College Credit Meeting
Monday, October 29, 2012, 9:00am
Attendees: Sergio, Tuyen, Chris, Bea, Leigh Ann, Linda, Mark, Robert, Syed, Stuart, Kate, Albert, Doug1 / Status of ‘Pay as you go’ work flow in registration – Hold
Linda ask if we could go ahead and implement the rule change from $47 threshold to $1 threshold for drop for non-payment / Doug
2 / WebAdvisor Grade – CE Modifications
Explained and showed changes CE requested for WebAdvisor grading to include dropped students and positive attendance hours for CE sections. CC is questioning whether grades can or should be given to drop students. Doug will follow up with CE. / Doug
3 / Rewording of the Drop policy – status of suggested wording
Mark and Linda will work on new wording and where the verbiage should be displayed. / Tuyen
4 / Status: Academic standing report (fixed 2nd time in 2011FA) – no P1 or P2 academic standing statuses.
Albert provided sample reporting and statistics. He continues to research. / Tuyen
5 / Status: Customized “move to student” subroutine that backdates the residency status for students who apply after the term starts. Change it to -30 days instead of -1, regardless of the residency status.
This will be added to the request list. Should be an easy, quick change. / Chris
6 / Advance Placement Tests should be uppercase on transcript
Albert has modified transcript to up shift codes. Testing, waiting for user feedback. / Tuyen
7 / Batch Graduation
· Requesting batch add of student programs via ELF based on Paul’s programs identification process.
· Modify CGRF (create graduates file) to include academic level, site code and graduation dates
· Review needed changes for SGRD and UACF after first two items are complete / Sergio
8 / UI 4.3 Testing Status: Testing going fine. Access given to Robert Manson / Doug
9 / MIS Update: Status for FA and current term submissions given / Kate
10 / Other
· Linda: would like to make it easier for faculty to identify current terms in the WebAdvisor roster selection. Solution: we can move the term selection to the top of the form.
· Linda: to make it easier and more apparent that faculty can include dropped and withdrawn students on their class roster, that selection criteria will be moved to the top of the form
· Tuyen and Chris discussed co-requisite and pre-requisite rules
Project List – Review
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, November 13
A&R CC Project Request List
Updated 9/21/2012
Status / Priority / Request
Doug / Pend / 1 / Solution for student’s substandard grade and test score expired. Need to look for coursework before looking at test scores, currently expired test scores fail the check and the student is unable to register. Will test to see if the course can be a prerequisite of itself.
Doug / Open / 1 / WebAdvisor Faculty Drop - Expand failure messages: Faculty cannot drop linked sections, Doug to update the language to be more than “Contact Admissions”
Paul / Pend / 1 / Library Voyager system - Create Student information extract from Datatel for Library check out system. Extract will be on demand. (Sergio R)
Paul / Pend / 1 / Health Center student service eligibility report
MedPro demographic extract
Requires custom screen, integrates SACD, LOCR, PERC
Bay/Doug / Saved List Failure, ITS to research / 1 / ETSP – End Student Program – new software update in user testing
Unassigned / Waiting on Approval from Peter / 1 / Pay to Register
Bay / Pend / 1 / *Update: New software update that fixes this problem. Patch needs to be installed and tested (SU59867.85-1805*18)
Student ‘P’otential status needs to be change to ‘A’ctive when move to student Bay query of potential, change to active pending update
Bay / Stuart / Modification Required / 1 / Grade Change Report
--Need start and end date for report
--Report both campus together
--Remove term requirement, it needs to be all changes to all terms, within a given date range.
unassigned / Pend / 1 / Registration Fix Prevent registration of same section in same semester. Customization to prevent students from repeating a class in the same semester (RGPP). New subroutine needs to be written for RGPP to prevent students from registering more than once for the same course in a given term. (Sergio R)
Doug / Pend / 1 / Customization to prevent students from repeating a class in the same semester (RGPP) - new subroutine.
1 / Distance Ed. Coordinators requesting a WebAdvisor modification for all DINT and DINT2 sections. Times and Days are left blank on these sections however in WebAdvisor it shows as “Times and Days to be Announced”. They would like this verbiage removed and left blank as they feel it is confusing to students.
Albert / Pend / 1 / International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams: Build it like AP exams where only a score and the areas that it meets. Additional transcript heading required
Doug / Pend / 2 / WebAdvisor Faulty Drops
Drop Co-requisite at the same time
For all co-requisites, this is problematic for teachers to drop both sections. Is there any way to customization drops for WebAdvisor to kick the student from both sections?
