Syllabus/ Political Science 400(sec. 002):
Preparation for the Spring 2018 Wisconsin in Washington, DC program
Fall 2017
Instructor: Joel Clark, Ph.D.
Class Days/times: Approx. every other Wed. 4-6pm.
Classroom: Van Hise 578
Course Description:
This 1 credit course is designed to help prepare students for their spring 2018 Wisconsin in Washington, DC program. Meeting as a group, we will focus on internship searches, applications and decisions on where you will work. We will also set academic, professional and personal goals for your term in DC. In addition, students will identify a tentative public policy topic that they will initiate and research and write during the spring 2018 semester, under the direct supervision of the DC-based, UW-Madison Program Director. Finally, we will spend time on reviewing general and DC-specific standards of professional conduct.
Class Readings: Various articles will be assigned and made available on the course site.
Class Meetings: We meet every two weeks from Sept. 6 to Nov. 29.
Course Grading:
--Class attendance/ Participation/Professionalism: 15%
--Professional Portfolio (including updated resume, sample cover letter, writing sample, elevator statement[s]: 25%
--Goals analysis: 30%
--PolicyTopic Outline: 30%
Class Schedule
September 6:
Assignment: Come to class having completed your personal and work ‘values’ assessment. Submit in the designated dropbox on our course Canvas platform. .
Topics: Introductions. Program logistics review to include DC courses required and offered, DC housing, and calendar. Proven ‘keys to success’ to consider. Internship search and application process: messy and individualized.’ Resume and Cover Letter tips and guidelines.
Readings to complete by Sept. 20 meeting: Resume and Cover Letter tips and templates; ‘Networking: It Starts with Talking.’
September 20:
Assignments:1. Come to this class with PAPER copies of your one-page resume and one-page cover letter for one of the internships where you plan to apply. We will conduct peer reviews of each other’s resumes and cover letters.
2. By today’s class prepare a list of 7-10 internships you want to pursue and submit list to the course assignment dropbox. Be as specific as possible with additional/helpful information such as application due dates and any application special instructions.
Topics:Program logistics and calendar check-in.Professionalism in the DC internship application process. Networking: demystifying the concept and acceptable practices.. Proven ‘keys to success’ 2: Ted Talk video 8 secrets of success. Developing dynamic ‘elevator pitches.’
Readings to complete by Oct. 4 meeting: ‘The Perfect Elevator Pitch.’
October 4:
Assignment: Come to class with one or more elevator pitches prepared for yourself. We will do a peer review exercise focused on your elevator pitches.
Topics:Internship applications check-in. Review of common anxieties and pitfalls of DC internship applications. Stepping up your pace and expanding your internship possibilities.Professionalism revisited.Dynamic you: combiningskills, policy interests andpassions.
October 18:
Topics: Program logistics update. DC student housing/roommate considerations: lessons from past UW in DC groups.Meet our DC program Director, Bola Olaniyan, and our IAP Coordinator, Katie Robinson.
Readings to complete by Nov. 1 class: ‘Job Interview Questions: Dos and Don’ts’.
November 1:
Assignment: Come to class with several questions you could ask your internship interviewers at one or more of your top choice internships.
Topic:Preparing for internship applicant interviews. Appropriate follow-up to internship applicant interviews. Professionally handling the ‘waiting game’ or early or multiple internship offers.
Readings for November 15: ‘Compiling a Winning E-Portfolio.’
November 15:Building and sharing your professional portfolio.Follow-up protocols for mentors, interested employers, and fellow students. Preparing tofurther engage ourBadger DC networks. Completing your DC goals and policy interests reports.
November 29: Final DC Prep Course wrap-up.Discussing ‘realistic’ DC budgeting. Packing and transitioning to DC:banking, health care/insurance and otheressentials.
Final Due Date for Professional Portfolio elements, goals analysis and policy topic statement: Wed. December 6 by 11:59 pm.
Course Grading:
--Class attendance/ Participation/Professionalism: 15%
--Professional Portfolio (including updated resume, sample cover letter, writing sample, elevator statement[s]: 25%
--Goals analysis: 30%
--PolicyTopic Outline: 30%