(French-speaking countries)
Dakar, Senegal, 28 – 30 September 2016
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CONTENTSExecutive Summary
General Summary
List of Participants (Appendix I)
Workshop Programme (Appendix II)
Recommendations (Appendix III)
Executive Summary
The WMO RA I Workshop on WIGOS (French-speaking countries) was held in Dakar, Senegal, from 28 to 30 September 2016. On behalf of the Permanent Representative of Senegal with WMO, Dr. Aïda Diongue Niang opened the Workshop.
There were three main purposes of the Workshop: (a) to brief participants about the activities planned for the WIGOS Pre-operational Phase; (b) to advise them on WIGOS implementation at the regional and national levels; and (c) to consider a way forward in the regional planning efforts for WIGOS, specifically for establishing Regional WIGOS Centres in pilot mode in RA I.
The Workshop Programme is reproduced in Appendix II and the presentations are available at the WIGOS web site:
Based on the presentations delivered by the invited speakers and follow-up discussions, the participants, in majority Permanent Representatives (PRs) of French-speaking Countries with WMO of the Regional Association I, formulated their recommendations that are summarized in Appendix III.
General summary
1.1. The WMO RA I Workshop on WIGOS (French-speaking countries) was held in Dakar, Senegal, from 28 to 30 September 2016. On behalf of the Permanent Representative of Senegal with WMO, and the NMHS of Senegal (ANACIM),Dr. Aïda Diongue Niang opened the Workshop. In her opening speech, she underlined the paramount importance of such a WIGOS workshop for RA I.
1.2. She mentioned that WIGOS is the bedrock of the WMO intended to improve the delivery and quality of services, research and development for weather, climate and water resources.Indeed, there is an ever increasing demand for information and weather, climate and water services in a global context, which is marked by an increasing population, rapid urbanization, increased demand for water and food resources.
1.3. Senegal, she continued, had begun the implementation of WIGOS and WIS; now at the workshop, there is the opportunity to share experiences and benefits. She expressed her confidence that thanks to the workshop they would be better equipped to boost the WIGOS implementation in Africa.
1.4. Finally, she welcomed the participants to the Workshop, and extended her wishes for a successful meeting.
1.5. Dr. I. Zahumensky, WIGOS Project Office, welcomed the participants on behalf of P. Taalas, Secretary-General of WMO, and Dr. L. P. Riishojgaard, WIGOS Project Manager.
1.6. In his opening speech, he mentioned the specific regional context of the Workshop. Region I is an area where meteorological services are of prime importance due very large populations being exposed to meteorological risks, both of a short-term nature in terms of violent and dangerous weather phenomena and longer-term issues potentially affecting food security and the choice of inhabitable areas. It is also an area where some of the WIGOS components tend to be quite weak, namely concerning the GOS component - a fact that affects not only the Region itself but all WMO Members, and we would like to use WIGOS as a vehicle to change this and generate a positive trend.
1.7. He further listed three main purposes of the Workshop: (a) to brief participants about the activities planned for the WIGOS Pre-operational Phase; (b) to advise them on WIGOS implementation at the regional and national levels; and (c) to consider a way forward in the regional planning efforts for WIGOS, specifically for establishing Regional WIGOS Centres in pilot mode.
1.8. Finally Dr. Zahumensky extended his gratitude to Dr. A. D. Niang and her staff at the ANACIM for hosting the meeting and for all their help with the logistics.
1.9. Mr. D. Konaté delivered the Keynote Speech “Status and prospective of the WIGOS Pre-operational phase in RA I” (Le future cadre harmonisé d’observation en faveur de la météo, le climat l’eau et les services environnementaux); a comprehensive presentation on the WIGOS framework, priority areas during the pre-operation phase, benefits, as well as the needs and challenges.
1.10. At the end of his speech, Mr. D. Konaté noted that WIGOS will: a) help Members better understand the needs, priorities and challenges for national/regional observing systems/networks; b) lay down the framework to start addressing the current problems in a systematic, coordinated, sustainable, efficient and effective way.
