
Sample Paper – 2009

Class – XI


TIME:-3:00 HRS.M.M:-70.00

Instructions:a.)Attempt the questions section wise (Compulsory).

b.)Give example wherever required.


Q.1Answer the following questions:-

  1. What do you understand by Secondary storage devices? Explain with the help of Example.2
  2. Compare Application and System Software.2
  3. Explain the Analog, Digital and Hybrid computers.2
  4. Explain Management Information System and Transaction Processing System.2
  5. Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter.2

Q.2Answer the following questions:-

  1. Explain different types of program writing methods. (For Ex. Looping etc.)2
  2. What are the different stages of Program Development Life Cycle? Explain 2
  3. Differentiate between Object Oriented Programming and Event Driven Programming.2
  4. Write the coding to check the password entered in a text box. The correct password is 2

“You Can Do It”. Also write the property name of the text box which you will change to

display “*” sign instead of character.

  1. What do you understand by Event? Explain Form_load( ), Command_click( ) events with 2

the help of an ex.

Q.3Answer the following questions:-

  1. Explain DML. DDL, TCL commands of SQL with Ex.2
  2. What are Views? Explain with the help of an ex.2
  3. Define the terms Front End and Back End with the help of 2 ex. Each.2
  4. Explain IS NULL, Distinct, Between and Like Operators.2
  5. What do you understand by Single Row Function and Multiple row function? Explain.2


Q.4Find the errors in the following code and Re-Write the correct code:- 2×2=4

a.) Private Sub cmd_click( )
Dim X, J as Integer
For J=20 to 0
If J mod 2 then
Print X
Print X-3
Next X
End sub / b.) Private Sub Cmdnumber_click( )
For A= 1 to 4
For J= 1 to I
Print I
Next I
Next J
Print A
End Sub

Q.5Find the value of the following programs: -4×2=8

a.) Private Sub Cmd1_click ( )
Dim J As Integer
Dim St As String
For J = Len(St) To 1 Step -1
Print Right(St, J)
Next J
End Sub / b.) Private Sub Cmd2_click ( )
Dim I, J As Integer
J = 2
For I = 0 To 5
If (I Mod 2) = 0 Then
Print J
Print J + 1
End If
Next I End Sub
c.) Private Sub Cmd3_click( )
Print LTrim(“ COMPU TER “)
Print UCASE(“ iNfORmATicS“)
Print Mid$(“Indian Institute“,1,3)
End Sub / d.) Private Sub Cmd4_click ( )
For I= 1 to 4
For J= 1 to I
Next J
Next I
Print A
End Sub

Q.6Observe the following form layout and write the coding for the required controls: -

A.)A student of ABC school wants to create a small project toexchange the values of two text boxes. 5

The form layout is given below; now write thecoding for exchanging the values.

Ex.Text1.text=35After Exchange: Text1.text=45


B.)Write a program to fine weather the entered number in Input Box is Even or Odd. If the number is Odd 5

show a message to the user that the number is Odd and ask the user to re-enter the number in Input Box.


Q.7 Write the SQL commands from (i) to (ix) and give the output of (x) based on the following tables:-


Itemno / Type / DateofStock / Price / Discount
C001 / Double Bed / BPB / 355 / Cookery
F001 / Dinning Table / Fire Works / 250 / Fiction
T001 / BPB / 379 / Text Book
T002 / TDM / 400 / Text Book
F002 / Fire Works / 200 / Fiction



Itemno / Itemname / Qty
C001 / St230 / 5
F002 / St456 / 2
T001 / St205 / 3
F001 / St106 / 7

(i)To list the details of only text books.1

(ii)To increase the price of all books of Fire Works publications by 100.1

(iii)To display the book name, price in descending order of price.1

(iv)To display the book name, book id, student id and no od days from both the tables.1

(This query will need the records from both the tables.)1

(v)Display the total price of books .1

(vi)To insert a new row in issue table having following values:1


(vii)Add a new column in issue table as Return_Date .1

(viii)Update the values of Return_date column by adding number of days in the Issue_date. 2

(ix)Create a view to display Book name, author name and price of BPB publication books.2

(x)Give the output of the following queries based on the given tables:-2

a.)Select count(*) from books;

b.)Select Max(price) from books where qty>5;

c.)Select book_nm, Author_nm from books where type=’Text Book’;

d.)Select count (Distinct(Book_id)) from books where price<4;

Q.8Consider the EMP table given below and give the answer of SQL commands:-

7365 / Sunita Sharma / Manager / 7902 / 23-feb-06 / 40000 / 3500 / 12
7499 / Girish Joshi / Manager / 7652 / 12-feb-06 / 40000 / 12
7522 / Swati Nayak / Manager / 7255 / 06-jun-07 / 34000 / 4000 / 12
7788 / Ritu Kumar / Accountant / 7652 / 13-dec-06 / 35000 / 2500 / 13
7859 / Swarna Jain / Clerk / 7529 / 09-mar-07 / 12000 / 12
7902 / Shobha Vira / Analyst / 7902 / 02-oct-06 / 35000 / 3500 / 13

(i)To display the employee name and incremented value of sal by sal+3000 for analyst.1

(ii)To display emp name and salary of those employees who don’t have their salary in the 1

range of 35000 to 40000.

(iii)To list the managers who are in 7902, 7652, 7255.1

(iv)To create a view to display the annual salary as sal*12 and give the column name as Annual 1


(v)To display the average salary, max salary and min salary of all those employees who don’t get 1


Paper Submitted by:

Ruchi Jain


Phone No. 0731280697


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