Thursday 14th May 2009 after the Ugborough Annual Parish Council Meeting
The Public are welcome to attend. If any member of the public wishing to attend the Meeting has special requirements (mobility or sensory impairment), please contact the Clerk, Sarah Woodman on 01364 642145
Questions from the Public - after which the public may not speak
Police Report
Reports from District and County Councillors
09.053 To accept apologies for absence
09.054 To note declarations of interest in items on the Agenda
09.055 To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 9th April 2009, as previously circulated
09.056 Finance
1. To approve cheques for payment:
Cheque / Description / VAT / Gross1200 / S Woodman – April pay / 320.33
1201 / S Woodman expenses: Phone/internet £25, Travel £50.40, Postage £13.50, Stationery £2.94 / .38 / 91.84
1202 / Cutting Crew – Grass cuts / 8.40 / 64.40
1203 / Ken Abraham – Internal audit / 116.00
1204 / SLCC Enterprises Ltd – Regional Conference / 4.72 / 36.22
1205 / Community First - Insurance / 565.83
1206 / T/F to Alliance & Leics account / 4000.00
Total / 5194.62
Receipt / Description / VAT / Gross
BGC / Alliance & Leics - Interest / 1.13
BGC / SHDC – Precept / 5750.00
Lloyds Current Account to 24.4.09 / 892.50 / Earmarked Reserves /
Less payments & unpresented cheques / 5717.74 /
P.3 grant
Plus uncleared receipts / 5750.00 /Prize money for parish map
Total / 924.76 /Parish Plan
Plus: Alliance & Leicester Acc to 7.5.09 / 12758.87 /Total
Plus: Uncleared receipts / 4001.13 / /Total / 17684.00 / Total uncommitted funds /
2. To receive the Financial Statement
3. To approve the 2008/9Accounts and Audit Commission Annual Governance Statement - Enclosed
09.057 Matters raised at the Annual Parish Meeting
09.058 Parish Plan – Arrangements for the collection of survey forms
09.059 Moorhaven Playing Field – Verbal progress report
09.060 Correspondence received
1. Dartmoor National Park Authority Forum 2pm 22.5.09
2. Equality & Human Rights Commission: Public Sector Duties
3. DCC: Highway Maintenance 2009/10 – 6% increase in highway maintenance spending 2009/10
4. Western Power Distribution: Temporary road closure, Ridge Road from Toby Cross to Hillhead Cross
29-30 July
5. Highways Agency: Works between Wrangaton and Filham from 11 May for 10 weeks
6. DCC: Admission arrangements for schools 2010-11
7. Bittaford street maintenance - complaint
09.060 Planning Applications received:
1. Single storey extension to south-east of existing bungalow at Twains Nook, Bittaford Ref 0160/09
Mr J Whitford
2. Resubmission of 57/0656/09/F for conversion of redundant barns to commercial (B1) use at Ludbrook Barn, Ludbrook Ref 57/0656/09/F Mr N Cowen
3. Householder application for the erection of two storey front and side extension at Shellwood Hill, Ugborough Ref 57/0635/09/F
4. Garden room extension at Whiteley Farm, Ivybridge Ref 57/0451/09/F Revised plans
To ratify observations on Planning Applications considered at the Ugborough Parish Council Meeting held on the 9.4.2009:
5. Wooden storage garage at The Village Hall, The Square, Ugborough Ref 57/0391/09/F Ugborough Village Hall Committee Support
6. Detached garage at Torr View, Davids Lane, Filham Ref 57/0529/09/F Mr T Birch No objection
Planning Decisions – None
Planning Correspondence
7. SHDC: Response to objections related to TPO 817 Hill House, Ugborough
8. South Hams Local Development Framework: Site Allocations DPDs - Community Engagement Programme (Enclosed). Prince’s Foundation to run workshop on Ivybridge hinterland (which includes Ugborough) on
Tues 16 June. Comments requested on: the sites identified, including any suitable sites not assessed; the findings of the initial site assessments; and the villages identified for development – should it be varied?
09.061 Reports on Meetings attended
09.062 Correspondence available at the Meeting – For information
1. South Hams District Council – Agenda & Minutes
2. DCC leaflets: Roadside hedge & tree management; Farming & the public highway; Money Matters
3. The Playing Field, Spring 2009
4. Junk Mail, April 2009
5. DAPC Newsletter May-June 09
6. Open Door, Spring 2009
7. Clerks & Councils Direct, May 2009
8. Trade publications