Interlake Music Parents Association

Minutes for 1/13/2014Board and Committee Meeting

In attendance: Carolyn Stanley (President), Steve Poteet (secretary), Michelle Church, David Kristensen, Wendy Jia, Kathryn Pecha, Alison House, Marilyn Thompson,Mali Vassdal.

Meeting called to order by IMPA PresidentCarolyn Stanley at 7:03 pm.

Secretary’s Report:

There were nocorrections to the board meeting minutes of the 12/09/2013 board meeting and they were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report: David Kristensen presented the December monthly statement including an overview of the carry-forward funds for each group (attached).

Final figures for the Cookie Dough and Entertainment Book fundraisers have been recorded.

He is still waiting for some expenses from the Taste of Music. Wendy Jia will check with Kelly Glenner.

There was an unexpected bank fee of $20 for the safety deposit box.

A line item for “General Clinician Fund” was added under “General Expenses” to balance existing “Clinicians Fund Donation” under “Income”.

It was suggested that we add numbers to Income items and Expense items so that corresponding items could be identified easily. David said that he would consider this.

The concessions from the student store / DECCA have not been counted yet. We will get a percentage of this.

Correction: The “ConcessionNet” on the page on Choir Carryforward funds needs to have the $78.66 from Jazz Choir added to the $218.26 (see Concessions breakout on p. 8 of 9).

Alison House moved to accept the treasurer’s report as corrected. Mali Vassdal seconded it. The report was accepted and filed as corrected with a quorum present.

President’s Report:

In the interest of time, there was no President’s report.

Officer Reports:

Most officer reports were skipped or reduced in the interest of time.

Orchestra – (Wendy Jia, VP)

The chamber groups will be going to UW for an orchestra festival competition.

In May, the symphonic and chamber groups will be going to BC overnight and the concert orchestra would be going to Western Washington University.

On Feb. 6 there will be an all orchestra concert at Interlake.

Choir – No report.

Jazz–(Mali Vassdal, VP)Thefee for the Reno Jazz Festival has been paid.

Bands – No report.

Old Business:


Cookie Dough and Entertainment Books: Neither Missy Brockmeyer nor Alyson Nelson is present, but both events have both been closed out.

Concessions: (Michelle Church)

A replacement is needed for Michelle if the Concessions isto continue running next year. The duties of the person running concessions consist primarily of shopping, about 1 hour a week, and manning the concessions stand.

Michelle has brought candy etc., the ice chest, and the hot water pot here to be moved into the storage room after the meeting.

Other: It was suggested that we should keep track of who volunteers for various activities for recognition. It was also suggested that could be used for this. It keeps track of what events need volunteers and who has volunteered for them. Someone asked if Charms could be used for this, but it was pointed out that Charms is being used by the school and the IMPA is separate from the school. However, Charms could be used for the volunteer work done for the band uniforms, since the uniforms are provided by the school. Someone asked if we wanted to get a subscription for other groups to use.

Other Unfinished Business:

Payment Approval Process:No updates. David Kristensen will try to get together with Suman and Paul Gillespie to come up with a date for a draft process. Carolyn Stanley asked if he could try to produce it by the next meeting or the following meeting.

Wendy Jia does not need board approval to provide pizza for students during the UW trip and performance because it will come from the Orchestra’s Carryforward fund, probably as a Director Designation.

Scholarship Process:Mali Vassdal sent the form to Paul Gillespie. Paul will determine a process.

Auction update: (Alison House, Auction/IMPA liason)

Auction is March 8. Theme: “Bleed Blue”. Auction Committee suggested that it would be nice if the choir sang blues at the auction. There will be 25 tables. They will hold a “dessert dash”. Alison will try to use to recruit volunteers for desserts. Last year there were 3 separate funded items: PTSA, Boosters, and IMPA. Each is required to submit one or more baskets to the auction totaling a certain amount of money. IMPA must donate at least $300. Alison has already procured a number of items totaling more than this. In return, each organization can request a funded item to be paid for out of the proceeds of the auction. This year the IMPA is requesting the following items (sent in an email to the Secretary by Alison):

Fund an Item IMPA

2 Crash (Drum Set) - $800

2 Ride Cymbals - $1000

Bass Amp - $1000

Approximate Total: $3000

If there are additional funds, these items should be considered next:

Mackie SRM 12” High Definition Speaker (Pair) 1 X $1,199.99

Mackie c200 10” 2 way Compact SR Monitor, Black4 X $199.99

Mackie 3204 VLZ3 32 Channel Mixer1 X $1,179.00

GLS Audio 25 FT XLR Cable 10 Pack2 X $99.99

Alison needs four volunteers from IMPA.