1.11. In the follow-up discussion, the participants focused their attention to two main subjects: 1) “Why is WIGOS important for us?”; 2) “What can we do to help ourselves?” The participants agreed that WIGOS can and will help the NMHSs and the Members at large to meet users and society requirements.
2.1. The participants were briefed on the outcomes from EC-68 related to WIGOS. Further, Ms M. D. Kane delivered the presentation on: i) Observing system infrastructure development in RA I; ii) Terms of Reference and work plan of RA-I/WG-OTI for 2016-2019; and iii) Status of designation of National WIGOS Focal Points.
2.2. The challenges such as inadequate observing station networks, inability to exchange data and poor infrastructure in case of many RA I Members were presented by the Chair of the RA I Working Group on Observation, Telecommunication and Infrastructure (WG-OTI). The role of NMHSs in implementation of WIGOS was emphasised.
2.3. The Secretariat delivered the comprehensive presentations on: a) Status of OSCAR/Surface implementation in RA I; b) WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System, first results of Demonstration project in RA I; and WIGOS regulatory and guidance material. Mr Haddouch, Morocco, delivered the presentation “Experiences of RA I Members in the context of WPP, including OSCAR/Surface”.
2.4. The follow-up discussion was focused on the collaboration with partners, how to communicate WIGOS to them, how to work with them on open data sharing, how to deal with data quality when partners do not follow WMO technical regulations, etc. In this regard, relationship and collaboration with ASECNA was discussed as well.
2.5. The participants were encouraged to share their experiences and lessons learned. They were also encouraged to enhance partnerships with private organisations involved in observation through Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
2.6. There was a short round table discussion on experiences of RA I Members in the context of WPP; a special focus was given to AWS related issues.
3.1. A detailed presentation on the RWCs concept endorsed by EC-68 was delivered by the Secretariat. There was a friendly and veryfruitful round table on establishing RWCs in RA I in pilot mode.
3.2. In the follow-up discussion various aspects to be taken into account for the establishment of RWC, such as the language, geographic location, economic groupings, infrastructure, etc., were discussed. Several participants suggested that Morocco could be a very good candidate for such a RWC in pilot mode.
3.3. The representative of Morocco thanked for the trust in Morocco expressed by several participants; he promised to communicate this message to PR of Morocco. In case of the positive reaction, Morocco will work with RA I WG-OTI and WIGOS PO on drafting the pilot project for establishing the RWC in Morocco in pilot mode. (See Appendix III)
3.4. PR of Madagascar expressed her intention to work with Morocco on establishing a similar centre for the West Indian Ocean region. (See Appendix III)
4.1. Three presentations were delivered on this subject. “Introduction to the AMDAR Programme” by the Secretariat; “ASECNA AMDAR Development Project” by Mr. G. Ilboudo, ASECNA; and “Expected Benefits of AMDAR Development in Morocco” by Mr. Haddouch, Morocco.
4.2. It was noted in the discussion that in several countries, the airlines have already been contacted. At the regional level, coordination by WG-OTI and AMCOMET are needed.
5.1. A series of presentations was delivered under this section, namely: “Role of NMHS in implementation of WIGOS” by the Secretariat; Importance of WIGOS for the NMHSs by Dr. A.D. Niang; an example on “WIGOS relevant national partnerships opportunities and arrangements” by Mr. D. Konaté; and National Observing Strategy and National WIGOS Implementation Plan, the example by Senegal.
5.2. Issues related to partnerships were discussed again; how to work with partners; should there be any national framework supported by legislation, a national law, etc.
5.3. Several participants indicated an urgent need for assistance and guidance from the Secretariat on how to start with the implementation of WIGOS at the national level; how to develop a National WIGOS Implementation Plan.
5.4. See Appendix III with recommendations to RA I MG.
6.1. The presentations on “Role of AMCOMET and Regional Economic Communities in the implementation of WIGOS”, “WMO/AMCOMET Regional Space Programme for Africa”, and “Operating Plan of RA I and Recommendations” were delivered by the Secretariat.
