The Jordan-Elbridge Band Boosters Inc. (JEBB) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, which financially supports the activities of the Jordan-Elbridge Marching Band.

______is a member of the 2017 Marching Band and

______are the parent (s) and/or legal guardian. The JEBB and the parents are entering into a participation contract: terms and conditions are expressed below.

The members of the Marching Band are defined as the students of Jordan-Elbridge Central School District that participate in any of the activities supported by the JEBB. Membership in the JEBB is open to all parents/family members of current members, alumni of the Marching Band/Guards, and designated representatives from the Jordan-Elbridge School district as well as any community members who have an interest in the activities of the JEBB.

The purpose of this FRP contract is to equitably share the annual budget requirements of the JEBB among all the members of the Marching Band. The annual budget needs are determined by the Executive Board of the JEBB and the Marching Band Director. These needs include projected financial costs to operate the Marching Band for the year. The annual budget of the JEBB is discussed and voted on by the members at the June General Booster’s Meeting. For the 2017 season, the FRP per member is $ 300.00. Each member and their parents/guardians are responsible to raise this amount. A confidential individual account will be established for every member of the Marching Band. This account will be maintained by the Treasurer, who is a member of the Executive Board OR an appointed Student Account Coordinator, who is a member of the JEBB.

Any member of the Marching Band who has previously raised more money than the specified amount in a given season may roll over any excess toward the next season’s fees. Please be aware that positive as well as negative balances carry over to the following season. Any money that a Marching Band member has accrued in their account may also be transferred to another student OR to the JEBB FRP Fellowship account, which has been established to help students in need. Money can also be fundraised specifically by one member for another member OR for the FRP Fellowship account.

The student account procedure allows for individual choices in how the financial obligation can be met by the member and their parents. The member and/or parents can participate in a variety of fund raising activities as given throughout the season; they can pay cash (or check) or any combination thereof as they so choose. This system does call for benchmarks, whereby specified financial levels must be achieved by certain dates. Band members will be informed, via email, of their student account balances on a regular basis. Any requests for deviations from the benchmark shall be approved by the Treasurer or Student Account Coordinator. NOTE: As an assist to families in meeting said benchmarks, the JEBB provides fundraisers whereby the products being offered are advanced to the students as samples for sale or marketing purposes. All items pertaining to such sales are considered property of the JEBB, and must be returned to the club unless the equivalent financial sum is returned in accordance with each particular sale’s written guidelines. (Product for sale such as candy or pepperoni is NOT returnable). Any lost, damaged or otherwise non-recovered items from said sales shall be debited from the student’s account in lieu of payment for the same. If a student account is debited, all sign out privileges are revoked.

The 2017 seasonal benchmarks for fundraising participation in the JE Fall Marching Band, totaling $300.00, are as follows:

1.August 28, 2017$100.00

2.September 25, 2017$100.00

3.October 23, 2017$100.00

We have read, understand and agree to abide by all of the above terms and conditions as set forth in the JEBB Student FRP Contract for this, the 2017 Fall Season.

_____ I understand that I will receive my statement via email, as such, it is my responsibility to provide a valid email address and release JEBB from any liability due to undeliverable email or my failure to notify of my new email address. If an email address is not available, it is solely my responsibility to request a printed copy of my statement.

Parent/Guardian SignatureDateBand Member SignatureDate

Parent/Guardian Printed NameBand Member Printed Name

Email Address for Electronic Statement