Carolyn gave an update on the current allocation of funds to the 3 groups from the auction.

Drama Boosters Update: (Carolyn Stanley)

The proportion of students in drama has grown from .2 to .5 is less than a year. They have added an IB component. 25% of Interlake students are in the music program. Choir in particular participates in drama activities. IMPA can provide insurance and scholarships for the Drama program. Carolyn recommends that we re-write the by-laws to allow Drama to be part of IMPA, but in such a way so as not to hurt current activities. We need to re-write the by-laws anyway due to changes in the law. It would be good to find a professional to help with this, but so far she has not had any luck. Mr. Richards has been in the Bellevue School District for 20 years. Before coming to Interlake, he was at Newport and Sammamish. He has the students’ interest at heart. Also, there is already a group of Drama parents who volunteer for various drama activities. Carolyn spoke to all four music directors. In theory, they support accepting drama into IMPA; however, they are concerned about churn in the drama teacher position. Note that the district hires teachers and the principals are not involved.

At this time, the board entered into Executive Session.

After the Executive Session ended, Alison moved that “we set up a committee to:

  1. Review and edit the current by-laws
  2. Crate standing rules
  3. Present these for adoption at the next meeting

Marilyn Thompson seconded the motion. The motion carried, with a quorum present.

Carolyn will draft a letter to send out to groups to solicit volunteers to help revise the by-laws and write the standing rules.

Getting hard copies on site: No update. The President and Secretary will work on this.

Address IMPA Financial Audit Recommendations: Already done.

New Business:

Post Meeting Minutes:It was decided that we should post the meeting notes as well as the first two pages of the monthly financial report on the website.

Hemming Machine for Uniforms: Kathryn Pecha reported that we apparently purchased a hemming machine for use with the uniforms at some time in the past, but we don’t know what happened to it.

Communication: We need more timely communication between the directors and the parents about Solo & Ensemble. Many parents got blindsided by this and didn’t know it was happening or how to apply for it.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:17.

Minutes submitted by

Steve Poteet, IMPA Secretary


“A quorum was present” was added to the end of the list of attendees.

In the Treasurer’s Report, the sentence “There was an unexpected bank fee of $20 for the safety deposit box.” was extended to “There was an unexpected bank fee of $20 for the safety deposit box for the keys to the night deposit box, and the account set-up and changes. This was not originally charged to IMPA and should have been.”

In the Treasurer’s Report, the sentence “The concessions from the student store / DECCA have not been counted yet.” was clarified: “The concessions from the student store / DECCA for the HIS basketball games, have not been counted yet.”

“Nothing to report.” was added to the first sentence under “Officer reports”.

Under “Concesssions”, the report was corrected to say the “Michelle does not need a replacement for next year but someone to co-run concessions with her, someone who can do the shopping part and possibly switch of with her in the stand for each game. Michelle will continue doing the volunteer asks and coordination, as well as the general running of the concessions task.”

Under “Drama Boosters Update”, the sentence “Carolyn recommends that we re-write the by-laws to allowDrama to be part of IMPA, but in such a way so as not to hurt current activities.” is changed to“Carolyn recommends that we re-write the by-laws to allow flexibility for the parents to allow groups including Drama to be part of IMPA, but in such a way so as not to hurt current activities.”

After that sentence, we added “Changes made at this scale would need to be voted on before final approval by the organization.”

In the same section, after the sentence “Marilyn Thompson seconded the motion. The motion carried, with a quorum present.” we added “It was decided to make a final plea for volunteers before pursuing professional assistance and paying prohibitive fees.”