WEDNESDAY 28th of May, 20089:30-10:00 Opening
10:00-10:45 KEYNOTE SPEECHChair : Spyros Spyrou
Allison James, Challenges and opportunities in interdisciplinary child and youth research
Room: Cultural Center
10:45-11:15 Break
11:15-12:45 Parallel sessions (1)Working with Young Researchers Room: Alpha
Panel organizer and chair: Nigel Thomas
Nigel Thoma
Working with young researchers over an extended period: What have we learned?
Mary Kellett
‘WeCan2’: Exploring opportunities for young people with learning disabilities to undertake their own research
Manfred Liebel
Child-led research with working children
Michael Gaffney
Researchers’ duty of care when including children and young people in research roles / Cypriot Children’s Voices Heard: Methodological and Epistemological Issues in Focus (I)Room: N38
Panel organizer and chair: Loizos Symeou
Efi Paparestodemou and Maria Meletiou Developing young children’s statistical inference skills
Chrystalla Papademetri
Young (Cypriot) children constructing and expressing structural knowledge about shapes
Stavroula Philippou
Researching ‘Europe’ amongst children: Developing methodologies that ‘matter’
Eli Trimis
Chorotopos: An important factor in the context of the in-depth approach method for young children’s art/visual culture learning
/ Youth Leading Transformation of their Worlds
Room: Beta
Panel organizer and chair: Larry Fergeson
Kerstin Wittig, Stella Gavriel, Eleftherios Papagiannis and Yiannis Laouris
Children, parents and educators jointly re-designing the educational system
Anna-Maria Drousiotou, Georgina Shitta, Elena Aristodemou and Yiannis Laouris
Safer Internet Forum: A Youth-driven initiative for safer cyberspace
Romina Laouri, Marios Antoniou and Yiannis Laouris
Children growing apart in divided Cyprus express strong will to live together when they engage in authentic and sincere dialogue
11:15-12:45 Parallel sessions (1) Cont’d
Child Abuse and Social Trauma
Room: N33
Chair: Chryssi Kalpini-Papadopoulos
Tasha R. Howe
The effects of violence exposure on children’s development: Parenting and policy issues
Martha Apostolidou, C. Papadopoulos, M. Payiatsou, A. Ieridou and Z. Apostolidou
What can policy makers learn from research on child abuse?
Chryssi Kalpini-Papadopoulos
Conditions of child abuse and protection in Greece: A critical view
Manasi Kumar
Attachment and social trauma of Children in Gujarat (India) / Social Engagement and Citizenship
Room: Delta
Chair: Nicole Schaeter-McDaniel
Carol Mitchell
Service learning for transformation? Reflections on lessons learned from undergraduate students
Catarina Almeida Tomás
Mapping children’s participatory budget
Susan Moses
Children’s public participation in the South African context
/ Children as Social Actors
Room: N34
Chair: Fiorentina Poulli
Anna Streissler
Political culture as part of the hidden curriculum in a Mexican preparatoria
Hasina Banu Ebrahim
“I don’t drink nana bottle any more”: Struggles of growing up in early childhood
Loucas Antoniou
Children’s material and symbolic domestic work in NicosiaElena Colona
Children who take care of other children in the periphery of Maputo: A research project in sociology of childhood
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 15:30 Parallel sessions (2)Researching Children and Childhood: A Historical and Critical Perspective
Room: Alpha
Panel organizer and chair: Anne Trine Kjørholt
Anne Trine Kjørholt
‘The right to be a child’. Children’s voices in policy and research: Past –present - future.
Ellen Schrumpf
Child labour – a privilege?
Vebjørg Tingstad
Regulating television advertising on ‘junk food’ to children: A global panic on child obesity?
