Español 1
Maestra: M. Janet Robles-Pérez, MS
Horas de Oficina: Tue 8:30 a.m.
Teléfono: (904) – 547-7300
Correo electrónico:
Course Description
Course Code: 0708340
The purpose of this course is to introducestudents to Spanish through a linguistic, communicative and cultural approach. The focus of the course is grammatical in nature, concentrating on the four skills areas (listening, writing, reading and speaking) which are necessary to develop fluency. Students are offered insight into the culture and civilization of the countries where the language is spoken and are encouraged to foster a positive attitude toward language learning. Projectswill be assigned throughout the year, focusing on the language,culture and current events.District assessments include Sem 1 and Sem 2exams. and Remind will be the primary means of communication between students and teacher. Homework and handouts will be posted on Edmodo and the VHL Supersite, parents may request access to Edmodo student account.
Textbook: Descubre1Ancillaries. Publisher website (Supersite) can be accessed online at
For student use: Please bring by August 11.
1-One notebook, it can be either:
- Spiral bound 2 or 3 subject with pocketsOR
- 3 ring binder (1”) with two pocket dividers and filler paper
2-One vinyl two pocket folder to store class handouts
3-Pencils (for test taking), highlighters (any color) and pens (any color-for notes)
4-Spanish-English dictionary to be kept at home (any brand for example Oxford or Merriam-Webster)
For class use: Please bring by August 17.
Period 1-1 ream of COLOR copy paper- any color
Period 2-2 packs of COLOR filler paper either college rule or wide ruled (either pastel or bright)
Period 4-1 pack of fine tip whiteboard markers and2 packs of COLOR index cards
Period 5-1 tub of Lysol (or any brand) pre-moistened disinfecting wipes and 1 pack of COLOR index cards
Period 6-2 packs of COLOR index cards (any color or assorted bright or pastel colors) AND 1 box of tissues
Period 7-1 pack of COLOR index cards AND 1 pack of COLOR filler paper either college rule or wide ruled
Our class is very interactive and we will be working on many projects, crafts and technology throughout the year. We GLADLY accept donations of gently used iPhones, iPads or iPod touch, please contact me if you have one to donate to the classroom!
Classroom Policies
All CHS rules and policies will be followed. Please see the District and school policies as stated in the Student Handbook. You may also refer to for more information concerning Dress code, IDs, Cell phone use and parking.
ESE & ELL accommodations will be addressed within the classroom.
Attendance: The CHS attendance/tardy policy is followed and enforced. Skipping, excessive absences or tardies will be referred to the dean.
Make‐Up Work:
Excused Absences: When a student is absent from school with an excused absence, the student shall be responsible for all work and assignments missed during the student’s absence. The student shall make arrangements with teachers for “make-up” work and will complete it within a reasonable time frame, (as determined by the school), upon the student’s return to school. Coursework, tests and quizzes can be made up at 100% credit. Students are expected to check on Supersite and Edmodo for homework, missing classwork and handouts. Quizzes will be made-up upon return to class and NOT from home.
Unexcused Absences: When a student has an unexcused absence, it is the responsibility of the student to complete all coursework, test and quizzes and turn them in to the appropriate teacher. A student shall have one day to complete and turn in the work for each day the student is absent (i.e., in the event of three days unexcused absences; the student has three days to complete and turn in assignments) and may only earn 50% credit. Test and quizzes can be made up at 100% credit and should be completed within a week of returning to class.Coursework, tests, and quizzes not completed and turned in within the allotted time frame will earn no credit. There is no expectation that the child’s teacher or teachers recreate lessons, lectures, or labs for unexcused absences. Unexcused absence without parental knowledge or consent, or absence from class without a written excuse from a teacher or administrator (i.e. skipping), will result in no credit for coursework, tests and quizzes missed during the absence.Students are expected to check on Supersite and Edmodo for homework, missing classwork and handouts. Quizzes will be made-up upon return to class and NOT from home.
Academic Integrity:Use of online translators (such as Google Translator) for completing homework, projects or during tests or quizzes is not allowed and will be considered cheating. Printed or online dictionaries can be used to look up INDIVIDUAL words for homework or projects. Any act of cheating (copying another student’s work, use of online translators, use of cell phones or unauthorized notes during tests or quizzes, etc.) will result in NO credit for project, quiz or test.Academic dishonesty will result in a referral to the dean.
Extra Help: I will be available to help students before school by appointment, at 8:30am. I will be available Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays (except for third Thursday of each month) and Fridays. I may have meetings, so it is very important that you schedule with me first. Please feel free to schedule an appointment with me at any time! I am more than happy to meet with you! Afterschool appointments are also available, just ask! In addition, the Hispanic Honor Society offers FREE tutoring twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 am in the Spanish Quad. Details will be given at a later date.
Grading Scale: As per Saint John’s County Public Schools Policy
CW - Classwork / 10%HW - Homework / 5%
PORTNB - Projects, Portfolio, Notebook, Presentations / 20%
QZ - Quizzes 3 / 25%991772
TST- Tests4 / 40%
Grading Policy:
CLASS PARTICIPATION is very important in a World Language class. The nature of this class requires active participation in all activities is expected and required. Students are expected to:
- Be on time and on task
- Come to class prepared
- Follow class rules
- Complete in-class activities including “do nows” (warm-ups)
- Actively participate in class!
