Ya well see ya later. Oh sorry I didn’t notice you were here. I was just talking to one of the arteries here. Oh wait c’mon mom push puuuuuuush! WAAAA!!! Ya this is how it started for a lot of people but not me I was perfect and innocent… well not really.

On the night of September 9 at McKennan Hospital around 9:30 or something like that someone was born. His name was Mitchell Robert Smith. I can’t remember much but if I were a girl my parents would have called me Madison. My dad told me though that I was named after the city Mitchell. He also said he decided the name when he was driving by the city.


I have a large family so I’ll tell about the ones who live in my house only. I have a dad named Roger and he works at the Credit Beru of SiouxFalls. My mom named Wanita works at Sioux Valley Hospital. I have a brother named Andrew and like most he’s either obnoxious or annoying. Then I have a dog named Max and of course me.


My closest grandma is grandma Sharon (usually we just call her grandma). My grandpa that lives on my dad’s side died close to 11 years ago. My other grandparents that live in Yale, South Dakota are grandma Merna (we just either call her grandma too). My grandpa is Robert Fast. He is a farmer. Both of my grandmas like to sew and knit.


I’m going to start with the stupidest of all my pets Max. He runs into things acts weird and etc. But I still love him anyway. My other two pets are not living. One of them I didn’t see but the other I know little but enough to tell about him. He was a Britney Spaniel and a hunting dog. One time he jumped on me and I didn’t get hurt but I laughed, my friend did to.


I play a lot of sports. My favorite sport is basketball but I also play football, soccer, and baseball also in my free time when I feel up to it, golf. I like sports because they get me involved in things so that I’m not always bored and I have something to do. It also gets me in shape.


My hobbies and interests are the Internet, playing play-station, and a whole lot of other things. My favorite thing to do on the Internet is playing Runescape. You have to have a username and password. That’s my totally favorite hobby well…. (Unless it doesn’t work).


MY likes and dislikes are can be a lot of things but my totally worst thing to do is …… GOING TO JCPENNIES WITH MY MOM! Okay enough of that. Well see we get there and the place e smells like are bathroom and I mean that in a bad way. Then my mom has to look at 1 million things and after that, she tries everything she looks at on. And guess what I get to do sit outside the dressing room and wait and wait and so on and so forth.

One of my other dislikes are when the computer freezes up and I have to shut the whole thing down and try again, that shows how devoted I am to the computer.


My family and me went to Washington but I can’t remember what city. It’s really fun being there because its not to hot nor cold. We went to go see my uncle and cousins. We also went to see this water world place that showed many sea animals. My favorite was the jellyfish. Then my uncle showed me some American apples, so I had one right off the tree that as really good. I got to run through the sprinklers with my brother and cousins. One of my cousins was running through the sprinkler and cut themselves! Puss started coming foot of her foot and well I was 7 at that time so I thought it was scary. Then the next day we had to leave. It was really fun there and it was also hard to leave. A family vacation I won’t forget.


At Christmas we would go to my grandma and grandpa Fast’s house in Yale South, Dakota and celebrate Christmas. My brother and I would usually bring are PS2 over there and also bring games. Then my cousin Michale Fast would bring over a game too.

This year he brought and army game called Conflict Desert Storm. Then after all my relatives get there (on the fast side) we eat. When everybody gets done eating we take a break and the dads take a nap and the moms talk and the kids are usually down stairs getting into trouble or something.

Now the fun part comes and everybody gets done with what there doing and we open!!!!! PRESENTS!!!!!!! Everyone only gets 1 or 2 presents. That does seem small but there usually going to have a 20$ or something in them. This year I got a 20$ bill (with After Shave in it). Then the next morning we usually leave. On our way we discuss are likes and dislikes and what we like most about the holiday.


One of my best achievements in life is getting to be on student council. They are represenitives for the school. There were two people running for it. These people were Amie Waskow and I. I thought she had a really good report but not better then mine. The teacher said the vote was very close but I just had a feeling I won. After that she announced who won and … it was me!


My hope and dream is to be on RHS’s basketball team. I also want to take Spanish and mathematics in High School. My grandma Sharon says I should be in the plays they have there just because I can do so many accents and voices. I might look into it but… I doubt it.


After high school I want to get a full ride scholarship to a great college of any kind. When or if I do get drafted to the NBA I wont care what team I play on just want to play the game.

If I don’t become a great basketball player I want to be a Graphic Designer or a Technical Engineer. I really like the computer because I can type fast and not take so much time on it. Also because there’s so many things to do on it.


The best day of my life was when I learned how to ride my bike. I tried and tried till one day. It was really awesome. I did fall down quite a few times but that didn’t stop me. Then after a while I got it. I rode and rode until it was time to go in and go to bed. Then guess what ii did the next day ride my bike some more.


Well see ya now I’m 11 and see this is boring just like everything in a fifth graders life is soooo… im leaving cause its boring and, well thanks you’ve been a great reader to get to the end of the boring thing your still reading. Now if I had all the time in the world I could tell you everything in my life so that’s why it’s boring. Well this is Mitchell Robert Smith going for sixth grade. God-bless ya and stay out of trouble.