Tatek Abebe
Being and becoming orphan in Ethiopia / Cypriot Children’s Voices Heard: Methodological and Epistemological Issues in Focus (II)
Room: N38
Panel organizer and chair: Loizos Symeou
Maria Eracleous
The pathway of the heart: Educating children’s emotions in pre-school settings in Cyprus
Loucas Louca
The use of video-case studies of authentic lessons for investigating student abilities for inquiry in elementary science: Discussion of findings and methodological issues
/ Children and the Internet
Room: N33
Chair: Marios Vryonides
Marios Vryonides and Christina Stavrou
ICTs in Cypriot primary schools: Widening or bridging the digital divide
Elena Aristodemou, Tatjana Taraszow and Yiannis Laouris
EU kids on line, the pan-European initiative that explores and compares young Internet users across Europe: Comparative results
Ema Sofia Amaral Leitão
Children and the internet: Research trends and challenges
Nikolas Kasparis and Yiannis Laouris
Video game technology engaged in promoting safer use of the Internet
14:00 15:30 Parallel sessions (2) Cont’d
Child Poverty
Room: Beta
Chair: Martin Woodhead
Martin Woodhead
Meeting the challenges of childhood: The Young Lives longitudinal study in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam
Laura Camfield
What does ‘well-being’ mean to children? Evidence from the Young Lives project for communities in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam
Margherita Zander
Poor child – strong child? The opportunity of resilience
Marguerite Daniel
The hidden injuries of aid / Child Care and Foster Care
Room: N34
Chair: Ana Muntean
Caterina Satta
“This is not a place for holidays”: Daily life of children in a residential child-care centre
Kati Kataja
Social institutions in child placement process in Finland
Ana Muntean
Social challenges and life challenges when leaving the institution of social protection: Adolescents in Romania
/ Methodological Issues in Child and Youth Research
Room: Delta
Chair: Reidum Follesø
Marilyn Clark
The role of narrative research in youth and community studies
Vicky Johnson
Visual methods for engaging with hard to reach young people
Reidum Follesø and Jorid Krane Hanssen
Challenges in youth research: How to develop knowledge in collaboration with young people
Jana Zierhutova
Researches on children’s rights in the Czech Republic
15:30 – 16: 00 Break
16:00 – 17: 30 Parallel sessions (3)Children’s Voices
Room: Alpha
Chair: Spyros Spyrou
Spyros Spyrou
Researching children’s voices: From reification to critical representation
Catherine Sellenet and Fabienne Portier
Parents-children visits in contact centers: What do children say?
María Claudia Duque-Páramo
Child-centered research for making children´s voices heard
Anne Hampshire and Kathryn Di Nicola
Hearing from young Australians: Implications for research, policy and practice / The Ethics of Child Research
Room: Beta
Chair: Ruth Ann Herd
Ann Farrell
Globalised codification of research ethics: Challenging understandings of young children as legitimate participants in research
Mary Ann Powell
Children’s consent to participate in research: From rhetoric to reality
Ruth Ann Herd, Sue Crengle and Terryann Clarke
Research ethics with Wharekura (Māori Language Immersion Schools)
Mary Wickenden and Jenny GamlinCan there be universal ethics in research with children?
/ Citizenship and Identity
Room: N38
Chair: Victoria Pavlou
Victoria Pavlou and Nicoletta Christodoulou
Understanding factors that affect young people’s views toward citizenship and acceptance of diversity
Bram Vanhoutte
Pathways to tolerance? The influence of age, gender and education on ethnocentrism
Norris Shane and Linda M. Richter
South African-ness among adolescents participating in the birth to twenty cohort: The emergence of a collective identity
Alexis Lyras, Eleni Kotziamani, Polyvios K. Polyviou, Evandros Votsis, Christina Loizou and Gulter Ceylan
Youth sport, olympism and active citizenship
16:00 – 17: 30 Parallel sessions (3) Cont’d
Child and Youth Identities
Room: N33
Chair: Brian Bielenberg
Brian Bielenberg and Androulla Athanasiou
Adolescent identities: “Staying connected to our roots”
Avra Pieridou-Skoutella
Multiple musical identities: Greek Cypriot children and musical identity in the flow of everyday life
Chara Makriyianni
Constructing histories in museums in Cyprus
Fiorentina Poulli
Living in ambiguity? Youth’s perspectives on their present / Street Children
Room: Delta
Chair: Sarah C. White
Phil Mizen and Yaw Ofosu-Kusi
Friendship and cooperation among street children: The case of Accra’s ‘Kubolo’
