Rachel Gonzales Publications

UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs

July 2006 to June 2008

(Updated January 2009)

Please note: Many of the articles listed below are available online at no charge. Click on the link and you will be taken directly to the journal or to the article’s PubMed page, which provides an abstract of the article and may provide a link to the full text of the article. If there are no links provided for an article, you still may find the article or its abstract by searching for it online.

Gonzales, R., Marinelli-Casey, P., Shoptaw, S., Ang, A., & Rawson, R.A. (2006). Hepatitis C virus infection among methamphetamine-dependent individuals in outpatient treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 31, 195-202.

Hillhouse, M.P., Marinelli-Casey, P., Gonzales, R., Ang, A., Rawson, R.A., & the Methamphetamine Treatment Project Corporate Authors. (2007). Predicting in-treatment performance and post-treatment outcomes in methamphetamine users. Addiction, 102(Suppl. 1), 84-95.

Marinelli-Casey, P., Gonzales, R., Hillhouse, M., Ang, A., Zweben, J., Cohen, J., Hora, P.F., Rawson, R.A.; Methamphetamine Treatment Project Corporate Authors. (2007). Drug court treatment for methamphetamine dependence: Treatment response and posttreatment outcomes. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 34(2), 242-248.

Rawson, R.A., Gonzales, R., & Ling, W. (2006). Methamphetamine abuse and dependence: An update. Directions in Psychiatry, 26(3), 131-144.

Rawson, R.A., Gonzales, R., Marinelli-Casey, P., & Ang, A. (2007). Methamphetamine dependence: A closer look at treatment response and clinical characteristics associated with route of administration in outpatient treatment. American Journal of Addictions, 16(4), 291-299.

Rawson, R.A., Gonzales, R., McCann, M., & Ling, W. (2007). Use of methamphetamine by young people: Is there reason for concern? Addiction, 102(7), 1021-1022.

Rawson, R.A., Gonzales, R., Pearce, V., Ang, A., Marinelli-Casey, P., & Brummer, J.; Methamphetamine Treatment Project Corporate Authors. (2008). Methamphetamine dependence and human immunodeficiency virus risk behavior. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 35(3), 279-284. (Epub 2008 Mar 7)