Bev Lovemore, Kenneth Sodalay, Musa Zwane, Vivienne Busse, Pastor Mark Allais, Je Je (Bophelo), Lt Col Pillay (SAPS), Lt Mahundla (SAPS), Peter Pavlu.
- Attendance
As per attendance register, total = 9
Moment of reflection
Before the meeting started, AM asked for a moment of reflection. Thoughts and condolences to Sgt Mabula of Sandton SAPS, whose wife was tragically killed – the car she was in, was mistakenly identified as a stolen vehicle, and was shot at, and she was fatally injured.
- Matters arising, acceptance of minutes.
Minutes proposed by Anashree Sodalay. Massive illegal advertising sign on Western Service Road,(JMPD BMU ref no : BMU074/10/15). Missing street signs in Buccleuch have been followed up – ref nos : 3341830 and 3353909 (in Sandton Chronicle this week). ***Issue of sexual assault of a minor (Northfields Complex, Fife St, Buccleuch), complainant did not want to press charges***.
- Sector 4 Commander’s report.
Captain Semenya (CaptS): Pleased because crime is very low in S4. Crime analysis : Red – up, Blue – Static, Green – down.
Concerns (Reds) : Att Robbery (Aggravating) – Red, Assault GBH – Red (usually Domestic Violence (DV) or employer/employee related).
Crime must be reported correctly by complainants (i.e crime category must be correct).
Let’s not relax, be aware, don’t let your guard down…crime is low. Report ALL crime.
Rape is a very sensitive crime. Rape of minor has serious long term repercussions for victims.
Sexual offences are low…usually find these crimes are prevalent where there are shebeens.
Malicious Damage to Property-there must be a deliberate intent (also related to DV)…damage must be more than R200.
Burglary Res : 17F Nola Ave, Buccleuch. Two TVs stolen. Complainant raised alarm and locked herself in a room…no contact. Both suspects arrested. Goods recovered.
***Please support Domestic Watch***
Beware of scams by trolley pushers/car guards at Pick n Pay and Makro.
CarJacking – problem. Especially along Marlboro Drive. At robots be aware, look around. One hijacking (Western Service Road/South Road) resulted in 3 suspects being arrested. Hijackings in Marlboro (4)-possibly fell into Bramley/Alex precinct. Natasha Springfield (NS) – they were young guys. CaptS : Hijacking at Burnway, Kelvin. Vehicle recovered (Yaris).
DH-will have a strike team based in Kelvin to tackle hijackings along Marlboro.
Theft of MV – Green.
Murder, Attempted Murder, Culpable Homicide – Blue (0).
- Chairman’s feedback
Empty properties (see below)
Congrats to all roleplayers for all of the arrests during the month.
***Bridge Shopping Centre is becoming problematic again. Drunks and Drugs. ATM machines.***
New owners at Kelvin Shopping Centre. Had a meeting with them.
AM spoke about Datadot. They will come and do a presentation in November.
- Ward Councillor
Councillor Nkomo : Absent without apologies.
Councillor Kekana : Absent without apologies.
- Security Companies Reports
ADT : NS – 5 complaints attended to, from ADT clients. Marlboro Drive is an issue. ADT clients are talking about it. Crime is low. ***CaptS will bring stats of hotspots to future meetings*** CaptS : Justice system does not back up Police work. Every person has a right to Bail.
Saber : Strike team for Kelvin (Marlboro). Saber will be very proactive over the Festive Season. Saber are running a special for Xmas.
Securitas : Absent without apologies.
Fidelity/Wits : Absent without apologies.
Amahlo : not present.
Leshata : concern about all the VW Polos being stolen/hijacked-ending up in Soweto. Concern about activity in their complex (Heronshaw).
***CaptS-when suspects are arrested, ensure a case number is attained immediately. Ensure arresting officers take a statement from the complainant…this is essential***SAPS can get sued for unlawful arrests. Follow cases thoroughly. Chase up SAPS and Investigating Officers.***
NBBB : ALL SECURITY COMPANIES : Sector 4 MANCOM will be holding monthly planning meetings with Sec Cos. November meeting will take place on 3rd November at Cescos in Kelvin (starting at 18h00).
- Sector 4 : Identified areas of concern
- Bridge Shopping Centre, Buccleuch. Drunks and Drugs. Issues at ATM. Saber have resigned as the Sec. Co for the Shopping Centre due to non payment of fees due to them.
- 20 Sterling Avenue, Buccleuch. Vacant house. Black Jaguar often parked outside. Suspicious.
- Woodmead Retail Park. Theft out of MV (using signal jammer).
- Buccleuch Interchange. Hijackings and Robbery with Firearm/Other weapon
- c/o Alison/Gibson Dr., Buccleuch. Environmental issues. Property not empty.
- Hijackings along Marlboro Drive.
- SAPS Resources.
- Empty Properties
- 15D Muller St. South, Buccleuch.
- 1 Lebanon Close, Buccleuch.
- 9D Argyle Rd, Buccleuch.
- No 2 Sunnyway, Kelvin
- 40 Eastway, Kelvin.
- 30 President Way, Kelvin.
- 5 Northway, Kelvin.
- 16 President Way, Kelvin. (Kelvin empty properties to be confirmed)
- Request for funds/fundraising for the Sandton CPF
As a volunteer organisation, without membership fees, the CPF is always in need of donations/funds - never moreso than now. Please make a regular donation.
Sandton Community Police Forum bank details are as follows:
Bank Name:Standard Bank
Branch: Sandton Branch – Code 019205
Account Name: Sandton Community Police Forum
Account Number: 421063890
Please ensure your contribution clearly indicates your Name/Company name.
This is especially important with electronic fund transfers.
Sandton Community Police Forum is a registered Section 18a company and therefore your donations are fully tax deductible.
Sandton CPF Tax Exemption number is MM/160/10/07 PBO number 930025688.
- General
AM reminded the community about the World Ecomobility Festival taking place in Sandton from 1st to 31st October 2015. Please make yourselves aware of road closures.
Sandton SAPS/CPF will be hosting an Open Community meeting on 28th October 2015 at Johannesburg Country Club starting at 18h00.
AM attended the Sandton SAPS quarterly imbizo on Weds 21st. Performance and concerns of the station were discussed in detail. It was eye popping. The red tape and obstacles that SAPS have to overcome.
Next meeting to be held at The Christ Church, c/o Roosevelt/Haldane Rds., Wendywood on THURSDAY 26th November 2015, starting at 18h30.
Some Important Contact numbers :
SAPS Sector 4 Vans – 0716756106 / 0716756107
Sandton SAPS – 011 722 4200
Sandton SAPS Shift Commander - 0788173198
JMPD Control Room (traffic issues) – 011 758 9622 / 9624
JMPD By Law Management Unit – 011 490 1630/1707/1576 (ph), 011 490 1860 (fax) and
Peak Security (Eskom Cable Theft) – 011 472 1349 / 0768853733
Amahlo Security (Eskom/City Power) - 0832295584
Vacant Housing/Squatters/Vagrants – Colman Mabunda (Region E) -