
As an elementary school, we recognized that our students were reading below grade level and not receiving enough one-on-one reading instructional time. A team was created to develop some strategies that would better support our students and increase the amount of time spent on reading instruction. (I was an am the chair of this team.)


The team decided to develop a Reading Buddy program. This program would pair our elementary students with teachers and additional staff for an increased one-on-one reading time of 20 minutes per week. Teachers and staff were asked to use 20 minutes of their prep time to read with individual students. Staff were paired with two students at the same time on the same day. Staff read with the first student on the first and third weeks of the month and the second student on the second and fourth weeks of the month. By pairing our staff and our students this way, we eliminated the need for one staff for every student and greatly reduced the number of staff members we needed to implement our program.

Once the Reading Buddy program was created and developed, the team decided that we needed an place that was special and would stimulate an interest in reading for our Reading Buddies to meet. The team approached the elementary school and asked that an empty classroom be turned into a Reading Room. This was approved and we sought donations of books, materials, and labor for the room. We had a tremendous outpouring of support and now have a Reading Room with hundreds of great books, four themed seating areas that can support up to 6 pairs of Reading Buddies at the same time, and a fascinating environment that stimulates an interest in reading.


All of our students now have an increased one-on-one reading time of 20 minutes per week. (They have had this increased time since the Spring of 2002.) Our students are motivated to read with their Reading Buddies in the Reading Room and can often be seen asking or reminding their Reading Buddy when their next reading time will be. I cannot verify that we are seeing improved reading levels just because of 20 minutes, but I can verify that I am observing students being excited about reading and that is at least a first step in the process of improving their reading abilities. Motivation is a key!

Contact Information

Joey Newcomer, Texas School for the Deaf,