Camas Boys’ Tennis

Spring 2017

Times and Dates/Subject to Change

Practice begins at 3:05 p.m. for varsity and JV and ends at 4:29 p.m. C team will go from 4:30 p.m. until 5:45 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. daily as daylight permits. Times for rainy-day practices will be announced as the season progresses. Home matches begin at 3:30, but players are expected to be dressed in their tennisuniform and ready to go on the court at 3:05. Players will also be expected to help with set up at home matches. The bus for away matches will leave 10 minutes after dismissal from class unless otherwise noted. This does not allow much time. Please do not keep your teammates or coaches waiting. For matches that are farther away we will leave before school dismissal. You will be notified of these times ahead of each match or you can check the daily bulletin. The regular season endsstarts September 8th, and ends October 12. Post-season practice will beginOctober 16for varsity. Post season continues into the fourth week of October for those varsity players who qualify for the state tournament.


In order to be eligible to play in matches students must comply with the following:

  • Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA
  • Sign an athletic code of conduct
  • Have a current physical
  • Fill out the necessary paperwork
  • Attend at least 10 practices prior to the first match
  • Pay the $50 participation fee
  • Hold a valid ASB card

Players who lose eligibility must participate in 10 consecutive practices to regain eligibility. According to WIAA rules, in order to maintain eligibility, players may not miss any part or a whole practice to attend private lessons.


Tennis in the Northwest is greatly affected by the weather. In the event of rain on a practice day, we will hold conditioning and/or mini clinics in the gym. If you do not hear that practice is cancelled, and the courts are empty, you should assume that we have practice in the gym. Many of our matches will be rescheduled due to rain. All postponed league matches will be made up on the next possible playing date (made up on the next open date for both teams). Please be aware that the best way to keep up with these changes is to follow the athletic bulletin and listen to the coaches. If our match is cancelled, then practice is on unless you hear an announcement otherwise.

The Team

The tennis team has a no cut policy. Anyone who meets the above conditions and is interested in playing (regardless of ability) is welcome to practice with the team and play in matches, if they are ready. Many players begin as freshman and are able to make varsity by their junior year with hard work.


Varsity players are expected to come to all practices and have a strong commitment to improving, competing and being dedicated to the team. Players will attend all home and away matches and will compete in post-season play. Players are asked to stay for the entire match to support their teammates. There are nine spots available on varsity.

Junior Varsity

Junior varsity players are expected to come to all practices and have a strong commitment to improving, competing and being dedicated to the team. Players will attend all home and away matches, but will not compete in post-season play. Players are asked to stay for the entire match and support their teammates.One or two players may be asked to practice with the team through post season to serve as alternates. Nine spots are available on junior varsity.


C Team

C team players are expected to come to all practices and have a strong commitment to improving. C team players will attend all home matches and will be invited to some away matches. In some cases, C team players will play against other Camas players if the opposing team does not have an equal number of players. C team players will always have some competition opportunity at home matches. C team players will not compete in post-season play.


Varsity and junior varsity matches will consist of six matches each. We will have threesingles matches and three doubles matches for each team. A win in each match is worth one point. The team with the best of six points will be the winner of the match. C team matches will be exhibition and will be for the purpose of gaining match experience, but they will not count toward a team win or loss.


All varsity, junior varsity and C team players will be issued a uniform. Players not in uniform will not be allowed to play.

Summer Camp

The team’s major fundraising effort is a summer camp for elementary and middle school students. The camp is held in July. It is expected that juniors, sophomores and freshmen who play varsity be available to assist with the camp to give back to the community. C team players are welcome to fill in where needed. The camp helps to provide money for the team’s needs.

Position on the Team

Players’ positions on the team will be fluid. Players may climb the ladder based on challenge matches and coaches’ discretion which is based on reliability and competition experience. A ladder will be kept and made available to players. All challenges will be discussed with the coaches to determine if the challenge is fair, what the format will be and what the result will determine.Coaches will have the final say on who will play in each spot. This will be done with the ultimate goal of winning matches. Coaches have the ultimate say in who will play in the matches and in which positions.

If inclement weather makes it so that we can’t run a thorough set of challenges to start the year, the coaches will put together a ladder that is in the best interest of winning matches. Two tournaments will be held to help order the C team. One will be held at the start of the season and a second tournament will be held mid-season.

Thank you.

Jonathan Burton –

Doug Brumfield - Doug Brumfield

Please return the signed portion below to Coach Burton.


I have read and understand the information featured in this 2016 Girls’Spring Tennis Syllabus. At anytime, if I have any questions or concerns, I will contact one of the coaches listed above.


Print Name ClearlyStudent Athlete SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate