Oklahoma Transition InstituteTeam Goals Tool
Use this tool to document your team’s transition goals for the coming year. Some goals have a more rapid implementation than others, so this may be a short term, or a long term plan of action. The action steps are the primary steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the desired goal. It is desired that a Transition Team have two to three goals for a program year, however in some cases it is a big task to get even one new program, or change in place for a school site. To use this tool simplyLeft Click with your mouse to the right of the colon and type in the desired information.
Please report your team’s progress to the Oklahoma Transition Council by emailing this document to in January, and May of the coming year.
Transition Team Name or Region: MeridianTeam Leader & Email:
Leader: Michael Chongwa,
Coleader: Mary Logan, Stillwater High
Team Members / Email / Phone
Deborah Smedley, Coyle Schools / / 405-466-2242 ext 322
Jennifer Western-Burrough, OSU Student / / 918-232-8298
Michael Chongwa, DRS / / 405-686-8626
Claudia Wilson, OSU Student / / 575-973-3188
Brenda Simmons, Missouri VR / / 816-739-7648
Penny Cantley, OSU SPED Program / / 405-744-8020
Mary Logan, Stillwater High Schools / / 405-880-4769
Christa McClellan, Iowa Tribe VR / / 405-547-5721
Dropbox: Everyone listed above was sent an email on Oct 5 about the team Dropbox. Click the link in the email to access all team documents and OTI 2016 resources.
Google Drive Link:
Goal 1: Increase team collaboration, communication and access to information
To be implemented by date: Ongoing
Action Step 1: Schedule meeting(s) for the team
To be accomplished by team member(s): Michael
Date to be accomplished: ongoing
Action Step 2: Establish and maintain a Google Drive and Dropbox for the OTI team
To be accomplished by team member(s): Penny
Date to be accomplished: Ongoing
Action Step 3: Send the Zarrow link with PowerPoints and information from OTI to educators and administrators.
To be accomplished by team member(s): Mary
Date to be accomplished: October 31
Action Step 4: Create plan to determine if a Facebook for the OTI team is helpful
To be accomplished by team member(s): Penny
Date to be accomplished: Next meeting
Goal 2: Recruit at least five new team members.
To be implemented by date: Ongoing – begin contacting potential members immediately and meet on TBD.
Action Step 1: Contact potential team members(high school special education teacher, parent paraprofessional, administrator, higher education)
To be accomplished by team member(s): all team members
Date to be accomplished: ongoing
Action Step 2: Invite new members to next team meeting to be held______TBD______
To be accomplished by team member(s):all team members
Date to be accomplished: ongoing
Action Step 3: Invite new members to attend 2017 OTI
To be accomplished by team member(s):all team members
Date to be accomplished: August 2017
Goal 3: Organize and hold Vocational Rehabilitation information sessions at secondary and/or postsecondary schools
To be implemented by date: Ongoing
Action Step 1: Complete needs assessment
To be accomplished by team member(s): All members
Date to be accomplished: ongoing
Action Step 2: Organize each site visit based on needs of individual school needs
To be accomplished by team member(s): all member
Date to be accomplished: ongoing