Welcome to Biology!
Teacher InformationName: Ms. Logan
Room: 228
Extra Help::
Tues-Thurs- after school
Before School- by appointment
Class Requirements
1. Students will be required to maintain a binder OR a notebook & folder.
2. Pen and/or pencil should be brought to every class
3. Students will receive the textbook, Modern Biology, which will be used throughout the year.
Notebook Policy
Notebooks will be checked at the end of each marking period. Students are required to bring them to class daily. During the year there will be worksheets, notes, and laboratory handouts to reinforce the topics that are being discussed. It is recommended that the students obtain a 3-ring binder or a folder to store and organize all of the given materials.
Grading Policy
Students will be evaluated in the following areas and MP grades weighted:
Tests Classwork/Activities
Quizzes Labs
Notebook Check Projects
50% Major Assessments – Tests
30% Minor Assessments – Projects & Labs
20% Alternate Assessments – Classwork, Do nows, quizzes, daily activities
Homework will be given in the form of unfinished classwork, or an extension of the day’s activity. Homework will be assigned as a form of practice to strengthen the students’ skills. Individual homework assignments will not be averaged into a student’s overall grade!
As per David Brearley Handbook, homework is defined as:
“The reading of material, the practice of skills and the reinforcement of content is critical to a student’s academic development. Work completed at home is an extension of the learning that occurs in the classroom. These assignments are the student’s responsibility and will be evaluated through performance-based assessments. Students and parents can monitor academic progress via the Genesis Parent Portal at their convenience.”
Class participation will be incorporated with a daily evaluation of the student’s behavior / performance.
Attendance Policy
Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. David Brearley Middle/High School expects students to exercise good judgment regarding attendance and absences. Students will accept full responsibility for ensuring their work does not suffer because of absences. All students are expected to attend every scheduled class on time. Exceptions may be made for illness and valid emergencies.
Absent Work Procedure
If a student is absent from class, he or she is responsible for the work that was missed. There will be an absent work bin in the classroom organized by class. The student is responsible to come into class and check their class’s folder for their missed assignments and materials. If a student misses a lab, quiz, or test, the student is responsible for scheduling a make up with the teacher. The district allows two days of makeup time for every day of absence, and after this allotted time, any assignments turned in will be subject to the late assignment policy.
Late assignments from students are not acceptable. For major assessments, such as projects and lab reports, students will lose 10 points each day the assignment is late. Make-up work from student absences is not considered late. If the assignment’s due date was announced prior to the student absence, the student remains responsible for turning in the assignment in on time. Circumstances that may not allow the student to do so will be addressed on an individual basis.
Classroom Rules & Expectations
Classroom Rules / Classroom ExpectationsBe on time for class- 3 lates=DETENTION / Be respectful to yourself, teachers, and peers at ALL times
Follow cell phone policy / Be responsible for your learning by being prepared for class
No food or drinks in class (except for sealable water bottles) / Raise your hand when you would like to speak
No gathering by the door before the bell rings / The teacher dismisses you, NOT the bell
When student breaks a classroom rule or exhibits unacceptable behavior, the following consequences will be issued:
1st offense- verbal warning
2nd offense- name will go on the board (written warning)
3rd offense- check mark next to name indicates a detention with the teacher & parent contact
4th offense- parent/teacher conference
5th offense- referral to principal
Bathroom Pass Policy:
Each student will be given 4 bathroom passes at the beginning of each marking period. It is up to the student’s discretion to use the passes. They will ask to leave the room, they will fill out a bathroom pass and obtain a yellow hall pass from me. Once the 4 passes are used, the student is unable to leave the room for the bathroom for the remainder of the marking period. Any unused passes can be turned in at the end of the marking period for 1 extra credit point each.
*Students will need a pass EVERY TIME they need to leave the room & must sign out in the “Sign Out Binder” located in the classroom. NO EXCEPTIONS*
Electronics Policy:
All electronics must be put away and out of use at all times during class time. There will be NO charging of electronic devices. The lab benches have outlets that are to be used ONLY for classroom purposes. There will be NO headphones allowed during class instruction. We will be utilizing technology throughout the year, so at those times, electronics may be used when instructed by the teacher. If the student takes their electronic device without permission from the teacher , there are the following consequences:
1. Verbal warning to put the cellphone out of view
2. Teacher will confiscate the phone and place in on their desk. Student can pick it up after class.
3. If student does not cooperate, the cell phone will be given to the principal and a parent/guardian will
need to come pick it up at the end of the day.
Student can listen to music while doing independent work, after permission from the teacher.
Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Integrity (Obtained from Student Handbook)
Any incidence of copying, translation using a translator, cheating, plagiarism or act of dishonesty is considered a serious infraction of conduct. The student’s parent or guardian will be contacted. Learning requires that students assume full and personal responsibility for their work. Unless otherwise directed, all assignments must be independently completed. Any student identified as having or using unauthorized aid, falsifying or providing false information and/or copying other’s work will receive a grade of “0” for that assignment. In addition, the student may face additional sanction(s), which include out-of-school suspension and/or a hearing before the principal. (KSD Reg. 5600)
Students found to have cheated on any school exams, term papers, research assignments or class projects will face loss of credit for the assignment, out-of-school suspensions and/or loss of credit for the course. This applies to any student involved in the sale/distribution of term papers, exam papers, and research material and/or test questions. Additionally, students engaged in providing services for payment in homework preparation, test taking and completion of composition assignments are also subject to loss credit for the assignment and/or the course and suspension. If more than 15% of a work is found to be without proper citations, the work will be considered plagiarized.
Ticket Reward System
In this classroom, I will be using a ticket system to reward students that meet and exceed expectations, follow classroom procedures and expectations, and go above and beyond in the learning environment.
Students can receive tickets for the following: (these are just some examples. Tickets will be given out based on teacher discretion)
• Asking critical thinking questions
• Participating in class discussion, providing strong and credible arguments
• Receiving 90 or above on an assessment
• Following class procedures and expectations, showing good behavior
• Helping a classmate in need
Once students have received a ticket, they are to put their name on the back and put it in the container with their period number on it. A drawing will take place at the end of each marking period. 2 students per period will be chosen and the winning students will have their choice from a prize box.
By signing,. I agree to the terms in this syllabus. I have read the syllabus and fully understand what is expected. I understand the rules, policies, expectations, and consequences.
Student Name:______Date:______
Student Signature:______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______
Please sign and return this paper to Ms. Logan!