Updated May 2015
Applies to all standards
1.1 Each Department will have clear guidelines and marking schedules for every assessment.
1.2 Each assessment task must comply with the requirements of the relevant Standards.
1.2.1 Standards used should be the latest version.
1.2.2 Results cannot be reported for expired standards.
1.3 Each Department will ensure that students are given information appropriate to a Standard
before the administration of any assessment.
1.4 Assessment tasks and student work will be compared with established bench-mark exemplars
(as supplied by the NZQA or accumulated in a Department's records).
1.5 Staff within each Department will co-operate in the internal moderation strategies of the Department.
1.6 Assessments will be processed in a clear and consistent manner.
1.7 Assessments will meet the external moderation requirements of NZQA Standards.
1.8 Each Department will publish an annual assessment programme appropriate to the students in
a course outline at the beginning of each year.
1.9 This course outline should direct students to refer to the Student Diary and College Web Site
for all policies and procedures.
An HOD may use a combination of the following practices to ensure the authenticity of student work:
2.1 Active supervision of in-class assessment.
2.2 Submission of all process notes (i.e. plans, drafts, worksheets, logbooks, etc.) accumulated during
the preparation of a project-type assessment task (e.g. research, investigation, speech).
2.3 Setting of check-points at various stages to check authenticity of student work.
2.4 Having students acknowledge all resources used (e.g. bibliographies, copies of original documents, etc).
2.4.1 Work requiring a bibliography should follow the guidelines detailed on classroom walls i.e. APA Referencing Style (6th Edition).
2.5 Requiring students and parents to sign a Declaration of Authenticity.
2.6 Orally questioning students to explain the process of developing answers.
2.7 Student’s work will also be checked using internet searches.
2.8 Work requiring a bibliography should follow the guidelines detailed on classroom walls i.e. APA Referencing Style (6th Edition).
Concerns about the authenticity of a student's work must be referred to the HOD who will investigate and make the final decision. A grade of 'Not Achieved' will be reported for work that is found not to be a student's own.
This is then reported to the Deputy Principal. Home will be contacted by the HOD explaining the situation.
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3.1 Only assessment tasks that have been quality assured may be used.
3.1.1 All assessment tasks must be critiqued by a third party before they are
published for student use.
3.1.2 The standard of school-developed assessment tasks will be comparable to
NZQA standards, as indicated in the exemplars.
3.1.3 Assessments will be moderated either internally within a Department or by
an external moderator.
3.1.4 Assessment tasks will be designed to measure the assessment criteria
3.1.5 Each Department may use a variety of assessment methods. These could
include: oral, written, visual, performance based, journal records,
portfolios etc.
3.1.6 Each Department must use a variety of assessment tasks.
3.1.7 When using an outside Provider a check should be made to confirm their
3.2 The HOD or TIC is responsible for the internal moderation of Standards and the
marking within the Department. There are 4 stages to the internal moderation process.
3.2.1 The 4 stages of the internal moderation process are:
· Critique – all assessments are critiqued before use; or were critiqued the previous year or is an unmodified quality assured material. The critique ensures that the standard number, version, title, levels and credits are correct. That the assessment is consistent with the curriculum at the appropriate level and that the assessment allows students to achieve all requirements of the standard, at all grades.
· Verification – another qualified teaching professional/s with appropriate subject expertise, verifies a sample of assessments against national standards. This can include panel marking meetings to discuss variance between results and derive a common
· Review – assessments materials are reviewed following a teacher or departmental review, a review by a selected professional from outside the school or an external moderation report.
· Modify and completion – if needed, assessment materials are modified according to the internal review or external moderation report. Once the assessment materials have been confirmed for future use, the internal moderation process is completed.
3.2.2 All student work should be stored for one year to be used to validate internal grades, for
an external moderation check as a random sample, or as part of the National Systems
Check (if it occurs).
3.3 For external moderation 8 examples of student work are to be sent to the relevant NZQA
3.3.1 The selection begins with the formula set by the Principal’s Nominee for that year, e.g.
2015 - from the first student with a surname beginning with D and every third name after
this on the class roll is selected.
3.3.2 If a student has failed to complete an assessment, work from the next student
on the roll is selected.
3.3.3 These are packaged and given to the Principal’s Nominee for submission to
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4.1 In accordance with NZQA guidelines one further assessment opportunity can be offered.
Each Department will decide which Standard(s) it is practical to further assess. The status of further
assessment opportunities should be clearly stated on the cover sheet of the assessment task.
4.1.1 i) The teacher is responsible for the organisation, supervision and co-ordination of one further assessment opportunity for each internally assessed Achievement Standard, within the year of study.
ii) Students may be offered a chance to further submit a performance; or to redraft and re-present work close to any grade boundary. This can be accomplished through verbal explanations, elaborating questions etc.
4.1.2 Teachers will note the responses of any oral submission.
4.1.3 A new assessment task does not need be set for every further assessment. A further assessment can take many forms – from oral questioning, to further submission of sections, conferencing (refer to NCEA Update 15).
4.1.4 In any further assessment opportunity, a student may be awarded an 'Achieved', 'Achieved with Merit' or 'Achieved with Excellence' grade if the respective criteria are met.
4.1.5 Further assessment opportunities may be outside normal school hours and it is the responsibility of the student to be available at these times. If a student should miss the
further assessment, regardless of the reason, no further opportunity for further assessment in that particular Achievement Standard will be given to him during that school year.
5.1 Reports will be stored electronically.
5.2 Senior Management will inform students and parents/caregivers early in the year
when reports on student progress will be completed and when they can expect to
receive such reports.
