Modeling in Behavioral Ecology

Dr. Mike Heithaus


Office Hours: Give me a ring!

(305) 919-5234

Course Structure

• Initial meetings

• Start developing your own model

• Suggested books

– Haefner (2005) Modeling biological systems: principles and applications

– Grimm and Railsback (2005) Individual-based modeling and ecology

– Mangel and Clark (2000) Dynamic state variable models in ecology

– Dugatkin and Reeve (1998) Game theory and animal behavior

– Hilborn and Mangel (1997) The ecological detective: confronting models with data

What is a model?

• A description of a system

– System – any collection of interrelated objects

– Object – some unit upon which observations can be made

– “. . . systems are anything humans wish to discuss and models are one tool that facilitates that discussion.” (Haefner 2005)

– Metaphorical descriptions of nature (Hilborn and Mangel 1997)

Why model?

• Three uses of models in science

– Understanding a system

• Use knowledge of inputs and outputs to infer system characteristics

– Prediction about some future state

• Use knowledge of the parts of a system and their stimuli to account for responses

– Control or manipulation of a system (Decisions)

• Design a system to obtain a desired output

Why model?: Island biogeography

• Understanding:

– Develop quantitative hypotheses about how the number of species on an island should change with rates of immigration and extinction

• Prediction

– Predict how long an island to recover after disturbance or how many species will be supported by an island

• Decision/Control

– Aid in the design of island-like reserves to maximize the number of species

Why model: an ecologists perspective

• The utility of models often comes from the predictions that it generates that can be tested

Types of models

• Conceptual or Verbal (Qualitative)

– Descriptions in language

• Diagrammatic (Qualitative)

– Graphical representations of objects and relationships

• Physical

– a real mock-up

• Formal (Quantitative)

– Mathematical model

Types of mathematical models I

• Scientific

– Describes how nature might work and then proceeds to a set of predictions relating dependent and independent variables

• Statistical

– Describes relationships among variables without any explanation for why an interaction occurs

Types of mathematical models II

• Mechanistic models

– Explicit representation of mechanistic processes; also called a process-oriented model

• Descriptive models

– No representation of mechanistic processes

Types of mathematical models III

• Static

– Responses to input variables do not change over time

• Dynamic

– Responses may change over time

Types of mathematical models IV

• Continuous

– Time may take any value

• Discrete

– Time is only expressed as an integer

Types of mathematical models V

• Spatially homogeneous

– No spatial structure to model

• Spatially heterogeneous

– Objects have a position in space

– May be:

• Discrete if space is represented in blocks or cells that are homogeneous
• Continuous if every point in space is different

Types of mathematical models VI

• Stochastic

– Allows random fluctuations

• Deterministic

– All parameters are constant

Constraints on models

• Trade-offs are inherent in modeling: you can’t simultaneously maximize all three of the major properties of models

– Realism

– Accuracy of outputs

– Generality

• How you solve the tradeoffs depends on the goal of your model

Model tradeoffs

• Prediction: don’t need much generality, good accuracy and realism

– Does this depend on the type of prediction?

• Understanding: need generality and some reality, but accuracy less important

• Control: need reality, but virtually no generality

Misuse of models

• Models are sometimes given greater weight than is appropriate

– Not all models are equal

• Models don’t “prove” anything

– A particular problem with the interpretation of ecosystem models like ECOSIM these days

• No model is “correct” – there can be a “best” model or several models may be equally likely

– The presence of competing models is critical, otherwise a poor one may continue to be used

What is behavioral ecology?

• The study of the adaptive nature of behavior in relation to ecological conditions

• Why do animals do what they do?

• Concerned with ultimate questions – why and how? Not what?

Key Concepts in Behavioral Ecology

• Optimality

– Organisms are optimized by natural selection

1. fitness is a function of design (e.g. behavior)

2. selection tends to maximize fitness

3. like begets like (heritable genetic variation)

– Therefore, given enough time and raw material, selection will lead to optimal design (behavior)


– Optimization model

• Hypothesis about how things work
• Provides quantitative predictions that can be tested by observations or experiments

– Optimization modeling steps

1. Specify constraints in a system
a. Possible phenotypes (options) – allowable outcomes: STRATEGY SET
b. State equations: morphology and physiology – constraints on behavior
2. Hypothesize an optimization criteria (what is being maximized or minimized)
fitness (the ultimate optimization)
surrogate of fitness (e.g. net energy intake, lifetime energy intake)
measure “indifference” – how much will be given up for something else – UTILITY FUNCTION (mean vs variance; food vs distance from cover)
3. Assumption about heredity

a. Behavior passed on from one generation to the next (genetics of behavior are largely unstudied)


– Optimality models

• Optimality modeling does not test whether nature optimizes, just the constraints and assumptions of the model

• Optimality is a modeling technique, not what animals try to do.

