MATH 1342. Homework on Chapters 20-22

As before, use software as needed to enable you to do enough problems to understand the material. Do enough hand computations to learn to do them. On the test, you will be required to do a few hand computations. (Between 25% and 35% of the credit on the test.)

In the homework here, the quiz problems must be done AT THE END of the paper for that chapter and they will count about 50% of the grade on that assignment.


Your homework in Chapter 20 should include at least two problems for a confidence interval and two problems for a hypothesis test where you write the formula and show what numbers are to be plugged in where. As in previous chapters, beginning with 18, you should use software to do computations quite a lot of the time, so that you have time to really deal with all the rest of what is involved in the analysis.

Chapter 20:[20.1, 20.3, 20.5, 20.7, 20.9, 20.11, 20.13, 20.15-20.24]20.25, 20.27, 20.29, 20.31, 20.33, 20.37, 20.41

Quiz:20.38 (Be sure to include all four steps. Do the calculations by hand to show that you can. You may, of course, check your work by doing them with software.)


Your homework in Chapter 21 should include at least two problems for a confidence interval and two problems for a hypothesis test where you write the formula and show what numbers are to be plugged in where. As in previous chapters, beginning with 18, you should use software to do computations quite a lot of the time, so that you have time to really deal with all the rest of what is involved in the analysis.


Chapter 21:[21.1, 21.3, 21.5, 21.7,21.9-21.16]21.17, 21.19, 21.21, 21.25, 21.35

Quiz:21.34 (Be sure to include all four steps. Also, show the formula(s) needed, with the numbers plugged in, that would be used to do the calculation(s) by hand, even if you carry out the computations with software.)


Chapter 22: Use these exercises to practice determining what type of analysis is needed to answer the question. It is unlikely that you need to / will have time to practice much computation in this chapter. Read the instructions for exercises 22.41 through 22.46. Do the odd-numbered problems in those. Then continue to use those same instructions to say what type of analysis is needed for at least five odd-numbered problems between 22.47 and 22.64. Check their answer to see that they did use that same procedure you identified.

Three quiz questions:

22.19. Answer the question and then discuss what populations a researcher would say these results are good for.

22.32. Explain why (a) is a better answer than (b) here, when you consider the significance levels that researchers typically use.

22.40 Answer the question as stated.