5.3 Interim reports will contain information on the student's progress to date.
5.4 Queries from parents/caregivers/students should be directed in the first instance to
the Dean of the appropriate Year Level and at parent/teacher interviews.
6.1 If applicable, on completion of the final assessment in a Standard, students will be asked to verify
their respective grades by signing a Result Verification Sheet.
6.2 In line with the Privacy Act no students’ personal details of entries and results data
or work should be shown to anyone who does not need them without the student’s
express permission.
6.3 Each Department will provide secure storage for all material generated by internal assessments, together with Result Verification Sheets and records of student results.
6.4 Each student should be encouraged to register on-line and track their own achievement.
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7.1 Due dates for the completion of work will be set by each Department at the start of the assessment.
7.1.1 In order to request an extension, a student will complete an Extension/Absence Request
for Internal Standard Assessment and submit it to the respective HOD, together with any
supporting documents (e.g. Medical Certificate, letter of explanation). ( see 8.1.4) these are
available from the College Web Site, the School office or the Dean’s office.
7.1.2. The completed form must be presented to the relevant HOD no later than two days prior to
the due date of assessment.
7.1.3 Any student who fails to meet the deadline for an assessment for an unacceptable reason will
be given a 'Not Achieved" grade and be denied the opportunity of another assessment for
that Standard.
7.2 Students absent from an assessment for an internally assessed Standard through:
· illness or
· injury or
· family crisis/tragedy or
· participation in a school sport or cultural fixture that takes students away
from school at the time of assessment.
· The student will be given a later opportunity to achieve that Standard
at an alternative date or may be given a grade based on other evidence.
7.2.1 Students absent from an assessment, as in 7.1.1 above, must apply in writing for a later
or another assessment or an extension of that Standard on the Extension/Absence Request
form, available from the College Web Site, the School office or the Dean’s office.
The application is made to the HOD and copies given to the subject teacher.
7.2.2 Students absent from an assessment for an internally assessed Standard for unacceptable reasons, will be reported a 'Not Achieved' grade and be denied another opportunity for that Standard.
7.2.3 Students who are absent for reasons outlined in 7.2 above, and for whom no further assessment date or extension is possible, may be given a result based on evidence from the teacher. Evidence can include anecdotal notes and observations, log books, partially completed work, or any evidence which can suggest the student’s level of achievement.
7.3 A derived grade is available to candidates who are entered for an externally assessed standard and for an approved reason, are unable to attend an NZQA external examination session(s). A derived grade is also available to pupils whose performance is impaired in preparing for, or during, an examination session(s). Procedures, guidelines and application forms are available from the schools Principal’s Nominee. Derived grade applications are made approximately in November of the year of the examination, and must go through the Principal’s Nominee to be approved by NZQA.
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In the first instance, students clarify the judgements with the respective subject teacher. If no agreement
can be reached, the following procedure will be followed:
8.1 All student assessment scripts and judgements will be retained by the school and
may be viewed at the school.
8.2 An appeal form, found on the College Web Site, the School office or the
Dean’s office, must be completed and handed to the relevant HOD within five school
days of receiving the graded assessment task, should no agreement have been
reached in the first instance.
8.3 The HOD, in consultation with the relevant subject teacher, will review the judgement and deliver results to students within ten school days. The school may also seek outside independent advice.
8.4 An appeal against the decision of the HOD will be referred to the NZQA Principal’s Nominee. The Principal’s Nominee will convene three independent people who will decide on the case.
The school may also seek outside opinion.
8.5 No further right of appeal exists.
8.6 Copies of notices of judgement should be retained by the School.
9.1 Students are informed of the rules to be followed in each assessment.
9.2 The teacher marking an assessment, together with the HOD, will usually investigate claims of breach.
9.3 The student and parent will be advised of any misconduct in writing, the consequences of the misconduct and will be alerted to the appeals process.
9.4 In serious breaches of conduct, the NZQA Principal’s Nominee, Director of Pastoral Care and/or relevant Year Level Dean may become involved.
9.5 If misconduct is proven against a student, he will be reported a 'Not Achieved' grade for that
assessment and he/his caregivers will be informed in writing.
9.6 In the event of a student wishing to appeal against the decision of the HOD in a misconduct claim,
he must complete the appropriate form, within five school days of the HOD's decision, and hand a
copy each to the Director of Curriculum and Learning and the Director of Pastoral Care, who will investigate the matter and make a final decision.
10.1 In the case of a student who is persistently absent without a legitimate excuse, the student and his parents/caregivers will be informed in writing.
10.2 In the case of a student who fails to complete an assessment, his subject teacher will record the details on a 'Failure to Meet Assessment' form (copy attached and available from the relevant HOD, or the school office) and pass a copy each to the relevant Dean and HOD and the NZQA Principal’s Nominee and a copy will be sent to his parents/caregivers.
10.3 In the case of a student not meeting the requirements stated in a subject Course Outline,
his subject teacher will inform the relevant HOD and Dean. The Dean will counsel the student and
inform the student's parents/caregivers in writing.
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11.1 Each assessment will be handed to students on a common St. John’s College Assessment sheet.
11.2 The assessment Sheet will clearly indicate:
11.2.1 further assessment opportunities available for that Standard, and
11.2.2 methods being used to verify the authenticity of student work.
12.1 A form will be used by students to attach to the assessment being handed in for marking
(see Assessment cover sheet templates).
12.2 Each item handed in for marking is to be receipted by the teacher receiving it and the receipt
must be retained by the student.