Version May 27, 2011

Meeting Agenda

SSPC 170 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities

Montreal: Room: (Hilton) Fontaine Salon F (L)

Tuesday, Jun 28, 2011 8:00am – 1:30pm




/ Responsibility
Tuesday Jun 28, 2011: 8:00am – 1:30pm
1 / Sign in Sheet and corrections to roster / 1 / Sheerin
2 / Review Agenda / 5 / Ninomura
3 / Minutes of Last Meeting / 5 / Rousseau
4 / Update on ASHRAE Std 189.2P health Care / 5 / Sheerin/ Moeller
5 / Addendum h recirculating units - status / 5 / Ninomura
6 / Addendum l - surgery and nuc medicine - status
Addendum m - ducted return - status / 10 / Ninomura
7 / NFPA 99 / 5 / D Erickson
8 / Addendum j – Nursing filtration – Public Review - responses to draft Comments / 10 / Erickson
9 / Addendum n - Multiple Spaces provisions
Proposal 170-10-12-0001/001 from Tinsley / 10 / Sheerin
10 / FGI / 170 Reconciliation Items
Addendum o – office based surgery
Addendum p - nourishment / 30 / C Rousseau/
P Langowski
11 / HVAC Design Manual for Hospitals SP 91.2 / 5 / Sheerin
9:45 pm – 10:00am BREAK
12 / Airborne Infection Position Paper – EHC update / 10 / Ninomura / Erickson
13 / Inquiry – grady burch, Enthalpy wheels
Addendum k – heat recovery / 15 / Langowski
New business
14 / 1)  the AHRI chilled beam certification program
2)  ASHRAE SPC200 Chilled Beam Method of Test
3)  Related items of interest / 15 / Woolsey
15 / What is an Air Change? - / 15 / Kloostra
16 / HVAC zone for each patient room / 20 / Moeller
17 / Addendum q – pharmacies & areaways / 10 / Langowski
18a / Unassigned new business / 10
11:45am- 12:00pm Break
18b / Unassigned new business / 60
19 / Recap and Action Items / 5 / Rousseau
20 / ·  Meeting Tuesday, Jan 24, 2012 in Chicago (Projector for Chicago meeting by ?) / 5 / P Ninomura
1:30pm Adjournment

Relevant materials

1.  agenda

2.  Minutes from last meeting (Chicago – April 2011)

3.  Std 170 + Addendums a, b, d , e, f, g, h

4.  Addendum j - nursing

5.  Addendum k – energy recovery

6.  Addendum l

7.  Addendum m

8.  Addendum n

9.  FGI “Guidelines” reconciliation list from Rousseau –


Summary of Publications

·  Addendum a - published July 2009

·  Addendum b - published Nov 2009

·  Addendum c - rescinded Nov 13, 2009

·  Addendum d, published July 2010

·  Addendum e, published Feb 2011

·  Addendum f, published Feb 2011

·  Addendum g, published April 2011