Carlota Francisco
Stories from the streets: Childhood realities and the social construction of spaces in crossing
Sarah C. White and Shyamol A. Choudhury
Children’s participation in Bangladesh: Issues of agency and structures of violence
/ Children, Language and Cognition
Room: N34
Chair: Niki Thoma
Eleonora Papaleontiou-Louca and Niki Thoma
Theory of mind in young children and correlates
Marilena P. Mousoulidou and Kevin B. Paterson
Referential processes in children’s sentence comprehension: Evidence from quantified noun-phrases
Elena Aristodemou, Tatjana Taraszow, and Yiannis Laouris
E-Learning adapted to the learning profiles of young learners
17:30 – 18:00 Break
18:00 – 19:15 Parallel sessions (4)The Importance of the Ordinary: Giving Rights a Meaning in the Lives of Children and Young People
Room: Alpha
Panel organizers and chairs: Kirrily Pells and Angela Melchiorre
Kirrily Pells
‘Building a dream country’? Child and youth rights programming in Rwanda
Angela Melchiorre
Child marriage: ‘A life in the river, where it drifted away’ / Meet the Author: Kate Tilleczek
Room: Beta
Chair: Marios Vryonides
Kate Tilleczek
Book Title: Why do students drop out of high school? Narrative studies and social critiques
/ Post–graduate Feedback Session
Room: N38
Chair: Niki Thoma
Mary Ann Powell
Rural childhoods: Experiences of childhood and parenting in rural New Zealand families
Patricia Oliveira
Researching female adolescence in Brazil
18:00 – 19:15 Parallel sessions (4) Cont’d
Post-graduate Feedback Session
Room: N33
Chair: Helen Penn
Nicole Biedinger
Early developmental inequality: The influence of ethnicity, poverty and education
Marie Lavelle
Children’s Centres: Improving outcomes for children, the challenges of encouraging participation / Methodological and Ethical Challenges in Research with Children
Room: Delta
Chair: Manfred Liebel Lesley Lowes and Jennifer Shepherd
The challenges of involving children and young people in health and social care research
Katherine Fincham-Louis
Methodological choice and children: What do kids think?
Madeleine Leonard
Children growing up in divided societies: Methodological and ethical issues
/ International Perspectives on Children’s Understanding of Citizenship
Room: N34
Panel organizer and chair: Nicola Taylor
Nicola Taylor and Udi Butler
Highlights of the voices of children in six countries
Håvard Bjerke and Anne Smith
Conceptualising children as citizens: Empirical perspectives on theoretical debates
Robyn Fitzgerald, Anne Graham and Brad Shipway
Policy and practice implications of children’s citizenship
THURSDAY 29th of May, 2008
09:00 – 10:30 Parallel sessions (1)
Examining Social Relationships in Education
Room: N38
Chair: Maria Eracleous
Annie Gowing
School connectedness: Hearing the student voice on what makes school meaningful
Panayiotis Tsakalis and Evi Sourlou
Students’ responses to three critical challenging peer attitudes (achievement, conduct, appearance) that do not suit their expectations
Nadja Petsovits Children as social actors in kindergarten
Nadia Seryakova
Developing a system to monitor the process of observing the right to education of children in difficult circumstances during the modernization of the state education standards and the general education programs / Participatory Research Methodology with Children and Youth: Critical Reflections in the Context of HIV and AIDS in Africa
Room: Alpha
Panel organizer and chair: Tamsen Rochat
Merridy Boettiger
The state of the art: A critical reflection on participatory methodology and the ‘voices’ of children and youth
Carol Mitchell, Tamsen Rochat, and Linda Richter
Protecting without silencing: Exploring young children’s experiences of antiretroviral treatment
Tamsen Rochat and Angela Hough
Click, click, show and tell: Using photo-elicitation methodology to explore children’s experience of people, places and practices in the context of HIV and poverty
Saadhna Panday and Linda Richter Bridging the research – policy divide: The Youth Policy Initiative in South Africa
/ Theory and Practice in Children’s Realities
Room: N33
Chair: Catherine Spooner
Risto Frederick Harma
Lies, damn lies and education for all statistics: Resource provision shortfall for primary education in developing countries and development agencies’ negligence with official statistics
Brady Geraldine
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and UK health care: Neglecting children’s lived experience
Catherine Spooner
It’s not simple: Using theory to guide evaluation of youth interventions