6.2. The importance of partnership and appropriate mechanisms, the national meteorological policy, the sustainability and maintenance of observing systems, mainly of AWS networks, and sharing of data with partners, were the subjects discussed mostly.
7.1. In the general discussion the workshop recommendations were finalized and they are listed in Appendix III, both in French (original) as well as in English (translated).
7.2. On behalf of the Permanent Representative of Senegal with WMO, and the ANACIM,Dr. A. D. Niang closed the Workshop. She mentioned that the main objective of the workshop, which was to raise the awareness of PRs, directors and other representatives of meteorological services, was largely achieved. It further allowed exchanging experiences in the implementation of WIGOS and other related activities.
7.3. She thanked all the participants for their commitment and contributions throughout the workshop and also thanked the WMO Secretariat for their continued support.
7.4. The workshop closed on Friday, 30 September 2016, at 13:30 hours.
Appendix I
List of Participants
Country/City / Participant / Organization / E-mailAlgeria- Algiers / Mahmoud HAOURI / Division climatologie /
Benin - Cotonou / Kakou Marcellin NAKPON / Agence Nationale de la météorologie /
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou / Aimé Evaristo OUEDRAOGO / Direction Générale de la Météorologie /
Burundi - Bijumbura / Aloys RURANTIJE / Département d'hydrometeorologie /
Cameroon - Yaounde / Simplice TCHINDA TAZO / Directionde la Météorologie /
Central African Republic - Bangui / Athanase YAMBELE / Direction de la Météorologie et de l'Hydrologie /
Chad - N'Djamena / Elie MBAITOUBAM / Direction Générale de la Météorologie /
Comoros - Moroni / Ms An-Ynaya Bintie ABDOURAZAKEU / Direction de la météorologie, Agence nationale de l'Aviation Civile et de la météorologie (ANACM) /
Congo - Brazzaville / Alphonse KANGA / Direction de la Météorologie /
Côte d'Ivoire - Yamoussoukro / Daouda KONATE / Direction de la Météorologie /
Democratic Republic of Congo - Kinshasa / Nestor Nkufi NIANGA / Agence Nationale de Meteorologie et de Teledetection par Satellite "METTELSAT" /
Gabon - Libreville / Mathilde Assengone NDONG / Direction de la météorologie nationale Cabinet du Ministre des Transports et de l'Aviation Civile /
Guinea - Conakry / Mamadou TOUNKARA / Direction Nationale de la Métorologie /
Guinea-Bissau - Bissau / Joao Lona TCHEDNA / Institut Nationale de la Météorologie /
Madagascar - Antananarivo / Samueline RAHARIVELARIMIZA / Direction Générale de la Météorologie /
Mali - Bamako / Aliou TEKETE / Météo Mali /
Mauritania - Nouakchott / Mohamed Batta Cheikh Mohamed El Mamy / ONM /
Morocco - Rabat / Hassan HADDOUCH / Direction de la météorlogie Nationale /
Niger - Niamey / Maman TCHIFFA / Direction de la météorlogie Nationale /
Senegal - Dakar / Aida DIONGUE NIANG / ANACIM /
Togo - Lome / Abalo Affo-Dogo / Direction Générale de la Météorologie Nationale /
Tunisia - Tunis / Ahmed HMAM / Institut Nationale de la Météorologie /
WMO / Ernest AFIESIMAMA / WMO / eafiesimama@wmo,int
WMO / Luis Filipe NUNES / WMO /
Senegal - Dakar / Dieudonné NGOUAKA / ASECNA /
Senegal - Dakar / Babacar MBENGUE / ASECNA /
Senegal - Dakar / Mariane DIOP KANE / ANACIM /
Senegal - Dakar / Ibrahima NDIAYE / ANACIM /
Senegal - Dakar / El Hadj Malick NDOYE / ANACIM /