Summary of main strengths /
  • Much good practice already exists in promoting literacy and the literacy group co-ordinated by Ms. P. O’Reilly continues to carry out great work in promoting literacy among the student body and within a classroom context.
Work has commenced on seeking to improve spelling, punctuation and grammar across all subject areas.
  • DEAR week (twice per annum) has become a significant event on the academic calendar.
  • The library has been restocked with a wide variety of books and revamped. The senior prefects have been trained in using the library system and offer opening times during lunch break on Mondays to Thursdays to junior students.
  • After retesting a random sample of first years, it was found that student scores for reading fell within the average range and student’s scores for spelling fell within the average range.
  • After conducting a survey with 3rd year students it was found that
29.6% of students said they are good at reading. 32.1 % feel they are very good and 24.7% feel they are excellent.
18.3% of students enjoy reading ‘very much’ and 34.1% enjoy reading ‘quite a lot’ in their own time.
34.6% of 3rd year students surveyed said they are good at writing however 38.3 % do not read what they write to others.
  • Following retesting of first years it was found that the overall standard score from the group reading test increased by 3 points from the entrance exam to the end of 1st year.

Summary of main prioritised areas for improvement /
  • After conducting a survey with 3rd year students it was found that
25.9% don’t read at all in their own time outside of school.
  • Students felt that DEAR week should happen more often and that they should be given weekly library classes in all years.
  • Continued emphasis needs to be placed on incorporating marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar in all assessment. This will be prioritised as a school based initiative.
  • Continued emphasis needs to be put on use of key terms within subject areas.

Actions to support the implementation of School Improvement Plan /
  • Promoting reading for enjoyment among students. Classes will be encouraged to go to the library to read and to borrow books. Students will be encouraged to review books both in writing and orally.
  • Transition Year Students will be provided with a dedicated library period where they can borrow/renew books and read for pleasure.
  • First year students will have a dedicated library class once a week
  • Twice per year, for one week, a school-wide DEAR (drop everything and read) week will occur. Each day at varying times twenty minutes will be devoted to reading for pleasure. This will re-enforce the message that reading for pleasure is important and valuable.
  • The school will seek to improve oral skills through public speaking and debating. Competitions will facilitate this as both junior and senior level.
  • The school will seek to encourage creative writing and will publish students work on the school website. The literacy group will run essay writing competitions or first years and encourage a high standard of written work.
  • The literacy group will continue to promote literacy skills through displays on the literacy landing and a spelling bee competition for first years
  • The Parents Association are actively fundraising for the refurbishment of a digital library. Computers have been purchased for this purpose.

Improve students’ enjoyment of reading. / Initiate a junior and senior book club to meet at set periods throughout each term. / Student council & prefect post holder
School management
SSE co-ordinator
Literacy Group & Co-ordinator / Student Participation and Evaluation / 1 year / May 2018
Increase expectations in standards of student’s written work across the curriculum by aiming to improve grammar, punctuation and spelling and to eliminate the use of text language and brevity. / Subject departments to encourage correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling in all year groups.
Subject department to award marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar for assessments in 1st and 2nd year.
Literacy group to hold essay writing competitions in 1st year once a term. / Subject teachers
SSE Co-ordinator
Literacy group / Staff survey
Participation levels / 2 years / May 2019
Improve student knowledge of subject specific key terms. / Teachers place emphasis on subject specific key terms in 1st year only. / Subject teachers
SSE Co-ordinator / Cover sheet for Christmas and Summer assessment to test 1st year students on subject specific key terms, results to be submitted to SSE coordinator. / 1 year / May 2018