Susie Weller and Rosalind Edwards
“Even though I don’t see him we are so close”: Dimensions of time in young people’s sibling relationships
09:00 – 10:30 Parallel sessions (1) Cont’d
Children’s Rights Around the Globe
Room: Beta
Chair: Robyn Fitzgerald
Anne Smith and Nicola Taylor
Repealing a defense for the physical punishment of children: Changing the law in New Zealand
Despo HadjiloizouSexual and reproductive rights of young people and the situation in Cyprus
Anna Ensing and Kristoffel Lieten
Hazardous child labour in Latin America
Nicos Trimikliniotis
Unaccompanied minors in ‘philoxenic’ society: A tale of modern powerlessness / Theorizing Childhood
Room: Delta
Chair: Malcolm Hill
Malcolm Hill
Children, age and transition
Karen WellsGiving to receive: Gifts, donations and international child sponsorship
Kiaras GharabaghiBuilding the imagination: Re-thinking research approaches to children and youth
Nicola Ansell, Flora Hajdu, Elsbeth Robson, Lorraine van Blerk and Lucy Chipeta
Temporality and the lives of AIDS-affected young people in Southern Africa
/ Changing Families
Room: N34
Chair: Jenny Leon
Jenny Leon
Transnational adoptees and nannies: The movement of children and mothers across borders
Vuyiswa Mathambo
Placing children at the centre of family responses to HIV and AIDS
Iordan IossifovTake Me Seriously! Growing up in a society where the role of traditional mediators diminishes
Laila Rieksta-Riekstina The children’s hotline in Latvia: What do children report and worry about?
10:30 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:30 Parallel sessions (2)Children’s Rights and Children’s Participation
Room: Alpha
Chair: Norris Shane
Natalia Fernandes
Representation, practices and powers regarding children’s participation
Christoph Weber and Johann Backer
Participation in family and school and the development of children’s personality
Sarder AsaduzzamanChildren’s participation: Clash between rights and values?
Anne Graham and Robyn FitzgeraldConversations with children: Theoretical possibilities for progressing participation / Children’s Rights and the UNCRC
Room: Beta
Chair: Ann Kirson Swersky
Ann Kirson Swersky
Children’s rights and citizenship: Lessons from 19th century Massachusetts
Didier Reynaert, Maria Bouverne-De Bie and Stijn Vandevelde
Children’s rights education as a social practice
Kristoffel Lieten
Participation by children: Structure and agency
Mikaela Luttrell-Rowland
The imagined “child” behind child rights: Agency, policy and politics in Lima, Peru
/ Child Abuse and Children’s Rights
Room: N38
Chair: Kate Tilleczek
Antoinette Basson and Iyvar Chetty
The sexual abuse of children through communication technology (Internet and cellular telephones)
Joseph B. Kinanee and Josephine N. Joe-Kinanee
Prevalence of child sexual abuse in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria: The need for expanded counselling services
Lea Baratz
The rights of the abused child as reflected in children's and adolescents' literature in Israel: Social messages instilled in the young reader on the subject of the beaten child in the family
11:00 – 12:30 Parallel sessions (2) Cont’d
Promoting Safer Use of the Internet
Room: N33
Panel organizers: Agis Piperides, Joseph Joseph, and Ioulios Zoumos
Chair: Panikos Iacovou
Anna-Maria Drousiotou, Georgina Shitta and Yiannis Laouris
CyberEthics: The safer internet awareness node of Cyprus that promotes the active participation of children in their own safety
Nikolas Kasparis, Nicol Christodoulidou, and Yiannis Laouris
SafenetCY: Hotline to report illegal and disturbing uses of the Internet
Aristodemou Elena, Tatjana Taraszow and Yiannis Laouris
Young Cypriot internet users: A quantitative survey in the context of EU Kids online / Education, Self-Confidence and School Achievement
Room: N34
Chair: Michalis Michaelides
Michalis Michaelides
A review of research findings on students’ self-efficacy beliefs in school mathematics
Loukia Ioannou, Despina Kleanthous and Maria Leonidou
Description of fifth-grade students’ behavior with low and high self – confidence in Mathematics
Lihong HuangHow different are they? Students receiving learning assistance in the classroom in Norwegian secondary schools
Nataly Loizidou Ieridou The effect of illiteracy on secondary school students’ self-concept and the supportive effect of an intervention program in Cyprus
/ Research, Policy and Practice
Room: Delta
Chair: Hanne Warming
Helen PennResearching the lives of young children in South Africa: Is the concept of culture helpful?
