ConsideringtheWritingTask—EssayAssignment(AnimalBillof Rights)
AnorganizationcalledtheAnimal LegalDefenseFundhas sponsoreda petitionthatcallsforincreasedprotectionfortherights ofanimals.Itsaysthefollowing:
Deprivedoflegalprotection,animalsaredefenselessagainst exploitationandabusebyhumans.Through theAnimal BillofRights,theAnimal LegalDefenseFundisworkingtoshow Congressa groundswellofsupport forlegislationthatprotects animalsandrecognizesthat,likeallsentientbeings,animalsare entitled tobasiclegalrightsinoursociety.
Thepetitioncallsfortherightofallanimalstobefreefrom exploitation,cruelty,neglect,andabuseandenumerates further rightsforlaboratoryanimals,farmanimals,companionanimals,and wildlife.
Doyouthinkanimalsneeda “Bill ofRights”? Wouldsucha law go againstcenturiesofhumanculture? Woulditincreasethe cost offood? Wouldithindermedicalresearch? Woulditcause other problems? Writea well-organized essay explaining theextent to whichyouagreeordisagreewiththeideaofcreatinga Billof Rights foranimals.Developyourpointsbygiving reasons,examples, or bothfromyourownexperience, observations, and reading.
Taking a Stance (AnimalBillof Rights)
Afterreadinganddiscussing the essay assignment, review your collectednotesand annotations tosee howtheyarerelevantto the prompt. Thenanswerthe following questions:
- Do you agree? To what extent? Whatwould betheconsequencesofthepositionyoutake?
- State yourposition (thesis)ina clear complex sentence.
- What reasons/arguments would support your position?
- What arguments could the opposition have to challenge your position?
- How would you rebut/counter their arguments?
Research Requirements:
- Apply at least 1 of the articles discussed in class. Find and apply at least 2 additional valid sources from your own research. Minimum of 3 sources total.
- Valid source: Primarily .edu or articles with clearly reputable source of information. Avoid random blogs or posts. Check if the article identifies its sources. It should be current (less than 10 years old) to be relevant. (A few under our class’ links under Animal Rights.)
Collecting Evidence:
Evidence (quote properly or paraphrase—watch for plagiarism) / Type? (statistic, anecdote, study, expert knowledge, fact, example) / What claim can this prove? (Connect evidence to supporting arguments you plan to make) / Source(Use to put in MLA format)