3 / Probation group discussing, P2 students, would like to post a video and have some way for the student to validate that they have watched the video to prove they are ready to enroll again.
unassigned / Pend / 3 / XREST Contact Information - display additional information for holds
unassigned / Pend / 3 / ASSIST.ORG into equivalencies
unassigned / Pend / 3 / Student Academic Planning
Unassigned / Pend / 10 / Create ELF process to import programs identified by Paul’s process. Data layout to be determined
Unassigned / Pend / 10 / CGRF – modify to include site, date and academic level to make more usable. This needs to be researched.
Unassigned / Pend / 10 / WA Class Roster – Section Selection: Move term selection to top of form to make option more obvious
Unassigned / Pend / 10 / WA Class Roster – Section Detail: Move filter criteria (show dropped / withdrawn, etc) to top of form to make options more obvious
unassigned / Pend / 10 / Degree Audit Customizations
Custom Naming Convention
Acknowledgement Screen, Disclaimer
HTML has to be reformatted, needs location
unassigned / Pend / 10 / Add attachment option when submitting grades for faculty on WebAdvisor, attachments would be directed to either Tuyen or Hung. Message display “Please remember to send in all documentation to the following person: Tuyen (SCC) or Hung (SAC) with email address displayed”
unassigned / Pend / 10 / WebAdvisor customization: Add email below the Welcome “Stuart” message, so that students can validate email address is correct. Would also be great to show if the student has a Hold or Academic Probation. Text needs to be BOLD and LARGER
unassigned / Pend / 10 / WA: VATEA Survey - remove indication that survey is optional, add new fields WIA Veteran Status and Dislocated Worker (both self reported)
unassigned / Pend / 10 / Emergency Email Query - add to report repository
unassigned / Pend / 10 / WA: New screen 'Do I Need to Apply?
unassigned / Pend / 10 / STUDENT.ACAD.HIST.LOG
Research use and maintenance and overhead created by use of log. Chris needs this as an audit trail for students who claim they did (or didn’t) drop a class.
unassigned / Pend / 10 / WA: VATEA BOG waiver eligibility calculation
unassigned / Pend / 10 / WA: BOG Waiver Link on Make a Payment page
Unassigned / New / 10 / Automation of BOGW importing it from CCCApply and uploading it in Datatel automatically
Create automated process to update BOG data collected at the time application data is received. Stand alone process to read data and update table that has BOG data. No editing required. Manual review of data will be required. (Robert)
unassigned / Pend / 10 / Home Location: Financial Aid problem when a CEC/OEC student becomes a CC student, the home location is not being updated. Becomes a problem for financial aid to determine identify which school (SAC/SCC) should serve the student. Academic program since students can have active programs at both schools.
Start with creating a report that shows student (academic level)and mis-match home location if CC (Robert)
unassigned / Pend / 10 / WebAdvisor customization request to have placement test scores available to students through along with information letting them know what classes their test scores allow them to register in New student WA form to show placement test scores along with hyper link to ‘chart’ showing the courses the placement score entitles the student to take.
Unassigned / Pend / 10 / Enrollment Priorities to Increase Student Success -- New law (Fall 2014) Students who have completed college orientation, assessment and developed education plans as well as continuing students in good academic standing who have not exceeded 100 units (not including units in basic English, math or English as a Second Language) will now have priority over students who do not meet these criteria.
Exclude students with 100+ units from priority Registration
Would like to implement Fall 2013, priority registration begins March 2013
Unassigned / Pend / 10 / Allow Students to change academic program through WebAdvisor
Consider FA, Veterans, EOPS tracking:
1. Possibility of tracking or creating an audit trail on when the “change in major” took place and by who
2. Hence by tracking the above we can allow students to change major via web advisor
3. Not allowing the system to change the degree goal to certificate goal as it will require in person visit to admission and a process with which admission will notify FA
4. Possibility of locking the major if the student once received FA disbursement
--Some rules have already been established and forwarded to Doug regarding this request
--Cannot switch from an AA/AS to a ND, CA or CERT if on Financial Aid
--Cannot delete only active program
--Only show AA/AS/AST/AAT as possible choices in switching
Needs additional specifications
unassigned / Pend / 10 / Faculty Evaluation Default to email (Sergio R)
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