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Minutes of the Chester Park and Recreation Commission

These minutes are subject to Commission approval on October29, 2014.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

7:00 PM

Chester Town Hall

Chairman Williams called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.

Members Present: John Williams, Ivey Gianetti, Matthew Sanders, Susan Hotkowski,

Ibby Williams, James Ready

Members Absent: Felise Cressman

Also in attendance: Elizabeth Netsch, Annette Guasp, Ray Guasp, Dave Williams

Prior Meeting Minutes

On a motion made by Ibby Williams and seconded by Ivey Gianetti it was unanimously voted to accept the minutes of 21 June 2014.

Audience of Citizens


Director’s Reportand Discussion ofProposed Adult Programs.

Adult yoga classes:Plans were discussed to begin a series of yoga classes instructed by Annette Guasp. Two classes would be held weekly, one at the Town hall in the late afternoon, and another at the Meeting House in the evening, starting on October 1. The program would run for 6 weeks, and cost $8.33 for each class. All skill and experience levels would be welcome.

Field Day:A proposal was made by Dave Williams, who has previous experience running large community field days, events featuring games, activities, and contests supported by local merchants and organizations. He proposed that one be planned and run in Chester. Their purpose is to aggregate and celebrate the community. Discussed was the possibility of integrating merchant sponsors, making it a combined Tri-Town effort, and possibly bringing in the entire region. Concerns were voiced about generating the necessary volunteer base. Mr. Williams was encouraged to seek out interest from other park and rec boards in the area, and given introductions to Deep River and Essex.

NYC Trip:The planned bus trip to New York City has been canceled. 38 commitments were received out of the 45 required. Even at that level, the loss would have been more than $300. Matthew Sanders made a move to cancel the trip, which was seconded by James Ready. Discussion

was made to, in the future, reach out more to local retirement communities and increase promotion if another bus trip is to be attempted.

Pelletier Park Renovations:On 22 September the grounds of Pelletier park are to be topsoiled and seeded. The picnic tables are to be stacked for the winter, and the shed cleaned.

Chairperson’s Report

Further discussion was made on adult programing. A survey will be put out to the public to determine interest in workshops, seminars, and other events. One proposed event were seminars by local business owners.

On a motion by James Ready, seconded by Matthew Sanders the commission voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:50PM.