Liz Kerrins and Sheila Greene
Social impact assessment: Identifying the role of child and youth research in informing policy and practice
Ruth Baruj Kovarsky and Miriam Cohen-Navot
The NEGISHUT (ACCESS) Program to enhance accessibility to higher education for disadvantaged students in Southern Israel: The impact of the evaluation research on the intervention
Hanne Warming
Trust and representations in social work with children
12:30 – 13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:30 KEYNOTE SPEECHChair : Spyros Spyrou
Judith Ennew, Children’s rights in the driving seat? Muddles in the interface between policy, programme and information about children since 1989Room: Cultural Center
14:30-15:45 Parallel sessions (3)
Children, Youth, and Consumption
Room: Alpha
Chair: Miranda Christou
Veronika Kalmus and Margit Keller
Finding one’s way in the mainstream culture: A comparison of young Estonian and Estonian Russian consumers
Ivan Chorvát
Erosion of childhood and infantilization of adulthood: Towards generational unity or diversity
Miranda Christou
Xenomania: Constructing youth through nation and consumption / Education and Ethnic Difference
Room: N38
Chair: Peter Stevens
Peter Stevens
Exploring the importance of teachers’ institutional contexts in developing ethnic stereotypes: A case study of teachers’ ethnic stereotypes in Belgium and England
Nataly Loizidou Ieridou
Educating minorities: Supporting primary and secondary school children from ethnic and linguistic minorities through the educational system in Cyprus
Birgit Becker
Which children attend the more beneficial preschools? A comparison of immigrant and native parents’ preschool choice in Germany
/ Origins, Mission, and Policy Work at the Children’s Studies Center and Program at Brooklyn College
Room: Beta
Panel organizer and chair: Gertrud Lenzer
Nicole Schaefer-McDaniel
Do neighbourhood effects on children’s mental health depend on the informant?: Examining the differential role of children’s and parents’ evaluations of neighbourhoods and health
Margaret-Ellen Pipe
Interviewing children about abuse
Gertrud Lenzer
Origins, mission, and policy work at the children’s studies center and program at Brooklyn College, The City University of New York
14:30-15:45 Parallel sessions (3) Cont’d
Teenage Pregnancy
Room: N33
Chair: Jacobijn Olthoff
Jacobijn Olthoff
Coming home with a present: Teenage pregnancy in the poor migrant neighbourhoods of Lima, Peru
Fabienne Portier
Young British teenage mothers’ life: The insiders’ views
Corrine Wilson
An inappropriate transition to adulthood: Teenage pregnancy and the discourses of childhood / Children’s Well-Being and Quality of Life
Room: Delta
Chair: Ferran Casas
Ferran Casas, Mònic González, Cristina Figuer and Sara Malo
Adolescents’ well-being and the values they aspire to: Getting the point of view of 12 to 16 year olds from a quality of life perspective
Gabriela Buresova
Heath related quality of life in children and adolescents with Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Tigist D. Grieve
How might a wellbeing approach help maximize benefits to children from education in Ethiopia?
/ Educational Difficulties of Children with ADHD
Room: N34
Panel organizer and chair: Margarita Stankova
Margarita Stankova
Characteristics of temperament in children with ADHD
Violeta Boyanova
Attention Problems in children with ADHD
Albena Ignatova
Difficulties in reading and writing with ADHD
15:45 – 16:15 Break