- Ask and Answer Questions.
Learning a language is all about practice, and classwork assignments are an important part of developing your Spanish. You will be asked to turn in classwork on occasion for grade, what you don’t get done in class must be completed at home.All class-work should be entered in your notebook (unless otherwise specified) and include:
- Date, Page(s) #, and Activity(s) # on the top of the page.
- Should be neatly and clearly written in ink, pencil or typed
Technology Integration:
Our class uses Edmodo.comfor posting homework, taking quizzes, uploading class materials and general communication. Students have a unique account login, parents are encouraged to request from me a unique code to access their student´s Edmodo account and keep informed of class activities. All quizzes should be taken during class and NOT from home. Students without internet access must notify me ASAP. Temporary internet problems (virus/no Wi-Fi) excused by parent note due at the time hw or project is due.
Grades are posted on Home Access Center to obtain Login and Password go to Creekside’s Homepage request a user name and password
We will frequently use tablets (iPad & Android) or cell phones (iPhone & Android) during class, ONLY WHEN EXPLICITLY AUTHORIZED BY TEACHER. Use of cell phone or tablet without teacher’s PREVIOUS authorization will result in confiscation of device, loss of privilege and dean referral.
We will be using OneNote linked to the student’s Office 365 account, students are encouraged to download the Microsoft Office suite available for them or use the web-based (online) apps
We will be using other websites (more information to follow in class) including
- Supersite for Descubre textbook
- practice
- for flashcards
- vocab practice, practice quizzes
- practice quizzes
- Power Point Mix movies
- Refer to class homepage for a list of recommended links and APPS
- Other websites relevant to class
I am looking forward to a fun and successful school year with all of you. The best way to reach me is via email (). I check email daily and will make every effort to respond within 24 hours.
Sra. Robles Classroom Rules and Expectations!
- BE PROMPT – You must be in your seats and ready to start when the tardy bell rings. Unexcused tardinessand absences will be handled according to Creekside High School Policy. For excused absences, you MUST ask teacher for make-up work,check Supersite AND Edmodo*.
- BE PREPARED – You are expected to come to class fully prepared. Students are expected to be in class on time, take out any material that is due as well as Spanish book and “Cuaderno”, and start working on the posted “calentamiento” (do-now activity). Students must bring the following to class on a daily basis:
- Student book (unless classroom set is provided)
- Spanish notebook
- Homework
- All necessary writing utensils
- All other general school requirements conducive to a positive learning environment (Proper attire, visible I.D. Badge)
*If you are absent, you are responsible for checking the board, Supersite and EDMODO for make-up work and handouts.YOU are responsible for making arrangements to take any tests, parts of test or quizzes missed.
- BE PRODUCTIVE – Be present every day to learn Spanish at your full potential. You are expected to PARTICIPATE in class on a daily basis and complete class-work assignments in a timely fashion. We will be doing many oral activities that require your participation during class.
- BE POLITE- We will RESPECT the teacher, our fellow classmates and ourselves! In order to ensure a favorable learning environment, we will therefore uphold the following classroom rules:
- Listen when the teacher or a fellow classmate is talking. Keep quiet when we are working on an assignment, activity, assessment during which the teacher has asked you not to talk.
- Students will keep hands, feet and objects to themselves.
- Class is dismissed by the teacher, NOT by the bell!!!
- No food, gum, candy or drinks in class. You may have plain bottled water in class. You will be asked to put away any food or drink immediately; otherwise, it will be thrown out.
- You must have your planner signed for a hall pass. Only one student is allowed a hall pass at a time. Hall passes will be issued to the teacher’s discretion.
- Phone use during designated class time ONLY, PREVIOUS teacher authorization is a must.
- Academic Dishonesty will result in a grade of 0 in the assignment, project, homework, quiz or test.
In our class both teacher and students are expected to model the Character Counts Pillars: TRUSTWORTHINESS, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, FAIRNESS, CARING, CITIZENSHIP.
Failure to comply with these rules or acting in a disrespectful manner to anyone in the classroom will result in the following consequences:
1st offense – Warning
2nd offense – Phone call home
3rd offense –Detention or referral to Dean
Parent/Guardian and Student Contract
SPANISH 1- Sra. Robles
My child ______and I have reviewed the syllabus, the coursedescription, and all standards for the Spanish course in which he/she is enrolled. I understand the academicand behavioral expectations associated with this course, as expressed on the syllabus, and I realize that failure to comply with and adhereto these standards will result in academic and/or appropriate disciplinary consequences. Additionally, I am aware that the teacher will communicate mostly in Spanish and that grammar explanations will be offered in English, which will be used minimally.
Name (please print) ______
Signature: ______
Cellular Phone Number______
Home Phone Number ______
The best way of communicating with me is: Email Cell Phone Home PhoneWork______
For student
I ______, have read the syllabus, course description, andstandards of the Spanish course in which I am enrolled. I understand and accept the academic andbehavioral policies set for this course and that failure to comply with and adhere to these standards willresult in appropriate academic and/or disciplinary consequences. Additionally, I am aware that my teacher will communicate mostly in Spanish and that she will offer grammar explanations in English. I understand that the majority of the time I must speak Spanish while in class.
Student’s Name(please print) ______
Please return this page signed for homework credit.