– An animal doesn’t consciously think they are trying to maximize energy intake, they respond to proximate cues (e.g. gut fullness) but the end result is optimization

• If test of model does not fit predictions of the model, refine the hypothesis and repeat the process – note: this is not circular, it is attempting to zero in on how systems work


– Fitness function

• Relationship between the magnitude of expression of a behavior or trait and the fitness associated with it

• A way to generate predictions about what behaviors should be used

• Determining an optimum doesn’t tell us how a population will evolve towards the optimum or the costs of suboptimal behavior – need to know the shape of the fitness function


– Dynamic optimization models (state-variable models)

• Tell us the optimal policy at a given state and time

– For example: what habitat should a bird use based on its energy reserves if habitats vary in risk and food

• There must be an end time T

• Based on a terminal fitness function – the expected fitness of an animal in a given state at time T and a dynamic programming equation (DPE) that incorporates state-dependent survival probabilities and transitions in state variables

• Uses backwards iteration (start with terminal function then calculate possible ways to get there from T-1 and so on)

• Assumes that optimal decisions are made in each cell

• Can look at cost of inappropriate decisions

• Once optimal decisions have been determined, can use forward simulations to determine likely outcomes

Game theory

– Optimal policy depends on behavior of others

– Optimization in a frequency dependent cast

• e.g. interactions between predators and prey or between prey

– Analyzes the outcomes of behavioral decisions when these outcomes depend on the behavior of other players

– Predicts the individual’s behavior based the best estimates of

• the other contestant’s response

– The rewards or costs of various outcomes

ESS and game theory

– Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS)

• Nash equilibrium in which no “invading” strategy or mutation can invade the populations and do better than other individuals in the population

• Nash Equilibrium = no individual can do better by unilaterally switching tactics

• May involve mixed strategies within individuals

– Evolutionarily stable state (ESSt)

• Fixed frequencies of pure strategies in the population (e.g. 60% of individuals sneak, 40 % of individuals guard)

ESS and game theory

– There may be more than one ESS for a population and the one attained may depend on history.

• There may even be a better ESS but the population can’t get there from here (complex adaptive landscape) so an ESS can be a local optimum but not a global optimum

– When solving for an ESS need to set up starting conditions, alternate strategies

– Compare fitness of specified strategies : note, you only find the ESS against specified strategies!

Key concepts in behavioral ecology

• Principle of Allocation

– Probably the most important concept in behavioral ecology

– An organism only has so much of a currency (e.g. time, energy)

• How are these allocated among behaviors?

– Underlies the idea of tradeoffs

– All problems in behavioral ecology come down to allocation and tradeoffs

The place of models in behavioral ecology

• Generate testable hypotheses

• Makes assumptions obvious

• Forces identification of important components of a system

• Serve as starting point for iterative work

Some major types of models in Behavioral Ecology

• Optimality models

• Game theoretical models

• Dynamic state variable models

• Genetic algorithms

– Technique to solve optimization problems

– Mimic natural selection

– Do not represent actual genetics!

– Used at the population level

– Include density and frequency dependence

Building a model

• Identify a problem

• Identify important factors and interactions

– A graphical model can be a good first step

• Determine mathematical relationships between factors

– Build the model

• Solve or implement model

• Confront model with data

• Modify model based on empirical evidence and complete iterations

– Depending on the question, this may serve to decrease generality and increase realism

Building a dynamic state variable model

• Identify a problem

• Choose basic time period (t and T)

• Specify Decision

• Identify Constraints (e.g. mortality rate)

– be sure not to make decisions a constraint

• Add dynamics (e.g. probability of finding food)

• Choose Optimization Criteria

• Specify Terminal Fitness Function

• Develop Dynamic Programming Equation

• Code (sometimes Excel works!)

• Run Forward Iterations